Tag Archives : Earth Day

FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Interactive Pollution Exploration: Freddy the Fish”

by The Owl Teacher
2nd – 5th Grade

Are you looking for a fun way for students to explore water pollution? In this adapted version of Freddie Fish, students will pour various “pollutants” (household kitchen items representing toxins) in Freddie’s river and discuss how he feels. It’s the perfect way to get your students understanding pollution!

This Product Includes:

✓ Interactive pollution experiment

With This Product You’ll Get:

✓ Preparation instructions

✓ Story cards

✓ Answer recording sheet

✓ Earth Day activity

How You Can Use This Product:

✓ You can read the cards off or provide students with cards to read.

✓ Then, students will brainstorm what could be done instead that would better benefit Freddie and his environment.

✓ Finally, students will create a display for Earth Day about how the earth is important and how they can better care for it. (Included is also a display labeled “Earth Care” in case you are doing this pollution exploration when it is not Earth Day.)

✓ Small groups

✓ Whole group

Other Buyers Have Said:

“Wow! This is such an incredible activity to help kids visualize how humans can affect the habitats of other living creatures. Thank you for such an engaging and meaningful resource. I will use this year after year!” (Thank you, Adventures of a School Marm!)

“My students LOVED this activity! We used it for Earth Day and our study on pollution.” (Thank you, Amy L.!)

“My 2nd-5th graders loved this experiment and really connected with the meaning behind what they were doing with the real world application. I even had several students who wanted to do the same experiment again. Great activity!” (Thank you, Danika S.!)

Other Related Products You May Enjoy:

Earth Day Booklet

Earth’s Changing Surface Lesson Plan Unit

Earth Changes Task Cards

Final Notes:

While I recommend printing in color and laminating materials for future use, it is not necessary. These materials print just fine in grayscale.

If you see ANYTHING that needs modifying, or if you have any questions, please contact me via the Q&A before leaving negative feedback. I take my product creation and your satisfaction very seriously! Thanks!

It’s very important to me that you provide feedback so that I may improve and create products you will use and love! Please consider leaving detailed feedback. Additionally, each time you provide feedback, you earn TpT credits. These can be taken off purchases so you can get items free!

Don’t Miss Out!

This experiment is perfect for tutors, paraprofessionals, volunteers, and substitutes! It is low prep, too!

With a fully designed experiment, it comes complete with everything you need!

This experiment is perfect if you have to teach about pollution but weren’t sure how or are just starting out! This experiment saves you time! Additionally, it’s perfect for when you have a substitute!

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

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©Tammy DeShaw, The Owl Teacher. All rights reserved. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for teachers, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Teachers may NOT upload the product to school/district servers, or to any website, or share digital or print copies. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).


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by Teaching Treks
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Earth Day Freebie has a scrambled sentence and a counting activity as well as four word wall cards just for Earth Day!

This freebie is a sample of my Earth Day Pack, available here:

Earth Day

You may also like:

Spring Reading Comprehension

Winter Reading Comprehension

NEW Read Pick Flip Comprehension Cards

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Winter Thinking Treks

Fall Reading Comprehension

Christmas Reading Comprehension

Fall for Kinder Kids

Sight Words Search the Bugs

The Ocean for Kinder Kids

Australia for Kinder Kids

Happy Earth Day!


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by Teaching Second Grade
1st – 3rd Grade

Earth Day ABC Order

I am happy to offer this freebie to you:)

If you like this, then please check out my Spring Printables Pack:


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Free My Earth Day Pledge Printable”

by Planerium
3rd – 5th Grade

FREE Earth Day Students’ Pledge for higher grades in elementary school. This product includes a colorful and black and white version. Ready to print in .pdf file. Letter size.


After you download the resource, click the red Create Digital Activity button.

More Earth Day products:


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By purchasing and/or downloading this digital file, you agree to the terms of use as stated below. For personal use/single classroom use only. No part of this document may be distributed, posted on the internet, copied, sold, or edited without direct permission from the author. Violations are subject to the penalties of the Digital Millennium Act. To purchase additional sharing licenses, please visit my store. All contents of this document are under copyright protection, including all text, graphics, contents, and fonts. All graphics and fonts are also protected by copyright by their original author/artist.


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Free Earth Day Vocabulary Word Search No Prep”

by The Tools to Teach LLC
4th – 6th Grade

Free Earth Day worksheet. This science word search contains 21 vocabulary words with little to no prep. Penny Inman (TpT Seller) said, “Great little filler activity for my students who love word searches. Helps with tracking and vocabulary and spelling.” Happy Earth Day!

Free Earth Day vocabulary words include altitude, botanical, continent, dam,

ecology, fertile, groundwater, hydrology, irrigation, litter, methane, nature, ozone, prehistoric, quake, recycle, sustainable, temperature, ultraviolet, volcanoes and wind power.

Why use word searches? Word searches have multiple uses because they promote an interactive way for students to practice vocabulary and review skills. Students discover topics together in a large group, small group and even independently. Now word searches are also helpful for sensory learners who benefit from a game style approach to learning.

Hurry! Be sure to follow my store because you will receive free UPDATES and occasionally secret free surprises. If you would like to see more of my resources, please follow me by clicking on the star near my name.

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The Tools to Teach LLC Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers educational and inspirational classroom decor and banners

The Tools to Teach LLC Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers who doesn’t love free stuff?

The Tools to Teach LLC Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers science product

Keywords: altitude, botanical, continent, dam, ecology, fertile, groundwater,

hydrology, irrigation, litter, methane, nature, ozone, prehistoric, quake, recycle,

sustainable, temperature, ultraviolet, volcanoes, wind power, science,

vocabulary, terminology, printable, worksheet, grade 4, grade 5, grade 6, middle school, Earth Day, reduce, reuse, recycle


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREEBIE – 4 Environment / Earth Day coloring BOOKMARKS”

by Pick’n Teach
Kindergarten – 8th Grade

These are 4 FREE coloring BOOKMARKS for Earth Day.

❤ 1 PDF document

➽ Environment / Earth Day – Conversation cards / Task cards -PRINTABLE version

➽ Environment / Earth Day – Conversation cards / Task cards – DIGITAL & PRINTABLE

➽ FREE – 2 environment ACROSTIC POEMS


➽ My store.


★ Please let me know if you have any questions before you make your purchase, I am happy to help!

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★ ★ ★ You can receive credit toward future purchases by reviewing this resource so if you like it, just leave a review through “My Purchases”. I would love and appreciate your feedback! Thank you! ☛ TPT


Terms of Use:

Permission to copy for classroom use only. The reproduction of any part of this product is strictly prohibited. Copying any part of this product and/or placing it on the internet in any form (even a personal/classroom website) is strictly forbidden. Thank you for respecting my work and time ❤.

Credits included.


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Earth Day Making Words with Letter Cards”

by The Schroeder Page
1st – 2nd Grade

This is a 3 page download of my Earth Day Making Words Center.
Included you will find the Making Words collection sheet and word cards to add to your making words center.
Be sure to check out my Earth Day file for more fun!
An Earth Day Celebration


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “TREES! (Let’s Learn about TREES!) Freebie”

by Gail Hennessey
4th – 8th Grade


Interactive Notebook Activity:

It’s a time to celebrate trees!

This Freebie has 11 fun facts about trees and a couple of YOU TURN questions as well as a couple of extension activities.

Resources of Interest on this Topic:

1. Learn about the history of Arbor Day and all about trees with this web quest. There are 11 web questions, a Did You Know? section, comprehension questions and a teacher section with keys, additional links and lots(11 extension activities).This could also be something to use with EARTH DAY, when you are studying TREES and, of, course, for ARBOR DAY!

Arbor Day, A Webquest

2. A Biologist and marine zoologist, Rachel Carson’s books shared her love of nature, especially the ocean and its inhabitants. Her book, Silent Spring, sparked concern in how chemical pesticides were harming our environment. Carson helped to start the environmental movement in our country, which led to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This Reader’s Theater Script on Rachel Carson could be used as a STEM biography any time of year or especially during the time of Earth Day.Rachel Carson, A Reader’s Theater Script

My website for Teachers/Kids:Gail’s Website for Teachers/Kids!

Illustration from wpclipart.com


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Go Green with tens and ones-FREEBIE”

by Deedee Wills – Mrs Wills Kindergarten
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Earth Day Celebration Time

This is a fun write the room activity!

Students will decompose 2 digit numbers into tens and ones!



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by Amy Brown Science
Kindergarten – 5th Grade

The History of Earth Day: Use this informational Earth Day PowerPoint before your Earth Day activities to provide your students with the history and background of Earth Day.

This is suitable for students of all ages and all subject areas.

Related products include:

Planet Earth Awards: Fun Facts for Earth Day. Grades 6-12.

Planet Earth Awards, Plant and Animal Facts and Activity Worksheets for Grades 2-5

Humans and the Environment PowerPoint with Notes for Teacher and Student

Outdoor Lab Activity: Exploring an Ecosystem

Introduction to Ecology PowerPoint with Notes for Teacher and Student

Population Ecology PowerPoint with Notes for Teacher and Student

Community Ecology PowerPoint with Notes for Teacher and Student

Ecosystems and the Biosphere Part 1: Energy Flow and the Recycling of Matter PowerPoint with Notes for Teacher and Student

Ecosystems and the Biosphere: Biomes of the World PowerPoint with Notes for Teacher and Student

FREE Set of Six Ecology Crossword Puzzles

FREE! Backyard Ecology: An Ecological Assessment of Your Back Yard

Humans and the Environment Review PowerPoint Questions and Answers

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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Earth day – printable worksheets, distance learning”

by Luna’s Yard
Pre-Kindergarten – 6th Grade

These fun and colourful printables are meant to teach your student to recognize and position the continents. An geography atlas or a virtual tour of the continents would be useful for your students to have around so the learning is interactive. This way the kids learn ow an atlas is used and much more.

I hope you will enjoy my product! Please leave a feedback! Thank you!


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Free Earth Day Lesson – Just a Dream to Save Our Planet (Digital and Printable)”

by Laura Candler
3rd – 6th Grade

Just a Dream to Save Our Planet includes printable and digital resources to help guide discussions about environmental issues. The lessons are based on a classic children’s book by Chris Van Allsburg called Just a Dream. The book was written in 1990, but its message about the need to take care of our Earth still holds true today. In this story, Walter is careless with his trash and scoffs at the idea of planting trees to help the environment. Then he has a dream that takes him to the future where he discovers an Earth that’s uninhabitable due to air and water pollution. Walter’s dream helps him understand why it’s important to conserve the earth’s resources. The printable versions of the activities are included in the PDF, and links to the Google Slides versions are located in the lesson descriptions.

If you like this freebie, please take a moment to rate it and leave feedback! Thanks!

Earth Day, environmental studies, Just a Dream, Chris Van Allsburg, Laura Candler


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Ways to Save Water”

by Kelly’s Classroom Online
Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Six Ways to Save Water

(water conservation, environment, Earth Day, science poster)

A cute poster to hang up near your sink or toilet. Originally made for a friend who lives in an area that was under severe water restrictions a few years ago.

One page, 7.5 x 13.3 inches, full color. Non-editable.

For best results, print onto cardstock and laminate

credit: font by Kimberly Geswein Fonts

Follow Kelly’s Classroom Online:

Blog: www.kellysclassroomonline.com

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Copyright ©Kelly Wilson, Kelly’s Classroom / Kelly’s Classroom Online

All rights reserved by the author.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.

Due to the nature of digital files, refunds and exchanges are not available.


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Earth Day Math – Patterns”

by D Conway
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Kindergarten and first grade students can strengthen their patterning skills with this Earth Day patterning activity. Perfect for use in a math station and a great way to combine science, ecology and math. Both color and grayscale versions are included.


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”

by Kelly’s Classroom Online
2nd – 3rd Grade

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

(Earth Day, recycling, environment, sorting)

This sorting activity is perfect for your lessons about recycling and Earth Day. It can be used in a science center or as a cut-and-paste worksheet for students to complete independently. Beware! Several of the objects can be placed in more than one category! Can your students explain why they chose to sort the objects the way they did?

Two pages, black and white

For best results, print onto cardstock and laminate.

Follow Kelly’s Classroom Online:

Blog: www.kellysclassroomonline.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/kellysclassroomonline

Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/kellysclassroomonline

Instagram: www.instagram.com/kellysclassroomonline

Twitter: twitter.com/kellysclassroom

Copyright ©Kelly Wilson, Kelly’s Classroom / Kelly’s Classroom Online

All rights reserved by the author.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.

Due to the nature of digital files, refunds and exchanges are not available.


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Earth Day Report Card”

by Runde’s Room
3rd – 10th Grade

This Earth Day, give your students this report card and have them evaluate how “green” their school / classroom / home is.

There are three different report cards: one for the whole school, one for the classroom, and one for the home. You could either have all students complete both the school and classroom report card, or divide your class into two groups and have one group complete the school card, and one group complete the classroom card. Students could then compare the results to see how their classroom compares to the school. Home report cards could be taken home for students to complete with their parents.


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “FREE Earth Day Vocabulary Word Search Science Worksheet and Key No Prep”

by TiePlay Educational Resources LLC
4th – 7th Grade

FREE Ecology, recycle, sustainable… a free Earth Day worksheet. This word search contains 21 Earth Day vocabulary words. Penny Inman (TpT Seller) said, “Great little filler activity for my students who love word searches. Helps with tracking and vocabulary and spelling.” Happy Earth Day!

Earn Credit for TpT Purchases

Just go to your My Purchases section and click on the Provide Feedback flashing text. Your feedback is very much appreciated. Thank you!

*Follow me to find out about exciting sales, flash freebies and a monthly newsletter.

For more word search freebies, try…

Back to School Word Search Freebie


Black History Word Search Freebie


Veterans Word Search Freebie


Halloween Word Search Freebie


Christmas Word Search Freebie



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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Earth Art: Earth’s Natural Resources”

by One Room Schoolhouse
2nd – 5th Grade

This is an arts integrated smartboard lesson. Students will learn about the Earth’s natural rresources and about the art of Andy Goldsworthy. There are several interactive pages for the class to complete. The lesson concludes with the students going on a nature walk around the school to collect materials to create their own Earth art. This is a great lesson for Earth Day.

Earth Art: Earth’s Natural Resources by Karla Banks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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Earth Day Script


Earth Day Script

FREE! Inspiring! Easy to Use! No memorization! Designed to be read over a school’s PA system, these statements contain good ideas for kids to appreciate and improve the environment. Easily adapted to different reading abilities, the script provides a boost of confidence for beginning or struggling readers, too.

Earth Day Script

Easy to Use! Inspiring! Builds confidence! No memorization! This simple  Earth Day Script  can be adapted to elementary classrooms of various sizes and reading levels. The 20 simple statements, designed to be read over the school’s P.A. system, can be easily divided or subtracted according to class size. Teacher instructions, a simple format, and individual pre-separated lines make this script easy to use for busy teachers.







Be an Endangered Animal Detective – Identify and Solve Problems

By Sparking Children’s Thinkibility

Grades 1st – 5th Biology, Earth Day, Other (Science)

A dive into the world of endangered animals is not always a pleasant journey. This package focuses on exploring possibilities and solutions. A range of animals are used as examples and there are cards that can be used as inspiration for storytelling as well as research.

 This package contains:

1. 16 Endangered Animals Cards, 2 blank cards

2. What I know and what I want to know

3. What is the difference between endangered animals and extinct animals?

4. Mind Map Endangered Animals – Orangutan plus an blank one

5. Ask the pygmy hippo questions about endangered animals

6. Main reasons people cause other species to become endangered

7. Endangered Animal Dictionary

8. Mind Map Habitat

9. A forest or a burrow?

10. The Amount of Space

11. What if it was possible to improve habitats?

12.Jane Goodall’s Work to Protect Chimpanzees

13.Blue Hyacinth Macaw – Animals as pets

14. Draw a poster

15. Slow loris – Animals as pets

16. Draw a poster

17. Which animals would you save first? Tally

18. My Action Plan to Help

19. Elephants and helmeted hornbills – ivory

20. Plan Your Endangered Animal Story

21. Write a Endangered Animal Story

22. Value of animals – biomimicry


Link to STEM Be an Endangered Animal Detective – Identify and Solve Problems


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Logic Problems to Last The Year

Logic problems are a fun way to keep kids engaged, especially at the end of the year. My store is packed with these that may be purchased for a dollar a piece or in bulk for a discounted price. Why not plan ahead and take care of all the holidays at once with one of my logic problems to last the year packets.

This original packet was made to challenge students in third through fifth grades, but some of these problems are tough and most likely would meet the needs of older students in the regular classroom. 

The booklet contains twelve logic problems from the first day of school until the Tired Teachers at the end. Along the way, students will tackle challenges centered around Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas (2), Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, April Fools Day, Easter, and Mother’s Day. Right now it’s set at a reduced price of $8.75, so please check it out.   https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Logic-Problems-to-Last-the-School-Year-IG-1264788

If you teach younger kids, no worries, I have the materials for your kids, too, with Logic Problems to Last the Year (Book II) for grades 1 – 3. This mini version of the original book contains six logic problems surrounding the holidays of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and our American Independence Day. These matrix logic problems contain one grid to challenge our bright younger students, but once again, they could also challenge an older child in the regular classroom. Book II sells for the reduced price of only $3.95. 


If you like logic or any activities to challenge bright students, please check out my store at:



Earth Day Science from Sandra’s Savvy Teaching tips

So this week we will be using my latest product.  I have just finished a Science / ELA unit on WATER.  I am currently finishing up one on SOIL, and hope to have the one on AIR done by next week.  These are units that I have been using for years and I am just pretty’ing them up for TPT.  I included some levelled readers and some levelled reading passages too.  There are writing activities and also some Science experiments.  There are lots of visual aids like word wall cards and photo cards.


 if you want to check out your own copy.Here’s a preview of what’s included.

Looking for Earth Day activities?

This free Earth Day activity will give your students a deeper understanding of what it means to reuse, reduce, and recycle.

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle
These three vocabulary pages are meant to teach these three words deeply.The first time I use one of these Earth Day activities, I complete the vocabulary page with my students. I like to model technology, so I show my students how to use an online dictionary or thesaurus.
Students can then use these pages as a springboard for writing about ways they can reduce, reuse, and recycle.


Ways Kids can help the Earth – Freebie!

Ways Kids Can Help the Earth


Hello everyone!

This free Earth Day printable is an ideal writing template for primary students. Entitled ‘Ways Kids Can Help The Earth’, and divided into three sections, its versatility lends itself to a number of uses.

Perhaps you’d like your students to demonstrate an understanding of the three ‘R’s. Whether they use stickers, cut-outs or drawing, they may end up with something like this:


Earth day freebie.png


It can be a graphic organizer (see link below for more graphic organizers like this one!), a stand-alone assignment or planner for a piece of writing:

Earth day freebie.png - Copy

It could even be a brainstormed list of ideas, contract of sorts, pre or post assessment piece:

Earth day freebie.png - Copy (2)

And of course, there are always those who finish first. A drawing page for early finishers, and a vocabulary list for those who need one, are also included.

Happy Earth Day, everyone!

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RA Earth St Th1 Fall BTS org cover Th1 Who is Furry


EarthDay freebie ideas for use

April Reading Passages with Comprehension Questions


Here are some April non-fiction reading passages filled with lots of fun facts. Use them as a quick warm up activity, for early finishers or in a reading center.

• 8 April themed reading passage, each with 3 comprehension questions
• Worksheet for recalling 4 April facts that students have learned

The 8 passages include the following titles:
• April Fool’s Day
• Jackie Robinson Day
• Happy Earth Day!
• The Titanic Sinks
• National Poetry Month
• National Arbor Day
• Easter Egg Roll
• Drop Everything and Read

Check it out here: April Reading Passages with Comprehension Questions

Thank you,


Visit my store here.

Earth Day Ideas and Activities for K/1

Earth Day



Besides the Recycle Crafts above, you might enjoy these Earth Day Learning Centers…



Earth Day Activities: 

★ 7 Posters, Earth Day Pledge, Earth Day Graphing Activity (for in school or at 

 home), Earth Day Certificate and Parent Letter

★ 22 Pages – NEWLY REVISED to include Full Color Earth Day Versions as well 

 as Black and White Earth Day versions for students to color.

★ Earth Day Certificate

★ 7 Earth Day Posters

★ Earth Day Graph

★ Earth Day Pledge

★ Parent Letter

★ Use by itself or with my PowerPoint Presentation and/or mini-book at 2 

 different reading levels.

Earth Day PowerPoint “Things to do to Help the Earth”

I also added 10 Songs at a variety of levels so you can have an Earth Day Sing Along! 

★ 25 slides – Use by itself or in conjunction with my Earth Day PDF file OR mini-book (2 Reading levels) that can be found in my other product listings. The PDF file (sold separately) has a parent letter, take home graph, Earth Day Pledge, Earth Day Certificate, and 7 posters about how students can help the Earth. There are black and white versions as well as full color versions of the Earth Day Posters, Earth Day Certificate and Earth Day Graph. 

Browse my other Earth Day Resources for Literacy and Math by visiting my store and opening the Custom Folder labeled “EARTH DAY/CINCO DE MAYO”, or just click below:


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