Daily Archives: April 24, 2019

Free: Contract for Rewriting an Evaluation – Self-Evaluation

Product Description

Contract for rewriting evaluations:

If your experiences are like mine, you often have students asking to redo work or to be given extra credit assignments. Personally, I believe in giving my students every opportunity to succeed. However, the sad reality is that students often decide to rely on our good and gracious nature and choose only to work after the fact. Meaning that students choose to “slack off” and retake the work later. In order to avoid this problem, I have created a self-evaluation sheet that students must complete (in detail) in order to have the opportunity to redo an evaluation. And, based on the students’ answers, the teacher can choose to allow a retake or not.
In addition, I often make students complete this sheet when first receiving a corrected evaluation (even when no retake is possible). It allows students to look at their work critically. In reality, a student who cannot identify his strengths and weaknesses won’t be able to successfully retake their evaluation or to do better on the next one.

It’s been a super useful tool for me. I have senior students who all expect to have 90% averages, which isn’t realistic. This helps me with both students, parents, and administration.

It’s teaching made easy!

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Total Pages 1 page

Answer Key N/A

Teaching Duration N/A

FREE MATH LESSON – “FREE Weekly Word Problems May {4th Grade Edition}”

by Ashleigh

3rd – 5th Grade

Weekly Word Problems are my absolute FAVORITE way to teach word problems! These word problems have become an essential component to my classroom instruction!
Weekly Word problems allow students to practice their word problem skills each day. The May version contains a mixture of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division word problems, and all operations include larger numbers that require students to apply their computation skills. In this activity, students solve 3 word problems a day, and on Fridays they write their own word problem for a specific operation. There are 4 weeks worth of word problems in this product. All of the word problems have spring or summer related theme. An answer key is included.

What’s Included
Since I want my students to be able to solve the word problems independently, the August word problems are primarily a review of third grade math. In September, students begin to add and subtract larger 4-digit numbers, while the multiplication and division problems are centered around basic math facts. I add larger multiplication problems in the October version, and by November students are multiplying 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. I’ve also added 3-digit division problems, as well as a few multi-step word problems!

You can buy a bundle for the entire year here!


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