Daily Archives: April 11, 2019

Sentences – Grammar Circles for easy and effective grammar

Product Description

Teach grammar in a creative and meaningful way. No more boring grammar. grammar

Simplify your life and make grammar fun and effective.

One of the biggest challenges I had in my English classes was how to fit in grammar with everything else I had to teach. I would give students grammar pages, and then we would correct them together. It was tedious, and it took forever! What’s more is that students were not learning the way I wanted them to. They wouldn’t apply what they had learned from the grammar pages and activities.

I found a solution!

Grammar Circles. Grammar Circles are very similar to literature circles in the sense that students are teaching one another grammar. It is a fun and functional way to teach and learn grammar. Although this may be done individually, it can also be completed as a group where students, through a specific process outlined in the package, teach one another grammar. They also correct the work together, so the teacher has very little to do.

The package includes:

1) A Student Packet – which contains the Literature Circle directions, the notes, directions, and activities, and a “Mark Calculation” page to keep track of their marks. (16 pages)

Activities included focus on:

-the logistics of the sentence (the basic parts)

-the prepositional phrase

-the adjective phrase

-the adverb phrase

-the verbal phrase

-the appositive phrase

-the independent and subordinate clauses

-subjects and predicates


-run-on sentences

-types of sentences

2) A teacher Guide with easy to follow instructions on how to organize the Grammar Circles.

3) The Answer Key – devised to allow students to correct their work and learn from one another.

For those who are from Ontario, Canada – this unit adheres to the Grade 9 English Curriculum (academic). The unit can be taught in any grade to about sentences.

(27 pages total for this unit)

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Super Hero Themed Parts of Speech Posters (FREE)

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages 27 pages

Answer Key Included

Teaching Duration N/A

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Good Work, Amelia Bedelia”

by Diamond Mom

1st – 2nd Grade

Literal vs Figurative Language

Amelia Bedelia follows instructions exactly. She is not familiar with figurative language (expressions). She is a literal thinker ( understands things exactly as said). 
It is important to understand that she needs to be told instructions exactly in order to follow them correctly.

Many times we assume that others understand what we mean. We use expressions and we often leave out information when we describe things or ask for something. Mr. Rogers learns that this is not so with Amelia Bedelia. 

At the beginning of the book, Mr. Rogers asks for toast and an egg. He assumes that the egg will be cooked. Amelia Bedelia brings him a raw egg. When he cracks it open, it makes a big mess. He gets upset. Amelia Bedelia tells him that he didn’t ask her to cook it. He then tells her to “go fly a kite.” She goes outside to fly a kite, but that isn’t what he means. He uses figurative language. He is annoyed and he is asking her to go away from him.

There are many examples of figurative language in the story. In many cases, they can be identified by the way Amelia Bedelia behaves when they are used.

Enjoy reading the story and learning more about Amelia Bedelia.

Check out some of my other literacy products.
The Chocolate Touch
Horrible Harry and the Mud Gremlins
Horrible Harry Bundle
Frog and Toad Bundle

Thank You for your purchase of this product. I hope you find it helpful. 

Charlene/Diamond Mom
Diamond Mom’s Treasury
My TPT Store
[email protected]

This product is for single use in one classroom. If you wish to share, please purchase multiple licenses or direct others to purchase their own copies at my store.

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