Category Archives : SCIENCE LESSONS

FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Christmas STEM Freebie: A STEM Activity in a Baggie Sample”

by Under One Roof
3rd – 6th Grade

This STEM challenge is a free sample from my Christmas STEM Activities in a Baggie product. If you enjoy STEM activities, then have some fun with this one. If you like it, try out the entire packet with 5 additional STEM activities.

Included in this resource:

  • Town Square Christmas Tree: build a freestanding tree and decorate it
  • A full color, full page scenario poster
  • Instructions for using the STEM challenge in you class with photos from my class
  • Response sheet

If you like this resource, be sure to check out some of my other products.

STEM Products

Literature Units

Christmas Products

If you decide to purchase this product, please come back and leave feedback. When you leave feedback, you earn TpT credits to use on future purchases.

Also, follow me to be notified when new products are uploaded. New products are 50% off for the first 24 hours they are uploaded.

Thank you,

Laura Cripe

Under One Roof

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Isotopes | Complete, Inquiry-Based Chemistry Lesson”

by Lab In Every Lesson
6th – 12th Grade

There’s really no way to know the extent to which you and your students will experience the interactivity and convenience of my Learning Experiences and digital notebooks until you try them.

In my opinion, the most interactive lesson (and perhaps my most favorite all year!) is this Isotopes lesson — I’m happy to share it with you!

Enjoy this free Isotopes PowerPoint Lesson for in-class or virtual delivery. The companion Digital Interactive Notebook is also free!



In this interactive science lesson, students will learn about isotopes so they can:

  • talk like a scientist!
  • recognize the difference between mass number, exact atomic mass, and average atomic mass.
  • explain radioactivity.

Both you and your students will know they are successful when they can:

  • define terms on the Word Wall.
  • determine the composition of the nucleus for various isotopes.
  • name isotopes using their mass number.
  • explain how mass number is different from exact atomic mass.

The following components are included in this interactive science lesson to support student-centered learning:

  • a “Review & Preview” activity to activate and assess prior knowledge.
  • a “Word Wall” which showcases vocabulary that is central to the lesson content.
  • analytical reading or writing components to promote scientific literacy.
  • at least one independent or small group learning experience which allows (1) students to create artifacts as evidence of their learning and (2) teachers to review main ideas with the whole group.
  • data-dependent analysis of the learning experience outcomes.
  • detailed answer keys for the outlined activities.
  • formative assessment of mastery.

This interactive science lesson is designed for use on a smart whiteboard, for delivery in an online meeting space or as an upload to web sharing applications like Google Slides, Nearpod, edPuzzle, etc.

Coordinating Products:

BOTH OF THESE ^ PRODUCTS ARE FREE!!! Take the opportunity to download them to examine them for similarity and differences and consider how each might complement your instructional efforts.

Related Reading:

Though it could certainly be used independently, this lesson was prepared as part of a complete chemistry curriculum for student centered learning. You might find the following resources useful as you prepare to test this lesson in your classroom:

OR …

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “CER: Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning – power point presentation and notes”

by Maggie’s Files
6th – 8th Grade

“Unleashing the Power of CER: Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning: A Sample Lesson for Teachers”

Calling all science teachers! Are you ready to take your teaching to the next level with an engaging and effective approach to scientific writing? Look no further! Introducing “Unleashing the Power of CER: Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning,” a FREE sample lesson designed exclusively for teachers like you!

Unlock the potential of CER and transform your students into critical thinkers and skilled scientific writers! This comprehensive package includes 18 beautifully crafted PowerPoint slides and 6 pages of student notes (PDF), packed with exciting content to captivate and empower your middle school students. This presentation contains three formative assessments.

Key Concepts Covered: What is CER? Understand the significance of this powerful framework in scientific writing and communication. Crafting a Strong Claim Learn how to create clear, complete, and concise statements to answer questions and solve problems. Supporting with Evidence: Discover the art of gathering appropriate and sufficient evidence to back up claims effectively. Logical Reasoning: Master the art of explaining the connections between evidence and claims using logical reasoning. Enhance your students’ understanding by connecting evidence to claims using relevant scientific principles.

This FREE product also includes three formative assessments to help you gauge your student’s progress and understanding at key points during the lesson.

Exciting News!

Calling all teachers!

Introducing Maggie’s Files! Your one-stop shop for fantastic educational products!

Unlock the power of CER (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning) with our amazing sample PowerPoint lesson! Engage your middle school students with this fun and interactive CER lesson!

Dive into the world of scientific reasoning and equip your students with critical thinking skills!

Perfect for science teacher , this CER lesson will make your teaching journey a breeze!

Grab this FREE sample now and level up your teaching game! Link in bio!

Join Maggie’s Files community today and stay tuned for more exciting educational resources!

#MaggiesFiles #TeachersLoveIt #Education #CERLesson #ScienceTeaching #TeacherResources #PowerfulLearning #CriticalThinking #EducationalProducts

Be the teacher your students remember and cherish! Download “Unleashing the Power of CER” now and equip your learners with essential critical thinking and scientific writing skills that will serve them for a lifetime.

Get your FREE copy today, and let’s embark on this exciting journey of scientific discovery together!

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Informational Text Non-Fiction Reading Comprehension Monkey Business 5th Grade”

by ESL Lifeline
4th – 6th Grade

Introducing an engaging Non-Fiction Reading Comprehension on Monkeys—an enriching resource for reading skills advancement with graphics to support understanding. Explore the fascinating world of monkeys through intriguing visuals and simplified facts. Enhance comprehension with diverse-level questions, cultivating critical thinking.

Educators will enthusiastically embrace this tool for its seamless integration into teaching plans, sparking dynamic and captivating learning journeys. Simultaneously, students will flourish as they uncover the secrets of monkeys, refining essential reading skills through captivating imagery and interactive comprehension challenges.

Select from PDF or digital Google Slides versions, and enjoy the budget-conscious black and white print option. Ideal for self-guided learning, homework excellence, or casual exploration, igniting a love for reading and elevating proficiency.

Step into a realm of discovery with our Non-Fiction Infographic on Monkeys—a window to knowledge and improved reading expertise.


  • Grades 4-6 Upper-Elementary & Middle School Students
  • Intermediate Learners of English (ESL/ELL)
  • Home School
  • Adult Education


  • Cover page (for Student & Teacher Books)
  • Student Book Infographic Page
  • Reading Check with Comprehension Questions
  • Answer Sheet for Extension Activities
  • Reading Check Answer Key
  • Resource Notes and Guide for the Teacher
  • Includes gray-scale printer-friend pages
  • BOTH Print & Digital Versions! (Google Slides®)

This is part of my series, Reading Comprehension Infographics for ELL Learners.

Get MORE Reading Infographics from the Series

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Magnets Experiments and Activities”

by Rita Mitchell
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Set up stations for students to manipulate and understand magnets and magnetism. You will still need to gather a few materials, but I hope this makes planning for science a little bit easier!

Happy Explorations,


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Science Lessons for 3-5 Shopping Guide”

by Science and STEAM Team
3rd – 5th Grade

Don’t know exactly what you need for science lessons? This guide will give you plenty of ideas. You can get a good overview of what our shop carries at your specific level. Just click on a resource and it will take you to it, so you can read the description!

❤️Click Here to Follow Us!

Related Resources

⭐ Science Lessons for K-2 Shopping Guide

⭐ Science Lessons for Middle School Shopping Guide

Customer Tips: How to get TpT credit to use towards future purchases: *Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TpT gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Free Nikola Tesla Word Search No Prep”

by The Tools to Teach LLC
6th – 8th Grade

Free Nikola Tesla Science Word Search contains 22 words pertaining to Nikola Tesla’s career and with little to no prep.

This worksheet includes the following words: photographic, hydroelectric, philosopher, engineer, wireless, Einstein, Edison, remote, Twain, x-ray, Buffalo, Time, patents, money, inventions, Westinghouse, Wardenclyffe, filched, AC, bankruptcy, Marconi and radio. Great for

  • whole group
  • independent work
  • center station use
  • parental involvement

Also try

Nikola Tesla Passages and Comprehension Questions No Prep Activity (

Why use word searches? Word searches have multiple uses because they promote an interactive way for students to practice vocabulary and review skills. Students discover topics together in a large group, small group and even independently. Now word searches are also helpful for sensory learners who benefit from a game style approach to learning.

Hurry! Be sure to follow my store because you will receive free UPDATES and occasionally secret free surprises. If you would like to see more of my resources, please follow me by clicking on the star near my name.

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The Tools to Teach LLC Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers educational and inspirational classroom decor and banners

The Tools to Teach LLC Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers who doesn’t love free stuff?

The Tools to Teach LLC Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers science products

Keywords: free, science, vocabulary, Nikola Tesla, worksheet, printable, engineer, mechanical, electrical, photographic, hydroelectric, philosopher, wireless, Einstein, Edison, remote, Twain, x-ray, Buffalo, Time, patents, money, inventions, Westinghouse, Wardenclyffe, filched, AC, bankruptcy, Marconi, radio, science, English Language Arts, printable, task cards, no prep, middle school, grade 6, grade 7, grade 8, inventor, middle school, hydroelectric, power, Niagra Falls, Madison Square Garden

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Respiration Card Sort”

by The Lab with Liezel Pienaar
7th – 10th Grade

A fun way to make sure that your students know their Biology definitions! This FREE card sort activity on the Respiration and Gas Exchange will test your students’ understanding and knowledge.

I have a file with these ready for students who finish early or those who want to start on revision for a test or exam.

✪ Aerobic Respiration
✪ Anaerobic Respiration
✪ Human Gas Exchange System

✎ 16 Vocabulary Cards
✎ 16 Definition Cards
✎ Student Answer Sheet
✎ Answer Key

This card sort also forms part of my Biology Vocabulary Card Sort Bundle.

You may also be interested in:

Respiration Card Sort Freebie.
Respiration and Gas Exchange Crossword Puzzle.
Respiration and Gas Exchange Task Cards.

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

* Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login).
* Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button.
* Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product.

Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases.

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* Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “FREE Science variables and Job Roles posters”

by Down Under Teacher
Kindergarten – 5th Grade

This file consists of 4 posters:

1. Cows Moo Softly variables poster. I use this with my students to remember to CHANGE one variable, MEASURE Or Observe the variable and keep everything else the SAME.

2. Three job roles posters for small group science activities and investigations – Director, Manager and Speaker. These are the same job roles used in the Primary Connections science units but can be used with any science unit or program.

If you download, please consider leaving feedback! For more freebies, check out my store and blog Down Under Teacher

© 2011 Down Under Teacher. All rights reserved.
Purchase or downloading of this pack entitles the purchaser/downloader the right to reproduce the pages in limited quantities for classroom use only. Duplication for an entire school, an entire school system or commercial purposes is strictly forbidden without written permission from the publisher. Published 2011 by: Down Under Teacher, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. [email protected]

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Properties of Materials-Flammability Experiment & Lesson! NGSS – (2-PS1)”

by One Stop STEM Shop – NGSS Science STEM Resources
2nd Grade

The more students are able to test the various properties of materials, the better understanding they gain in why we use certain materials for a particular purpose. This lesson allows students to investigate and test the FLAMMABILITY of different objects! Perfect for your 2nd grade physical science unit! Students will predict, test, and use data collected to rate materials on a flexibility scale. Students will also practice the skills of justification and apply their learning to real word scenarios!

With built in ELA components throughout the lesson you’ll be able to enhance your student’s core content areas while engaged in fun, hands-on science!


Step-by-Step Lesson plan & prep instructions

Flammability & Observation Vocabulary Posters

Flammability Scale

Flammability Prediction & Data Collection Sheet

Observation of Properties Sheet

Discussion Questions to engage students in reflecting

Real-world Flammability Application Worksheets- 1 for older students/1 for younger students

Get MORE for LESS by buying our Properties of Materials BUNDLE! Where you’ll get all SIX of the investigations & a Bonus Engineering & Design Challenge!

This lesson is also part of 2nd Grade NGSS Physical Science COMPLETE STEM Curriculum Unit Bundle!! This unit will cover all of your 2nd grade Next Generation Science Standards for physical science!


PLEASE leave feedback on your purchases. You can earn TPT credits to use on future purchases just for doing so. We also really enjoy hearing back from customers, so that we can continue to improve our products and provide the best STEM resources possible! Thank you!!!

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Layers of Earth Activity – Physical & Chemical Layers”

by S’more Time for Teaching
6th – 8th Grade

You will love this no prep Physical & Chemical Layers of Earth Activity!! This activity is a great guided practice, independent practice, or review of Earth’s physical & chemical layers. Students will be challenged to label and color the physical (structural) and chemical (compositional) layers of Earth. We have also included options for a half page activity, printed two per sheet. See preview for a closer look!

This resource includes:

  • Single Page Layers of Earth Activity
  • Option for Half Page Activity (2 per sheet)
  • Answer Key
  • Terms of Use

We think you might also love our Earth Science Task Cards & Rock Cycle Poster Project!

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Fourth Grade Science Study Guide and Test”

by Barnett’s School House
4th Grade

This kit includes a test, study guide, one extended response question and a vocabulary word section. It goes along with the Science Grade 4 Harcourt latest edition book with the pink flamingo on the front. This is for Ch. 7 in the book and has been taught to meet Kentucky’s science standard requirements. It is fully editable in Microsoft word format.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “TREES! (Let’s Learn about TREES!) Freebie”

by Gail Hennessey
4th – 8th Grade


Interactive Notebook Activity:

It’s a time to celebrate trees!

This Freebie has 11 fun facts about trees and a couple of YOU TURN questions as well as a couple of extension activities.

Resources of Interest on this Topic:

1. Learn about the history of Arbor Day and all about trees with this web quest. There are 11 web questions, a Did You Know? section, comprehension questions and a teacher section with keys, additional links and lots(11 extension activities).This could also be something to use with EARTH DAY, when you are studying TREES and, of, course, for ARBOR DAY!

Arbor Day, A Webquest

2. A Biologist and marine zoologist, Rachel Carson’s books shared her love of nature, especially the ocean and its inhabitants. Her book, Silent Spring, sparked concern in how chemical pesticides were harming our environment. Carson helped to start the environmental movement in our country, which led to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This Reader’s Theater Script on Rachel Carson could be used as a STEM biography any time of year or especially during the time of Earth Day.Rachel Carson, A Reader’s Theater Script

My website for Teachers/Kids:Gail’s Website for Teachers/Kids!

Illustration from

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by Amy Brown Science
Kindergarten – 5th Grade

The History of Earth Day: Use this informational Earth Day PowerPoint before your Earth Day activities to provide your students with the history and background of Earth Day.

This is suitable for students of all ages and all subject areas.

Related products include:

Planet Earth Awards: Fun Facts for Earth Day. Grades 6-12.

Planet Earth Awards, Plant and Animal Facts and Activity Worksheets for Grades 2-5

Humans and the Environment PowerPoint with Notes for Teacher and Student

Outdoor Lab Activity: Exploring an Ecosystem

Introduction to Ecology PowerPoint with Notes for Teacher and Student

Population Ecology PowerPoint with Notes for Teacher and Student

Community Ecology PowerPoint with Notes for Teacher and Student

Ecosystems and the Biosphere Part 1: Energy Flow and the Recycling of Matter PowerPoint with Notes for Teacher and Student

Ecosystems and the Biosphere: Biomes of the World PowerPoint with Notes for Teacher and Student

FREE Set of Six Ecology Crossword Puzzles

FREE! Backyard Ecology: An Ecological Assessment of Your Back Yard

Humans and the Environment Review PowerPoint Questions and Answers

For updates about sales and new products, please follow my store:

My TpT Store

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Allergy Guide Infographic”

by Chuck’s Cornucopia
4th – 12th Grade

This guide was created to help your most vulnerable students. You can post this infographic in your lunchroom or classroom to educate students on some common allergies and intolerances. Make them aware that being a good citizen means caring for others. The golden rule: Treat others the way you would want to be treated. Thus, empathy means knowing that you would like others to look out for your safety if you had an allergy.

It is editable to allow adding an allergy or intolerance that is not highlighted here yet is an issue within your classroom.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Timing a Storm”

by The Schroeder Page
1st – 2nd Grade

Teach your students to time the distance of a storm with this fun activity! Be sure to check out my Thundercake Book Study to add to this activity!

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Sled Dogs Animal Research”

by Kelly’s Classroom Online
1st – 3rd Grade

Sled Dogs Animal Research

(sled dogs, sled dog racing, Iditarod, animals, reading for information, research)

This is a simple mini-research project about the diet and animal adaptations of sled dogs. Your students can use facts about sled dogs they find on the internet or from the fiction and nonfiction books you select for them. Best for early elementary students.

This mini-research project is featured on Kelly’s Classroom Online.

One page in all, black and white only

credits: clip art by Jessica Travis/Wild About Firsties

Follow Kelly’s Classroom Online:






Copyright ©Kelly Wilson, Kelly’s Classroom / Kelly’s Classroom Online

All rights reserved by the author.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.

Due to the nature of digital files, refunds and exchanges are not available.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Hurricane Discussion Cards and Printables”

by Kennedy’s Korner
1st – 6th Grade

Hurricane Ian

I created this FREE resource to help my students after Hurricane Ian made landfall in our community. I hope this resource will help your students to share their experience and begin to feel safe again.

You may also like the Hurricane Bundled resource that includes:

A Colorful Power Point

Discussion Cards

Writing prompts / templates


You can find this NEW resource in our store.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Graduated Cylinders & Displaced Volume (Irregular Shaped Objects)-FREEBIE”

by Science Girl Lessons
4th – 9th Grade

These displaced volume exercises will give your students the practice they need to master this difficult skill. I always pair this assessment with real, hands-on practice in the classroom. I’ve also used it to introduce this topic with the assessment first so the students know how the process works before giving them the hands-on practice.There are 4 questions per page. You can use it as an exit ticket, homework, class practice, final assessment or in any other way you see fit. Enjoy!

Included in this package:
✎ 1 Assessment Page (with graduated cylinders all in increments of 10)
✎ 1 Answer Key

Looking for more practice and variety? Please check out my full product:
Displaced Volume Assessment Pages
Measuring Mass Assessment Pages

This zip file contains PDFs only. If you are having problems opening this zip file, please take a look at this first (Zip File Help). If you are still having problems, don’t hesitate to e-mail me at [email protected].

You Might Also LIKE
Displaced Volume Task Cards – BUNDLE
Displaced Volume Task Cards – 10s Set
Displaced Volume Task Cards – 20s Set
Displaced Volume Task Cards – 50s Set
Displaced Volume Task Cards – 100s Set
Displaced Volume Task Cards – 200s Set
Displaced Volume – Student Reference Pages {FREEBIE}Displaced Volume Station Instructions & Recording Sheets {Freebie}
Measuring Displaced Volume – PowerPoint & Student Notes

TEKS Being Taught
3.5(A), 4.5(A), 5.5(A), 6.4(A), 7.4(A), 8.4(A)

As a Texas teacher, the products I make are designed around the standards for the state of Texas, known as the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and are carefully crafted to help students be successful on the Texas STAAR test. I use the challenge of the TEKS and released STAAR assessments as models to guide me when putting together lessons and materials for students. Thus, I am careful to post products that, in my judgment, address those standards. I am not affiliated in any way with these entities and any and all claims of alignment are my claims, not those of the groups behind the TEKS or STAAR test. Please contact me if you have questions.

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

Connect with Science Girl Lessons
Be sure to follow my TpT store by clicking on the green ‘Follow Me’ next to my Seller picture to receive notifications of my new products and upcoming sales.

Special Thanks to…
Khrys Bosland, for the use of her beautiful font in the clip art used.

Terms of Use
Copyright © Rebecca Valera. All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clip art and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Dichotomous Keys Scribble Notes Freebie”

by The Lab with Liezel Pienaar
7th – 10th Grade

This Dichotomous Keys Scribble Note is a great introduction to your Taxonomy unit! Scribble Notes are a great way to help your students with note-taking. Students can color, doodle and be creative whilst taking notes.

In this freebie students get to create notes on creating dichotomous keys and then practice this skill by creating their own key.

You may also be interested in

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

  1. Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to log in).
  2. Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button.
  3. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product.

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Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Animal Adaptations Science Vocabulary Bingo Game Printable”

by Trail 4 Success
2nd – 6th Grade

Animal Adaptations Science Vocabulary Bingo Game Printable

This printable animal adaptations bingo game includes 16 vocabulary words that match most state’s science standards. Students write the animal adaptations vocabulary words in random order on their bingo form. Adaptation vocabulary clue cards with definitions are included along with complete instructions. Great for review before science assessment assessments about animal adaptations.

Comments from teachers who have used this game in their classroom:

“My class had so much fun playing this. I like how it incorporated new vocabulary as well as old.”

“Great activity. I used the vocab from the game as a guide for previewing and reinforcing during reading activities. Students then made vocabulary drawings in their notebook for the terms and then we played the bingo, it was a great support all through the unit.”

“This is marvelous – thank-you! So adaptable to all units! I will check out your store.”


Other Products You Might Like:

Animal Adaptations – Fact or Fiction? Interactive PowerPoint Lesson

Check out my animal adaptations reader’s theater entitled Ranger Lox and the Three Vores.

Check out my other animal adaptation activities:

Integrate reading and animal adaptations by having students create a pocket book!

Wacky Insect Adaptations Mini Book Webquest Research Activity

Animal Adaptations Task Cards – Set of 32 Science Brain Builders

Animal Adaptations “Busy Beaks” Fun Hands On Investigation Activity

Animal Adaptations Cards Printable Research Project Common Core

Real-Life Animal Adaptations PowerPoint + Printable Worksheet

Wacky Animal Adaptations Webquest Research Activity Common Core

Animal Habitats, Types of Eaters, Living Things, 3 Classification Color Wheels

I have other Science Bingo games too.

Science Ecosystems + Food Chains Bingo Game

Science Earth, Moon, + Sun Bingo Game

If you like this activity, check out my Science Brain Builders task card sets:

Seven sets – 244 cards in all, my complete bundle of Science Task Cards.

Earth, Moon, and Sun Science Task Cards

Heating Up! Heat Energy Science Task Cards

All About Electricity Science Task Cards

Fantastic Fossils Science Task Cards

All About Magnets Science Task Cards

Earth Day Task Cards


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Engineering STEM Challenge – Fish Art Display! – (Forces – Magnetism)”

by One Stop STEM Shop – NGSS Science STEM Resources
3rd – 5th Grade

Here is an engineering design challenge that demonstrates how to design a solution to a problem that uses the balanced forces of gravity and magnetism! Great for just an isolated engineering challenge or to integrate your science focus on forces- magnetism/gravity and engineering!

The “Design and Build a Fish Art Gallery” lesson encourages students to work in pairs to design, build, and test a solution to an artist’s dilemma of displaying his fish art in a way that the Art Gallery guests can view the fish from all sides (360 degrees).

He has hired the Matisse Engineers, Inc. to come up with a solution to this problem.

Unfortunately there are some constraints.

His Fish Masterpieces must be up and on display in 30 minutes, and he only found a few items around the art gallery that may helpful in achieving this magical display.

What’s Included in this challenge:

  • Lesson Plan with NGSS Standards, Objectives, Learner Outcomes, Differentiation, —Potential Scaffolding and Assessment
  • Problem & Task Announcement printout for students
  • Diagram Templates
  • Step-by-Step Description of Fish Art Display Worksheet
  • Design Reflection Worksheet
  • Magnetic or Not Magnetic T-chart
  • Paper Fish Templates
  • Engineering Design Process Rubric


Here’s a FREE Engineering Design Process Posters – Elementary Version w/ Student Print-outs

Check out our shop’s STEM Notebooks to keep your students’ STEM Curriculum Organized!

Integrate Math by adding a budget to this project using our Elementary Engineering Project Material Cost Analysis

Here’s some other engineering challenges! We’ve got a TON more STEM resources in our store!

Kinder STEM: Plants & Animals Meet their Needs Mini Unit & Engineering Challenge

Engineering Push and Pull Toys!- Kindergarten- Forces and Motion-NGSS- Science

Biomimicry Lesson & Engineering Design Challenge – 1st Grade NGSS

Communicating with Light & Sound Lesson + Engineering Design Challenge

Seed Dispersal Engineering Design Challenge- NGSS


PLEASE leave feedback on your purchases. You can earn TPT credits to use on future purchases just for doing so. We also really enjoy hearing back from customers, so that we can continue to improve our products and provide the best STEM resources possible! Thank you!!!

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “How to Survive as a Firefly Response Journal”

by Sparkle in Second – Jamie Paino
1st – 3rd Grade

This reflection journal is designed to be used in conjunction with the book “How to Survive as a Firefly” by Kristen Foote and illustrated by Erica Salcedo.

This amazing FREEBIE allows for you to guide your students through the book allowing for complete comprehension. It allows your students to visualize, make connections, explore characters, and more! Students will feel like scientists as they complete this journal during the read aloud!

This resource has images created by Erica Salcedo are used with permission from The Innovation Press

Related Products
⭐ Positive Classroom Posters
⭐ *A Butterfly Lifecycle Notebook*
⭐ The Three Little Pigs STEM CHALLENGE
⭐ STEM Notebooks for ANY STEM Challenge
⭐ STEM Bundle Pack

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Life Science Review Game {Freebie}”

by Love Learning
4th – 6th Grade

Cells, Animal and Plant Classification, and Inherited Traits Review Game

My students absolutely love playing review games. This game is a great way to engage students while reviewing key concepts!

The game covers the following information:

→ Animal and Plant Cells

→ Animal and Plant Classification

→ Inherited Traits

→ Learned Behaviors

→ Helpful and Harmful Microorganisms

The game correlates with the following lessons:

1. Microorganisms {Lesson, Interactive Notes, Lab, Internet Activity}

2. Classification of Animals and Plants {Lesson, Interactive Notes, Assessment}

3. Inherited Traits, Genes, and Learned Behaviors {Lesson, Interactive Notes, and more}

4. Plant and Animal Cells {Lesson, Interactive Notes, Assessment}

5. Life Science Interactive Notebook

These lessons are ALL available at a discounted rate in my Life Science Bundle

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Biology Warm Ups Bell Ringers Interactive Notebooks Sampler”

by Amy Brown Science
7th – 12th Grade

This free download contains many samples from my “Biology Warm Ups, Bell Ringers and Interactive Notebook” sets.

No Prep!! These sample pages are ready to print and ready to use. No cutting or glueing required. Each warm up contains student pages and a teacher answer key. These sample pages are the actual pages that are contained in the larger bundles.

Your free download will include samples of the warm ups / bell ringers from each of the following larger bundles:

Introduction to Science Warm Ups and Bell Ringers

Cell Structure, Function, and Physiology Warm Ups and Bell Ringers

Ecology Warm Ups and Bell Ringers

Genetics Warm Ups and Bell Ringers

DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis Warm Ups, Bell ringers, and Interactive Notebooks

Evolution and Classification Warm Ups, Bell Ringers and Interactive Notebooks

Viruses and Bacteria Warm Ups, Bell Ringers and Interactive Notebook Pages

Fungi Interactive Notebook Pages

Protista Kingdom Interactive Notebook Pages

The Human Body

The Animal Kingdom

***** Please Note: You can view a bundle of my warm ups by clicking here: Interactive Notebook Pages, Warm-Ups and Bell Ringers for Biology BIG BUNDLE Part 1

How can these be used?

• Warm Ups or Bell Ringers

• Exit Slips

• Additions to Interactive Notebooks

• Homework Assignments

• Tutoring and Review

• Short daily quizzes

• Completed notebook is perfect for semester exam review.

For updates about sales and new products, please follow my store:

My TpT Store

I would love to have you follow me at these locations as well:

My Blog: Amy Brown

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Instagram: @AmyBrownScience

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Brain Factoids!”

by Gail Hennessey
5th – 9th Grade

Free Facts about the Brain for kids! Possible Interactive Notebook Activity.

June is Brain Awareness Month.

Appreciate your clicking to review and perhaps, download this freebie. I’d be very happy if you’d check out other resources in my TpT Store. I have over 25 Reader’s Theater Scripts on famous men and women in history, science and language arts as well as many web quests and reading resources in the content area of social studies and science.

Always happy to gain new followers! Click the green star by my photograph in the upper right hand corner. 🙂
My website for teachers/kids has lots of geography activities, short reads, factoids, news, career surveys, bell ringers and more.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Garden In A Glove | Plant Needs Activity”

by Rita Mitchell
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

It doesn’t get more hands-on than actually planting! Students will learn about seeds, the needs of plants, and germination. Enjoy this FREEBIE as an encouragement to collect the few items you need to make this project happen.


Planting Tips

Observation Recording options

Happy Gardening,


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “FREE Life Cycle Sequencing Cards: Butterfly and Frog”

by Curriculum Castle
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

These sequencing cards are a great visual aid for students who are just beginning to learn about the life cycles of a butterfly and frog! Simply have them color, cut and arrange the cards in the correct order. Also comes in a color version which would make a great addition to your science center.

Check out our entire life cycle bundle for extra savings!

Life Cycles Mega Bundle: Plant, Pumpkin, Butterfly & Frog!

To learn more about how we use this resource, read our blog post here.


~Curriculum Castle

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This item is a digital download from our TpT store: by Yvette Florez and Jessica Ruiz.

As such, it is for use in one classroom only. This item is also bound by copyright laws and redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the Internet are all strictly prohibited without first gaining permission from the author. Violations are subject to the penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Scientific Method: Identifying Independent & Dependent Variables”

by The Science Vault
6th – 8th Grade

This powerpoint introduces the concept of identifying independent and dependent variables and then offers practice in identifying manipulated and measured variables in several scenarios. PPT and Google Slides version included for flexibility. The scenarios are real-life type problem statements such as “A lack of sleep will increase weight gain” and “Consuming fish oil will improve memory”

It’s a great introduction to the difference between manipulated and measured variables.

Also included in this Freebie is a Google Tips Guide for using Google Slides in an online, blended environment. Handy for both distance learning and blended, in-person learning!

All of my powerpoints take advantage of the animations feature to avoid the “head-down-madly-copying” syndrome that powerpoints can sometimes cause. With animations, you can control the flow of information better – and that keeps class discussions more lively and student engagement high.

I have many high-quality products for sale here at TPT. Follow my store to get notified when I post new products:
The Science Vault

Related products:

Scientific Method / Experimental Design Unit

Science Task Cards

Chemical Bonding Go Fish

Jeopardy Style Review Games

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Chemical Properties of a Substance – Basic graphic organizer”

by Chuck’s Cornucopia
9th Grade

Visuals are often good for students. Here is an example to help students in grade 9 science.

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