Daily Archives: June 17, 2019

Paragraph Writing Activity in conjunction with Frankenstein

Product Description

Paragraph Writing Activity in conjunction with Frankenstein

Very often, students have difficulty with the analysis process involved in literature. Where they not only have to analyse, but now have to apply their newfound skills to a well-developed paragraph, some students become overwhelmed with the process.

This particular activity will focus on both the analysis and writing a paragraph using the PEEL method.

Paragraph writing and analysis are two essential components in essay writing. To facilitate this process, I have created a lesson where students can become more comfortable with the revision process through modelling the proper steps from beginning to end. The lesson includes a modelling of the writing process from understanding the topic to the final draft. See preview for details

This lesson can only be used after students have read chapter 19 from the novel Frankenstein.

5 pages total

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Total Pages 5 pages

Answer Key N/A

Teaching Duration N/A

FREE MISC. LESSON – “IEP Forms and Checklists”

by Fourth Grade Frenzy

Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

This FREE special education resource will help you with IEP implementation. This special ed. resource includes:

Modifications and Accommodations Checklist to attach to assignments (great for home school communication)

IEP Goal Tracking Form (for use in a data binder)

I hope this freebie helps you implement your IEP’s! You may also like this:

Co-Teaching Resource Notebook

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Fourth Grade Frenzy


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