Daily Archives: February 16, 2020

Free: Analyze This! A Step-by-Step Guide to Analysis

Product Description

Analyze This! is a step-by-step guide to analyzing literature

I created this bundle to help my students understand analysis and how to apply their newfound skills to write an effective essay.

The bundle includes:

– A page with suggestions on how to use the bundle

– Two pages explaining the difference between analysis and literary analysis

– One page on how to create an effective outline (what content should be included)

– An exercise using the “Ant and the Grasshopper” fable to help students analyze elements of plot, characterization, symbolism, theme, and setting.

– An answer sheet with detailed information

– Instructions on how to use the above information to focus a topic and write a thesis statement

– An outline activity – students need to complete an outline using a given thesis statement

– An answer key (with a possible outline) to help student compare their outline with this one.

The bundle includes 13 pages and two to three days worth of lessons.

This is a practical and simple way to guide students through the analytical process.

It’s teaching made easy!

I will be adding to this resource. Click on the Follow Me section at the top of my store page and you will be notified when I have revised this product or when a product is on sale. Of course, downloading the revised version will be free.

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It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
10 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
2 days

FREE MATH LESSON – “Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Tens Place”

by The Teacher Treasury

3rd – 4th Grade

Straight forward worksheet complete with 26 questions asking students to round 2 – 3 digit numbers to the nearest Tens Place.

This can either be used as a morning warm-up, math warm-up, homework, in-class practice or quiz.

Hope this helps =)

Round Numbers to the Nearest Tens Place by Felisa Williams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


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