Category Archives : 1st Grade

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Short Vowels Word Work Free Sample”

by Fairies and Lesson Plans
1st – 2nd Grade

If you would like to try a small sample of my Short Vowels Word Work, please go ahead and download this free file!

You can purchase the bundle HERE.

Need it digitally?



Need OTHER TYPES of Word Work?





The complete product offers 20 weeks of Word Work with focus on short vowel word families. It is made with only a hint of clip art. You can use the activities to teach the words in your small group lessons, in your literacy centers, and as homework. Each lesson’s materials are labeled with numbers and word family names for easy identification.

If you would rather not print the “in color” version, just use the black and white pages.

One of the features that makes this product unique are the short stories with comprehension questions! They provide reading practice of the target words in context plus a comprehension piece. The words are not taught only in isolation! They are practiced in context as well!

This product requires students to think deeper and work harder.

Each one of the 5 packets come with

• a poster for each word family

• a sorting mat

• 40 sorting cards

• 4 word box worksheets (matching the sorting cards)

• 4 short stories with multiple choice comprehension questions

• 4 fill in the blanks activities

Besides sorting, use your cards and posters to:

• play BINGO,

• put words in ABC order,

• have partners quiz each other,

• send home for extra reading practice

Word families in the Short a Packet

• -an,

• -ab,

• -at,

• -ag

• -am,

• -ad,

• -ack,

• -ap

Word families in the Short e Packet

• -ed,

• -ell,

• -et,

• -est,

• -eck

Word families in the Short i Packet

• -in,

• -ill,

• -it,

• -ing,

• -ip,

• -ick

Word families in the Short o Packet

• -ot,

• -op,

• -ob,

• -ock

Word families in the Short u Packet

• -um,

• -uck,

• -unk,

• -ug,

• -un,

• -ump

Happy Word Working!

You might also like:

Short a Word Work

Short e Word Work

Short i Word Work

Short o Word Work

Short u Word Work

Word Work Activities for the Whole Year!


Do you need Math homework? Check out my products in that category:

Math Homework – First Grade


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by The Education Highway
1st – 2nd Grade

Free phonics printables for GL Blends. Match GL blend pictures to words, read, cut and glue, and read and answer questions for a reading passage.

Included for your little learners

  • Match the words to the picture (2 pages)
  • Read, cut and glue based on description
  • Read and answer question about a passage with GL words.

Resources to Check out:

Writing Dictionary

Community Helper: We are Farmers

I appreciate your feedback!

If you have a question or a comment email [email protected]

Hope this product brings a smile to your day!

Celeste Cuevas

The Education Highway

Stop by and visit us on Instagram and Facebook

Copyright (c) 2019 Celeste Cuevas, The Education Highway. All rights reserved by author.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Quick & Easy Functional Behavior Assessment”

by The Three Square Pegs
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

This functional behavior assessment is to help the classroom teacher quickly determine the reason the misbehaving child is acting out. Keep this teacher friendly document readily accessible to guide you through analyzing student behavior.

The first step to changing a child’s behavior is figuring out why s/he acts out.

Read more about analyzing student behavior at

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Punctuation – Meet the Punc Friends! – Anchor Charts FREEBIE AUSSIE VERSION!”

by Once Upon A Classroom
Pre-Kindergarten – 4th Grade

You are downloading Farrah Full Stop and Emily Exclamation Mark to replace the US versions of these posters in the original download.

Pair these posters with the student reader for a complete lesson. You can grab the Aussie version here!

Adam Apostrophe can be found here.

The inspiration for these posters came from an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G set of books called Meet the Puncs by Barbara Cooper. If you’ve never heard of them, you can check them out here!

Your feedback always brightens my day!

Copyright © 2014 Erin Palleschi

Visit the Once Upon A Classroom blog for freebies and great project ideas.
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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Passages – Spring”

by Winnie Kids
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

FREE 3 sample pages from my ‘Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Passages –


FREE Reading Comprehension is a set of 3 spring themed reading passages for emergent and early readers.

Each reading passage has three questions.

The questions are a mix of multiple choice and short answer.

If you liked this freebie, check out the full packet!


Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Passages – Spring

Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Passages – Fall

Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Passages – Winter

Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Passages – Summer


If you have any questions, please email me at:

[email protected]

Thank you so much for stopping by and enjoy.

Winnie Kids 2017.

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April 2022 Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern 

Welcome to our April Teacher Talk.  All of us from the Teacher Talk collaborative would like to wish you a happy and prosperous spring.  We have so many fab tips this month from fun activities, ELA and reading ideas, to high interest learning. You don’t want to miss reading these blog posts from some awesome educators.

If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog linky, sign up here…The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, “Feel free to email me at [email protected] for any questions you might have.”
April Activities Just for Your Students
Some fun and engaging activities for you to do with your students during the month of April or whenever.
Read Aloud Magic
Add a little magic to your read-alouds by taking your students through a portal inside the book.
5 Ways to Up the FUN Factor at the End of the School Year

The end of the school year can be difficult at best and disastrous at worst. Your students are ready for summer, and you are anxious to close the year out without incident. Here are 5 ways to up the FUN factor at the end of the year

Make an Old Story New Again

Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Rework a plot from a story you’ve read or a movie you’ve seen and make it your own.

Junk Art

One of the best things about teaching reading is that you can find anything to read about any holiday and make it teachable. When April rolls around, one of my favorite Earth Day activities is making art from junk and having students write stories about their creations.

Let’s Play Bingo!
Learn 3 ways to use BINGO in your math class.


The Best Strategies for Keeping Students Engaged During Tough Teaching Times

Learn some of the best strategies for keeping students engaged during the most challenging times of the year.


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Words Their Way Word Sorts”

by Teacher’s Open House
1st – 3rd Grade

Use these command cards in centers! Students will use them to color words in the word sorts with the yellow level Words Their Way book.

Look for other items in my store than can be used with Words Their Way!

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Free Downloads! Spring into Math! Grade 1 Easel Activity!”

by Created by Kimberly Sullivan
1st – 2nd Grade

Spring into Math!

11 fun questions that review addition and subtraction!

Students have to look at the picture to solve!

First grade and a fun easy printable for second!

I hope your kiddos enjoy this and have a great week!

Thanks so much for all you do and I wish your students much success!


Kimberly Sullivan

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Page-Sized Numeral Posters 1-10 (Spanish Version)”

by Natasha L’s Corner
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

I’ve redone my set of numeral posters to be less cluttered and more visually appealing.

This set represents the numbers 1-10 with numerals, ten frames, and the Spanish name, written in modern manuscript.

Depending on how useful teachers find this product, I’ll be offering expansions, flash cards, and other items to compliment this set of posters.

Enjoy the free item. 😀

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “All About the Letter A Digital Task Cards – Boom Cards”

by Adapting for Autism
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This deck is all about the Letter A. Includes 7 activities to recognize the letter and review the beginning sounds. Perfect for independent work stations in special education classrooms.

Activities included for letter A:

  • Click on all capital As (1 card)
  • Click on all lowercase as (1)
  • Sort capital and lowercase A (1)
  • Sort A and NOT letter A (1)
  • Match the picture for “A is for ____” (6)
  • Click on 3 pictures that start with A (2)
  • Type the letter A 3 times (1)

Includes audio for those who need help accessing the text.

These task cards were created on the Boom Learning platform. You do not need an app to complete this digital task – just an internet connected browser!

Benefits of Boom Cards:

  • No prep – nothing to print, laminate, cut etc!
  • Interactive and engaging for students
  • Self-correcting – instant feedback for students
  • Data collection and progress monitoring (available with paid account)

What do I need in order to use Boom Cards?

  • A free Boom Learning account
  • A computer, laptop, Chromebook or tablet
  • An internet browser less than 3 years old
  • An internet connection for students to access and play

After purchase, you will download the PDF with a link to your deck. Click the link and add it to your Boom library!


To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with “Fast Pins,” (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards). Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options you’ll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Read here for details:

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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “FREE Famous Asian American Digital Research Notebook (Distance Learning)”

by Happy Days in First Grade
1st – 5th Grade

Help your your 21st Century learners learn about famous Asian Americans during Asian Pacific American Heritage month (May)!

This FREE resource includes recording sheets for students to complete as they research a famous Asian American independently!

The best part of all? Students can complete all activities through Google Slides on their laptop or tablet at HOME for their Distance Learning! NO PAPER and NO PREP NEEDED!!!


-Fact Sheet

-Blank Biographical Sheet

-Photo Collage Template

For a list of Famous Asian Americans, please check out Famous Asian Americans: Digital Notebook (Distance Learning) .

Other Products You May Be Interested In:

Famous Asian Americans Coloring Pages and Posters (PreK, Kinder, & 1st)

My 2020 COVID-19 Digital Time Capsule Print & Editable Digital Distance Learning

All About Butterflies Interactive Digital Notebook {Paperless and NO PREP!}

1st Grade Journal Bundle (Math, Science, and Social Studies) Topics for the ENTIRE YEAR


Tips for Customers:

Get Credit for Future Purchases:

To receive credit for future purchases, go to the My Purchases page and click to the Provide Feedback button beside each purchase. Once you have rated the product along with a brief comment, you will receive TpT credits which you can use for future purchases.

To receive UPDATES ON NEW PRODUCTS, DISCOUNTS, SALES, and FREEBIES, click to the GREEN star by my store’s name to follow me!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at happydaysinfirstgrade@mrsgraysplace

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Make Your Own Color By Number SPRING!”

by UtahRoots
Kindergarten – 8th Grade

Make your own Color By Number celebrations of spring with this set of editable pictures. Every image is pre-numbered with EDITABLE text boxes so that you can customize the activity for YOUR subject, grade level, or differentiated tasks.

You will receive:

4 black line images with editable text boxes
4 black line images without text boxes (useful for resizing).
4 color images with text boxes (for you to make a key)
4 color images without text boxes (for resizing).

If you need a few more sections for the task you have in mind, feel free to add sections using the shapes or drawing tools in PowerPoint. In short, you can customize these pictures to EXACTLY suit your individual needs no matter what grade or subject you teach.

The images are:
Blue Butterfly

Why is this a PowerPoint file? In PowerPoint, it’s easy to move pictures, add text boxes and draw lines wherever you need them. You can copy just one slide and insert it into a new PowerPoint file without any formatting issues. Adjust the size of the picture, and make the text in one box different than the text in another. By using PowerPoint for this product, I’ve made your work as easy and flexible as possible.

If you need ideas for how to use a color-by-number image to make your own lesson or activity, take a look at this example: Chemical Symbols Color-by-Number

If you enjoy these, you might be interested in making more of your own color-by-number activities using this product: Make Your Own Color By Number Animals

Terms of Use

You may use the images in this product to create your own color-by-number lessons for personal use in a homeschool setting, or educational use for one teacher’s class or classes.

You may use these images within or as part of a product for sale on Teachers Pay Teachers, so long as that product includes materials created by you for student use, and is not merely a collection of images.

If you are interested in using these images in products intended for sale other than on Teachers Pay Teachers, please contact me for terms by leaving a message in the Q/A section of my store.

Any product made for sale, which includes these images must include a link to my store.

Customer Tips:How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:
• Look for the green star near the top of any page within my store and click it to become a follower. You will th

Make your own Color By Number celebrations of spring with this set of editable pictures. Every image is pre-numbered with EDITABLE text boxes so that you can customize the activity for YOUR subject, grade level, or differentiated tasks.

You will receive:

4 black line images with editable text boxes
4 black line images without text boxes (useful for resizing).
4 color images with text boxes (for you to make a key)
4 color images without text boxes (for resizing).

If you need a few more sections for the task you have in mind, feel free to add sections using the shapes or drawing tools in PowerPoint. In short, you can customize these pictures to EXACTLY suit your individual needs no matter what grade or subject you teach.

The images are:
Blue Butterfly

Why is this a PowerPoint file? In PowerPoint, it’s easy to move pictures, add text boxes and draw lines wherever you need them. You can copy just one slide and insert it into a new PowerPoint file without any formatting issues. Adjust the size of the picture, and make the text in one box different than the text in another. By using PowerPoint for this product, I’ve made your work as easy and flexible as possible.

If you need ideas for how to use a color-by-number image to make your own lesson or activity, take a look at this example: Chemical Symbols Color-by-Number

If you enjoy these, you might be interested in making more of your own color-by-number activities using this product: Make Your Own Color By Number Animals

Terms of Use

You may use the images in this product to create your own color-by-number lessons for personal use in a homeschool setting, or educational use for one teacher’s class or classes.

You may use these images within or as part of a product for sale on Teachers Pay Teachers, so long as that product includes materials created by you for student use, and is not merely a collection of images.

If you are interested in using these images in products intended for sale other than on Teachers Pay Teachers, please contact me for terms by leaving a message in the Q/A section of my store.

Any product made for sale, which includes these images must include a link to my store.

Customer Tips:How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:
• Look for the green star near the top of any page within my store and click it to become a follower.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Mother’s Day Card with Space for Letter”

by It’s a Wicked Good Life
Kindergarten – 4th Grade

This is a simple Mother’s Day card that students can color and then write a note to their mother (or other important woman in their lives)on the inside.

This is a great time to teach or review letter writing.

Fold the paper along the dotted lines to make the card.

Cup clipart from Graphics from the Pond
Frame from

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE – Mother’s Day coloring bookmarks”

by Pick’n Teach
1st – 8th Grade

10 Mother’s day coloring bookmarks.

– 2 per sheet (large bookmarks) x 10

– and 4 per sheet (smaller ones) x 10

➽ 16 Mother’s Day coloring acrostic poem worksheets

➽ Mother’s day coloring cards and matching envelopes

➽ Father’s day coloring bookmarks for Star Wars fans !

➽ Father’s day coloring bookmarks for Harry Potter fans !

➽ 15 FATHER’S DAY coloring acrostic poems

Happy teaching !

➽ My store.


★ Please let me know if you have any questions before you make your purchase, I am happy to help!

★ ★ FOLLOW MY STORE to get notified of new resources, ✭freebies✭, ✭flash deals✭ and ✭reduced prices✭!

★ ★ ★ You can receive credit toward future purchases by reviewing this resource so if you like it, just leave a review through “My Purchases”. I would love and appreciate your feedback! Thank you! ☛ TPT


Terms of Use:

Permission to copy for classroom use only. The reproduction of any part of this product is strictly prohibited. Copying any part of this product and/or placing it on the internet in any form (even a personal/classroom website) is strictly forbidden. Thank you for respecting my work and time ❤.

Credits included

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Mother’s Day Cards Freebie (with Bible verse inserts)”

by Teachtree
Pre-Kindergarten – 4th Grade

This resource contains 5 black and white Mother’s Day designs with one blank. There are 5 different “trace a verse” inserts to pick from for the inside of the card (with one blank). Great resource for church, home, or school!

Let’s Connect:





Follow Teachtree on TPT

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREEBIE! Overlapping Patterns Drawing Prompts”

by Doodle Thinks
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Enjoy these 5 printables of overlapping patterns and I’ve included the black and white version as well. Students can get really creative with these by not only filling in patterns but creating mini drawings per each shaped formed by the black lines. These drawing prompts for your student(s) will stretch his or her imagination.

Like this listing? Check out more drawing printables.


Check out more FREEBIES.

Lets Connect!


Files are for personal use or educational purposes only and they cannot be redistributed, copied or sold. There are no limits to the number of pages that you can print out for each download. If you would like to share this product online, please link it to this listing. Download my complete Terms of Use.

Happy Drawing!

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Writing Workshop Compliment Page FREEBIE!”

by RaraDT
1st – 6th Grade

Celebrate the end of a writing workshop unit of study with this adorable compliment page. Your students will surely enjoy all the wonderful things their classmates have to say about their stories!

This is a hit with my 2nd graders!

For updates and product info, follow me or visit my TPT store!

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Safari Emergent Reader & Class Pattern Book”

by Kindergarten is Grrreat
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This packet includes a safari emergent reader and then a class book that can be made based off of the emergent reader.

The emergent reader is 8 mini-pages (including the title page). The class book includes a title page and two different options for your kids, depending on their level.

This product will only be free for the next 5 days, so get it while there is no cost!

If you enjoy this product, please leave feedback. Thanks & have a grrreat day!

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by Number Sense Guy
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

These rekenrek strips represent numbers ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, and zero. They can be used to create larger numbers by putting them together. For example, you can make the number 87 by building 87 strips and the seven strip to make 87. You can also use these to add and subtract two digit numbers and can go beyond 100. I hope you enjoy using these wreck and Rex traps.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Freebie Alphabet Speech and Language Sign Language Letters A and B (ASL)”

by Grasshopper Mathematics
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This is designed to go along with the video so that you can see the American Sign Language in motion. Covers: a, b, apple, apron, airplane, ball, boots and bicycle.

These can be used in many ways. Cut them just horizontally to make foldable flash cards or labels. Cut them out to make a matching puzzle. Purchase my video to learn the ASL (American Sign Language) to accompany every picture. Each picture is included three times. Once with the term next to it to work on word recognition, once with the ASL sign and again with the next set of letters. This last set can be used to differentiate between sounds. Apple vs Ball, point to the ball, etc.

Alphabet Speech and Language Sign Language Letters C, D, E, F Video

Alphabet Speech and Language Activities Letters C, D, E, F

Alphabet Speech and Language Sign Language Letters A and B Video

Toddler Child Day Schedule American Sign Language

Alphabet Speech and Language Sign Language Video G, H, I, J

Alphabet Speech and Language Sign Language Letters G, H, I, J

I personally use these for my deaf 2 year old who has cochlear implants to practice with her speech. I couldn’t find anything that included pictures of real objects, not clip art, and focused on the words we were working on as well as signs. I hope this set is helpful!

Please rate my products and leave comments so that I can improve them! I try to update at least one product a week but with a comment, I can edit that document that day! If the product doesn’t have an answer key and should, please reach out. Within a week, I can update the product for you! I am working my way towards updating everything and offering my best products but I also want to share everything just in case someone needs that product this school year. Thank you for considering my products, free or not, and consider reviewing, following and checking for new material!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “‘I CAN’ Art: Build-a-Spring Flower”

by Simply Special Ed
Pre-Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Build communication and independence while working on speech with this fun craftivity!

This craft works on:
– “I WANT…’

– visual directions
– visual schedule
– black lines
– communication “I want” strip and images

Check out my Instagram account for videos and updates on how I use my products in my classroom! @SimplySpecialEd

Please check out my other Spring products:
April Vocabulary Unit: Boardmaker Curriculum
Spring has Sprung 1:1 Correspondence Clip Cards
Spring has Sprung- A Ten Frame Manipulative Counting Center
Rainy Day File Folder Pack

Keywords: Spring, April, Math, Basic Skills, Autism, Special Education, Centers, Easter, Easter Centers, Spring Centers, Kindergarten, Preschool, Learning Center, Hands on Learning

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Singular and Plural Activity Sheet *FREE*”

by Heart2Teach
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Use this worksheet to assist you when teaching Singular and Plural!

This Free Page is from the Singular and Plural PowerPoint Slideshow and Activity Sheet Set!

Check out more FREEBIES!

Happy Teaching!

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Multi Step Following Directions Coloring Sheets”

by DLK Learning Resources
Kindergarten – 5th Grade

This no prep, fun and child friendly coloring page will make following directions exciting!

This product can be used to target following directions and improving auditory comprehension.


Full page coloring sheet (black and white outline)

User guide

One step directions

Two step directions

Three step directions

Thank you so much for downloading! We hope you enjoy using this as much as we enjoyed creating it!

Find more of these great coloring sheets?

Check out our TpT store @

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Safari Word Wall Cards”

by seedlings to sprouts
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

This illustrated set includes 11 safari animals. These cards can be added to an interactive word wall, incorporated into a literacy center, or placed onto a vocab ring.


This Resource Includes:

– crocodile

– cheetah

– elephant

– giraffe

– gorilla

– hippopotamus

– jaguar

– leopard

– lion

– rhinoceros

– zebra


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Credit to Amy Groesbeck Fonts!

©seedlings to sprouts 2019

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Be Happy pdf”

by Draw and Paint with Tammy
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Classroom positive poster. Be Happy. 8 1/2 x 11 inches pdf file format

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Dotted Flowers (Graphics for Commercial Use) FREE”

by Stacy Johnson
Pre-Kindergarten – 8th Grade

Please read the terms of use included in your download! Thank you!

10 Total Images:

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Easter Literacy Station — Silent e Words”

by Pitner’s Potpourri
1st – 2nd Grade

This FREE activity is perfect for a small group to use in a literacy station. Students can play in teams or against another student. The objective is to read words on a grid and get four in a row correct. Grades 1 – 2 – Can be used for intervention in third grade.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Easter Sentence Scrambles-Just add eggs”

by Geaux First Grade
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Looking for a fun way to use your Easter eggs? Look no further! Students simply unscramble the sentence and then record it on their recording sheet.

Any questions please e-mail me at geauxfirstgrade@mrsgraysplace

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Ways to Save Water”

by Kelly’s Classroom Online
Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Six Ways to Save Water

(water conservation, environment, Earth Day, science poster)

A cute poster to hang up near your sink or toilet. Originally made for a friend who lives in an area that was under severe water restrictions a few years ago.

One page, 7.5 x 13.3 inches, full color. Non-editable.

For best results, print onto cardstock and laminate

credit: font by Kimberly Geswein Fonts

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Copyright ©Kelly Wilson, Kelly’s Classroom / Kelly’s Classroom Online

All rights reserved by the author.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.

Due to the nature of digital files, refunds and exchanges are not available.

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March 2022 Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern 

Welcome to our March Teacher Talk.  All of us from the Teacher Talk collaborative would like to wish you a happy and prosperous spring.  We have so many fab tips this month from fun activities, ELA and reading ideas, to high interest learning. You don’t want to miss reading these blog posts from some awesome educators.

If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog linky, sign up here…The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, “Feel free to email me at [email protected] for any questions you might have.”
It’s… March Let’s Go Fly a Kite
As an award for good behavior, my special needs class’s favorite activity was making & flying kites. When I taught sixth grade, my kids also loved this project.


Starting with Scribble

Ideas for celebrating National Scribble Day!

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Study Practices
In spite of what many people think, there are some very common study practices that are not very effective. There are others that are somewhat helpful, and then there are several that research shows are very effective.
What to Have in a Literature Circle Resource Center

By Marcy Howe of It’s a Teacher Thing

Discover the most important items to have in your literature circles resource center.

Tips to Save Money on Groceries

Grocery prices are soaring. Here are some tips to save money on groceries.

The Value of Project-based Learning -A Solid Gold Learning Nugget

The value of project-based learning goes beyond keeping your students actively involved in their own education. It teaches them cooperation, time management, and public speaking. Try this solid gold nugget in your own classroom.


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