Yearly Archives: 2016

Parts of Speech Grammar Circles (Superhero Themed)

grammar circle


Superhero themed Parts of speech Grammar Circle Unit

One of the biggest challenges I had in my English classes was how to fit grammar in with everything else I had to teach. I would give students grammar pages and then we would correct them together. It was tedious and it took forever! What’s more is that students were not learning the way I wanted them to. They wouldn’t apply what they had learned from the grammar pages and activities.

I found a solution!

Grammar Circles. Grammar Circles are very similar to literature circles in the sense that students are teaching one another grammar. It is a fun and functional way to teach and Learn grammar. Although, this may be done individually, it can also be completed as a group where students, through a specific process outlined in the package, teach one another grammar. They also correct the work together, so the teacher has very little to do other than to facilitate and supervise.

Once these circles have been implimented and students know who their group members are and what they are supposed to do, it is a great prep to leave a supply teacher.

The package includes:

1) A Student Packet – which contains the Literature Circle directions, the notes and activities, and a “Mark Calculation” page to keep track of their marks. (27 pages)

Activities included focus on:

-putting in all together
-correct use of pronouns
-who and whom
-that and which
-who’s and whose
-that and who
-pronoun case
-pronoun agreement
-active and passive voice
-verb tenses (present, past, future)
-verb uses (consistency in verb tenses)

2) A teacher Guide with easy to follow instructions on how to organize the Grammar Circles.

3) The Answer Key – devised to allow students to correct their own work and learn from one another.

Also included are free Superhero Themed Parts of Speech Posters to decorate your class.

For those who are from Ontario, Canada – this unit adheres to the Grade 9 English Curriculum (academic). The unit can be taught in any grade to learn parts of speech.

(51 pages total for this unit)

Stay tuned for more Superhero themed grammar circle units: Sentence building, Spelling tips, Capitalization and Punctuation….
It’s teaching made easy!

E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

LANGUAGE ARTS – “Scooping Words With Once Closed Syllable & One Vowel-Consonant-e Syllable”

Grades 1-3

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

Scooping Closed and V-C-e

Scooping a word is the same as dividing the word into syllables.

Syllables can be divided by saying them orally or by using a pencil and paper. If we orally divide a word into syllables, we usually clap the word out. For example, if we orally divided the syllables of dislike, we would clap out ‘dis’ and ‘like,’ and that would be two claps. If we divided the syllables on paper, we would place a slash between the ‘s’ and ‘l’ in

the word ‘dis/like.’

So rather that placing a slash, there is another way to show the number of syllables in a word, and that is to scoop the syllables. This is how that would look: d i s I I k e. Not dividing the word with a slash avoids the look of an extra letter in the word, and it also avoids the idea of students thinking the word has only one syllable since there is just one slash. With the idea of scooping with the finger or with a pencil, students

can feel and see the scoops which in turn matches the number of syllables.

This packet contains 64 task cards that allow students to practice scooping words with one closed syllable and one vowel-consonant-e syllable.

Scooping Closed and V-C-e 2Scooping Closed and V-C-e 3

LANGUAGE ARTS – “Reading Syllable Types Bundle Packet”

Grades K-3

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

This bundle contains six units that give specific word examples of each syllable word type. The six syllable types of reading are Closed, V-C-e, Open, r-Controlled, Vowel Digraph & Diphthong, and Final Stable. Each unit provides a plethora of word lists that target each syllable type. Teaching reading by syllable types provides students with a clear-cut understanding of the English language. The basic overall purpose of learning syllable type reading is to give students 6 reading strategies to aid them in chunking longer words into short, readable parts.

Reading Syllable Type Bundle Cover

Syllable Bundle DefinitionsReading Syllable Types Bundle-3

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “PALS Reading Strategy Cooperative Worksheet”

by Kim Kroll

5th – 10th Grade


PALS Reading Strategy Cooperative Worksheet


This Worksheet is great for ANY reading selection.

I find PALS very effective. Unlike class reading, where minds tend to wander, the PALS strategy actively engages every student. Each student must be reading or listening (in order to write the summary) at all times. Genius!

Partners motivate students to read well and give them a partner to help with pronunciation, if needed. Fluency and comprehension improve. Cooperative learning is experienced. Win-win!

The greatest part of this product is the “example.” Students get a chance to see the process before they are expected to participate.








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No Prep – Frankenstein Unit

Frankenstein complete unit



FRANKENSTIEN UNIT (Improved and revised)


This unit has been created with the teacher in mind. The material is geared toward senior students with a focus on the construction of arguments. It also teaches the importance of historical context as well as literary allusions in the development of themes.

The thinking has all been done for you. The lesson plans are detailed and comprehensive. The student guide is visually appealing and facilitates the teacher’s job. In addition, the answer key is comprehensive and detailed. All the teacher needs to do is to purchase this unit and photocopy it.

Take a look at the preview for more information.

What the unit contains:

1) The Teacher Package (17 pages)

-contains 21 detailed lessons (60-90 minute lessons)
-leading discussion questions and skill building activities (with detailed instructions for the teacher)
-important chapter notes on analysis
-the teacher package helps the teacher stay on task and stay organized because the planning has been done for you.

2) The Student Package (11 pages)

-pre-reading activity
-study guide questions
-a fact sheet regarding the Prometheus myth
-an activity on the use of nature in romantic literature
-an activity based on the symbols in the novel
-several activities that teach argument development
-an activity on theme development

3) A comprehensive answer key (25 pages)

-detailed answers for ALL student activities and work
-an annotate copy of the poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and activity answer key.

4) Also included:

-a PowerPoint introducing the novel’s historical context and the author
-class posters with key elements in the novel
-a copy of “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”

– Test on letters 1-4 and chapters 1-10 (choice between multiple choice OR development questions)
-Test on chapters 11-18 (choice between multiple choice OR development questions)
-Unit evaluation (Choice between and essay (serveral different versions), a debate, a unit test – all work process is included)

*As a bonus, I have included two automatic comment generators for Word documents (with drop down boxes.)

E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

The Movie Review Evaluation Rubric (Self-Evaluation)

movie review


Self-evaluation grids are a great way to guide students in their evaluations. Students will know exactly what is expected of them and will be made responsible for their own success. This package can also easily be changed to be used as peer evaluations.

This self evaluation grid will help students as well as teachers to assess students’ movie review evaluation. When students use this grid to assess their own work, there are no surprises when they receive their final mark.

These self-evaluation grids are also very helpful to teachers:
 Helps the teacher justify the final mark;
 Helps to identify students’ weaknesses and strengths;
 Helps parents and students better understand the task required;
 Helps teachers create rubrics for the final evaluation.

Because of formatting issues this package was created in a PDF document, but I can easily email you a Word file in order to be easily modified and changed according to the individual teacher’s needs.

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Letter Combinations Freebie”

by I Heart Curriculum

1st – 3rd Grade


Letter combinations


Here is a freebie from the letter combinations product. It includes the cut and paste activity and a color the word activity.

You may also like:
Letter combination sorts

Letter sound sort







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Free Poetry Lesson on Allegory and Symbolism: No Prep

free poetry lesson


This FREE lesson on Allegory and Symbolism Analysis in Poetry is ready to teach (NO PREP).

This mini bundle includes:

– a complete lesson plan for the teacher
– Student notes on poetry analysis (TPCASTT method of analysis)
– The poem (student copy)
– Annotated poem (for the teacher) and an answer sheet

Just photocopy and teach.


by KinderMyWay

Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade


close read


Close Read: Close Read Lesson

Packet includes Close Read Lesson Plans for My Lucky Day, Level 1 vocabulary, academic vocabulary, vocabulary flashcards, comprehension questions, recording worksheet for students and script for 3 days of lessons for each book. Just grab the book and read!

Close Read | Close Reading | Close Read Activity | Close Read Activities | Vocabulary | Read Aloud

Add Your Related Products Heading Here

Close Read Academic Vocabulary Lesson Plans Famr Set 1

Close Read Academic Vocabulary Vocabulary Lesson Plans – Tacky the Penguin.

Read, Trace and Graph Sight Word Bundle.

Customer Tips:

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:
• Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower. Voila! You will now receive email updates about this store. ☺








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Comment Bank

comment bank


The Comment Bank has been constructed to save the Language Arts teacher time when offering constructive and helpful comments on students’ evaluations. Marking papers in any Language Arts class is always a lengthy process. Increasingly, teachers are being asked to write more detailed comments to highlight students’ strengths and weaknesses, and sometimes we run out of ideas. Being the vigilant teachers we are, and wanting to help our students achieve their potential is and will always be one of our priorities. To this end, when marking students’ papers, writing down everything we want to say to them about their papers would be a very lengthy process. I have decided to share my personal comment bank with you.

The bank comments on the following areas:

-The next step

The package contains 7 pages of comments, which are divided by levels of accomplishment A, B, C and D.

Included in this package are over 120 comments for students. You can get inspiration from these pages to handwrite your comments, or you can do what I do and copy/paste your comments into a word document, print, and staple the comment to the students’ evaluations. This is a real time saver. Parents, students, and school administration LOVE this method of feedback. And, this way, it takes much less time to be much more efficient. I hope you enjoy it!

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Spanish Letter, Sound and Syllable Assessment Bundle”

by The Dual Language Garden

Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade


Syllable Assessment Bundle


This letter, sound and syllable assessment bundle is an easy to use assessment, complete with a sheet of suggested uses. This pack also comes with a graph so that students can easily see their own progress. This bundle can be used in conjunction with the Evaluacion de letras y silabas: Teacher tracking forms, which can be found on my TPT store.







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LANGUAGE ARTS – “75 Games & Activities for Teaching the Six Syllable Types of Reading”

Grades K-4
by Reading on Strawberry Lane
Screen Shot 2015-07-10 at 1.10.59 PM

The bundle packet includes 75 games and activities that all target teaching the 6 types of syllables in reading: Closed Syllables, V-C-e Syllables, r-Controlled Syllables, Open Syllables, Vowel Digraph & Diphthong Syllables, and Final Stable Consonant Syllables.
The basic overall purpose of learning syllable type reading is to give students 6 reading strategies to aid them in chunking longer words into short, readable parts. Learning to read by identifying the type of syllable is the most consistent method to teach reading to your students, and the easiest way for your students to learn to read.These 75 activities/games can be placed in language stations, or they can be played during small groups. So enjoy as your students learn another way to break the code to reading!At the present, I am creating my last packet of game and activities to go with the final stable syllable type, and once I complete it, I will make it available. Also, if you would like to preview what is in the packet, just click on the preview tab and you can see a sample of some (not all of them) of the games in the packet.
The Closed Syllable Packet includes the following games:
1. Bubble Bath Mats
2. Bubble Yum Mats
3. Scrambled Eggs
4. Bag the Odd Word
5. Morph the Word
6. Flower Power
7. My Closed Syllable Word Book
8. Closed Syllable Sorting Mats
9. Roll a Word
10. Spin a Word
11. Puzzle Words
12. Hangin’ Out the Laundry
13. Map Out the Treasure
14. Connect 4
15. Beat the ClockThe
V-C-e Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Move the Spider to His Web
2. Syllable Type Organizers
3. Connect 4
4. Color the Snail’s Shell
5. Graph Your Total
6. Dominoes
7. It’s Raining V-C-e Words
8. Burst a Balloon
9. Flower Power
10. V-C-e Booklets
11. Flip-Flop Match-Up
12. A Walk Around the Block
13. Skunk
14. Building Words
15. Snake & Ladders
The r-Controlled Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Climb a Tree
2. Grow a Centipede
3. Football Frenzy
4. Uno
5. Clear the Board
6, Snail Shell
7. Wild Animal Race
8. Checkers
9. Circle Out
10. Dominoes
The Open Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Bubble Yum Relay
2. Flower Power
3. Open Syllable Word Count, Sort & Write
4. Open Syllable Cut, Sort & Glue
5. Open Syllable Count & Divide
6. First or Last Syllable Open?
7. Fill Up the Jar
8. I Spy
9. ‘y’ says ‘i’ or ‘e’
10. First or Last Syllable Open Picture Sort
11. Hear, Write & Draw
12. Open Syllable Booklets
13. Dominoes
14. Try Spelling/Draw & Spell
15. Move the Cow to the Barn
The Vowel Digraph & Diphthong Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Color the Rainbow
2. Ghost OUT
3. Move the Mouse to the Cheese
4. Guess the Word
5. Shark
6. Go Fish
7. PIG
8. Old Maid, Old Man
9. Skunk
10. Thirteen Digraph/Diphthong Booklets
The Final Stable (-le) Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Syllable Match-Up
2. Which Final Stable Syllable Sound?
3. Final Stable Syllable Booklets
4. Syllable Divide
5. Riddle Riddles
6. Syllable Picture Sorts
7. Daub the Final Stable Syllable
8. WAR
9. Got It!
10. Sweet Shop Hop

No Prep Poetry Unit for Senior Students

poetry unit senior


Poetry Unit (Bundled) (Improved and revised)

For grades 11 and 12

Many teachers hate teaching poetry because they don’t know where to begin. This unit will make you and your students love poetry. This complete, no prep unit is a great way to start! This 2 and a half week unit includes a student guide, 12 detailed lesson plans, 2 multimedia presentations (no internet connection required), a detailed answer key with annotated poems, and an end of the unit evaluation with answer key.

Just print it and teach it.

This HUGE bundle includes:

This poetry unit has been devised to teach students the importance of :
• Figurative language (its uses and effects)
• How to read poetry
• How to understand and apply symbolism and imagery
• The importance of rhythm
• The importance of tone and attitude in a poem
• Types of poetry
• How to analyse poetry
• How to appreciate poetry (even when you don’t understand it)

This unit’s focus is the analysis of poetry and teaches students how to make inferences, which is a skill they must learn for their other subjects as well.

Poems include authors such as: Emily Dickenson, Dorothy Parker, Maya Angelou, Thomas Gray, Lord Alfred Tennyson, Alfred Noyes, T.S. Eliot, Shakespeare, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Frost, Pearl Jam, Langston Hughes, and Walt Whitman. The Unit includes 21 different poems.

The unit has been conceived to last 12 days – with 65 minute periods (although they are easy to modify).

The unit contains:

1 – The teacher guide (Contains 12 comprehensive lesson plans to teach the poems included in the unit. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO TEACH THIS UNIT HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU. )

2 – The student package (Contains students’ notes , poems, and questions) (26 pages)

3 – The answer key includes annotated poems and answers to all student activities (saving you time).

4 – Included is a test with multiple choice questions as well as a development question. All answers are included. (Word format for easy changes)

5 – 2 PowerPoint presentations – one multimedia presentation to introduce the unit (17 slides) and the second to reinforce the use of imagery and symbolism (19 slides) – NO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED

A total of 63 pages + 36 slides are included in this package.

This unit is complete, and does all of the thinking for you. All you need to do is to print out and photocopy the student package and you’re set.


by Teacher Features

Kindergarten – 5th Grade


Language Arts Poster Pack


Free Downloads: Free downloads | Free Language Arts Poster Pack

This is a FREEBIE consisting of 4 themes: The 6 Syllable Types; Silent E Spelling Rule, Give Me Five and COPS Editing Reminders.
Enjoy! (4 pages)
©Teacher Features



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Teacher Features
Graphics by: Melonheadz, Educlips, Scrappin’ Doodles







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LANGUAGE ARTS – “Reading Syllable Types Bundle Packet”

Grades K-4

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

This bundle contains six units that give specific word examples of each syllable word type. The six syllable types of reading are Closed, V-C-e, Open, r-Controlled, Vowel Digraph & Diphthong, and Final Stable. Each unit provides a plethora of word lists that target each syllable type. Teaching reading by syllable types provides students with a clear-cut understanding of the English language. The basic overall purpose of learning syllable type reading is to give students 6 reading strategies to aid them in chunking longer words into short, readable parts.

Reading Syllable Type Bundle Cover

Syllable Bundle DefinitionsReading Syllable Types Bundle-3

FREE MATH LESSON – “5.OA.1 Order of Operations Notes”

by Ciano’s Classroom Creations

5th Grade


Order of Operations Notes


‘ve noticed over the years that students tend to have a difficult time keeping detailed, organized notes for math. It was alarming more so this year with the group that I had. We, as teachers, know how important an organized notebook is, even more so now that we have Common Core. I also noticed my students spent so much class time copying the steps to solve each problem and realized that I needed to do something to remedy this so that they would have more time to practice the new problems/strategies I was teaching them.

That is when the thought of creating CCSS aligned notes for math came from.

This FREEBIE has student friendly notes and steps for solving 5.OA.1, order of operations. This 4 page document can be printed single or double sided and is a great resource for your students to place into their math notebooks or for you to keep a master binder of the CCSS strategies that your students can look back at as needed.

One license is intended for unlimited use for one classroom teacher. Please consider leaving feedback as well. Click the GREEN STAR to begin following my store! Please consider following Ciano’s Classroom Creations Facebook Page. Thank you again for your purchase, may this product be just what you were looking for! 🙂







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Self Evaluation and Teacher Assessment Rubrics

evaluation grids


Self-evaluation grids are a great way to guide students in their evaluations. Students will know exactly what is expected of them and will be made responsible for their own success. This package can also easily be changed to be used as peer evaluations.

Included within this document are over 20 different self-evaluation grids.

These self-evaluation grids are also very helpful to teachers:
 Helps the teacher justify the final mark;
 Helps to identify students’ weaknesses and strengths;
 Helps parents and students better understand the task required;
 Helps teachers create rubrics for the final evaluation.

This package was created in a Word document in order to be easily modified and changed according to the individual teacher’s needs.

This self-evaluation package contains self-evaluation grids for:
 Newspaper article
 Short story writing (intermediate and senior)
 Essay writing (various different types)
 Essay evaluation rubrics (for teacher –with and without sources)
 Independent study unit
 Research paper
 Skits
 Board game
 Group work
 Opinion piece
 Editorial
 Friendly letter
 Debate
 Movie review
 Journals
 Scrapbook
 Seminar
 Speech
 Riddle writing

It’s teaching made easy!

LANGUAGE ARTS – “Scooping Words With One Closed Syllable & One Vowel-Consonant-e Syllable”

Grades 1-3

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

Scooping Closed and V-C-e

Scooping a word is the same as dividing the word into syllables.

Syllables can be divided by saying them orally or by using a pencil and paper. If we orally divide a word into syllables, we usually clap the word out. For example, if we orally divided the syllables of dislike, we would clap out ‘dis’ and ‘like,’ and that would be two claps. If we divided the syllables on paper, we would place a slash between the ‘s’ and ‘l’ in

the word ‘dis/like.’

So rather that placing a slash, there is another way to show the number of syllables in a word, and that is to scoop the syllables. This is how that would look: d i s I I k e. Not dividing the word with a slash avoids the look of an extra letter in the word, and it also avoids the idea of students thinking the word has only one syllable since there is just one slash. With the idea of scooping with the finger or with a pencil, students

can feel and see the scoops which in turn matches the number of syllables.

This packet contains 64 task cards that allow students to practice scooping words with one closed syllable and one vowel-consonant-e syllable.

Scooping Closed and V-C-e 2Scooping Closed and V-C-e 3

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Social Story”

by Amy Haselden

Pre-Kindergarten – 5th Grade


Social Story


Social story, cafeteria rules, social skills, autism, speech therapy, language delay, behavior

Social Story about rules in the cafeteria during mealtimes. Listening to the teacher, keeping hands to yourself, noise level, etc. This story is to assist special education teachers, speech-language pathologists, elementary education teachers in relating basic cafeteria rules to a student who may be on the autism spectrum deal with eating in the cafeteria.

If you like this product, please check out my others!
Lesson Plans for Low Functioning Autism in Speech Therapy
I’m Ready for Promotion! End of the School Year Poems and Certificate for Dismissal
Camping Fun Unit in Speech and Language
Spring Riddles
Adapted Story “Colors”
Spring Rebus
Camping Fun Riddles
FREEBIE Visual to Expand Sentences

FREEBIE Work/Choice Visual Support

Social Skills Interpreting Facial Expressions

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:

• Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower. You will now receive email updates about this store. ☺







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Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation No Prep


poetry unit two weeks


Poetry: The Art of Interpretation – is designed to teach students how to interpret, appreciate, and analyse poetry.

There are 9 complete lessons (estimated to last approximately 60 minutes), therefore 2 weeks of lessons.

This complete, no prep unit is a great way to start! This unit includes a student guide, 9 detailed lesson plans, 2 multimedia presentations (no internet connection required), a detailed answer key with annotated poems and answers, and an end of the unit evaluation with rubric, and answer key.

Just print it and teach it.

Poetry is a very subjective form of art. Some poems you love and others, you hate. What we need to realize is that this is the beauty of poetry. Poetry is not a mystery to be solved. Rather, it is the masterful manipulation of language that has the power to transform the ordinary and to immerse its reader into the world created by the author.

This unit incorporates art to help students understand and appreciate the beauty within words. In addition, students will learn how to analyse themes in poetry though paintings and art work.

This HUGE bundle includes:

Each lesson focuses on a different skill set including:
– Knowledge and manipulation of figurative and poetic language
– How to read and understand (appreciate) poetry
– How to analyse poetry
– How to annotate poetry
– How to paraphrase effectively
– How to use symbols
– How to effectively develop themes from poetry
– Creative writing
– Creative activities to learn how to analyse

The unit includes a student packet (20 pages), a teacher packet (with 9 complete lessons), and a comprehensive answer key with annotations to poem (with 17 pages). See preview for more details.

Poets studied include: (8 poems total)
– Billy Collins – “Introduction to Poetry”
– Anne Marriott – “As You Come in”
– Phyllis Gotlieb – “First Person Demonstrative”
– Edgar Allan Poe – The Raven
– Robert Frost – “Nothing Gold can Stay”
– John Crowe Ransom -“Janet Waking”
– Woodruff – “I am a Poem that Tells a Lie”
– Tennyson – “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

The unit also includes:

1 – The teacher guide (Contains 9 comprehensive lesson plans to teach the poems included in the unit. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO TEACH THIS UNIT HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU. )

2 – The student package (Contains students’ notes , poems, and questions) (20 pages)

3 – The answer key includes annotated poems and answers to all student activities (saving you time – 18 pages).

4 – Included is a test with multiple choice questions as well as a development question. All answers are included. (Word format for easy changes)

5 – 2 PowerPoint presentations – one multimedia presentation to introduce the unit (17 slides) and the second to reinforce the use of imagery and symbolism (19 slides) – NO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED

6 – Images to project or print

7- An end of the unit creative evaluation, which includes clear and concise directions and rubric. (In a Word document for easy modifications)

– An interactive multimedia Jeopardy game to review figurative language and poetic devices (PowerPoint – no internet required)

– A multimedia PowerPoint on how to read and interpret poetry

– A PowerPoint presentation on how to interpret symbols and imagery in literature (19 slides)

– A final culminating evaluation with evaluation rubric (left in Word format for easily made modifications)

The unit has been created in such a way as to simplify the teacher’s life. Photocopy the 3 packages included and don’t worry about it for the rest of the unit. You literally can begin teaching it without any other preparation.

A total of 43 pages + 64 slides are included in this package.

This unit is complete, and does all of the thinking for you. All you need to do is to print out and photocopy the student package and you’re set.

LANGUAGE ARTS – “Closed Syllable Bundle Packet”

Grades K-3

by Reading on Strawberry Lane 

Closed Syllable Bundle Cover

Closed Syllables Bundle Packet-4Closed Syllable 1-Compressed

Closed Syllable 2 Compressed

Fifty percent of our English language is closed syllable type words. Once a student learns this syllable type, they have a great foundation upon which to build. So it is a well worth our efforts to invest our time teaching this syllable type if we are going to have successful readers.I created this packet for my students to have fun learning closed syllable type words. There are 6 syllable types, and closed syllable is the most basic type to teach. There are multiple word lists in the unit, ‘Reading Closed Syllables.’ This reading unit provides 158 word lists of the closed syllable type words. Also, a master list of all the words is included as a quick reference. The lists in this unit include words spelled using each vowel in conjunction with common phonograms. These lists of words will help students recognize the common patterns seen in closed syllables. Also, reading will become more manageable for students once they understand the different syllable types.

The unit, ’15 Games & Activities Teaching Closed Syllables’ include 15 fun games and activities that can be placed in literacy centers for the students to enjoy. The following games are included in this packet:

1. Bubble Bath
2. Bubble Yum Relay
3. Scrambled Eggs
4. Bag the Odd Chip
5. Morph the Word
6. Flower Power
7. My Closed Syllable Word Book
8. Recording Sheet
9. Roll a Word
10. Spin a Word
11. Puzzle Words
12. Hangin’ Out the Laundry
13. Map Out The Treasure
14. Connect 4
15. Beat the Clock

Teaching Verbals: Infinitives

Verbals Bundle InfinitivesTeaching verbals is not the most exciting unit lesson, so I always try to incorporate finding them within other literature as your class is reading. However, they always need some extra practice! So, here are five worksheets for in-class or homework for that extra little infinitive boost!

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Digraph /th/ Roll and Graph”

by The Learning Center

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade


th Roll and Graph


This is an activity from my “Fun With Digraphs” pack. It is designed to practice the digraph /th/. This freebie includes ONE of the Roll and Graph activities from the full version!
This Freebie includes:
* Roll and Graph
* Roll and Graph Recording Sheet

If you are looking for more activities, check out the FULL version at Fun With Digraphs

It includes: Roll and Graph (4 versions for each digraph) * Puzzles- Matching and Create-Your-Own * Practice page (One for each digraph) * Room sort activity * Interactive Notebook review page * 8 Anchor Charts (2 for each Digraph- One has just pictures, and one has words and pictures)

Looking for more on the digraph /th/??? Grab the full /TH/ pack here:
TH Digraph Activity Pack

Check out my other Individual Digraph Packs
CH Digraph Activity Pack:
SH Digraph Activity Pack
WH Digraph Activity Pack







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LANGUAGE ARTS – “Scooping Words With Two Closed Syllables”


Amanda Trump

Scooping a word is the same as dividing the word into syllables.

Syllables can be divided by saying them orally or by using a pencil and paper. If we orally divide a word into syllables, we usually clap the word out. For example, if we orally divided the syllables of polish, we would clap out ‘pol’ and ‘ish,’ and that would be two claps. If we divided the syllables on paper, we would place a slash between the ‘l’ and ‘i’ in the word ‘pol/ish.’

So rather that placing a slash, there is another way to show the number of syllables in a word, and that is to scoop the syllables. This is how that would look: p o l i s h. This way not dividing the word with a slash avoids the look of a misplaced letter in the word, and it also avoids the idea of students thinking the word has only one syllable since there is just one slash. With the idea of scooping with the finger or with a pencil, students can feel and see the scoops which in turn matches the number of syllables. 

This packet contains 64 task cards that allow students to practice scooping words with two closed syllables.

Simply print and cut along the guidelines. One idea is to print on card stock or on colored paper. Laminate and use them again and again and keep them in a baggie. Another option is to hole-punch a corner of each card and put them all on a ring.

FREE MATH LESSON – “Solve and Sort Addition Facts by Strategy! Freebie”

by Always First with Sue Lynch

Kindergarten – 5th Grade


solve n sort addition facts


This is a great way to see if you students are really understanding addition facts. Students need to not only Solve all the addition facts, but also SORT them according to which strategy they used.

Included in this Freebie is ONE Sort from my Full Solve & Sort pack!
*Solve & Sort Zero Facts vs. Counting On Facts

Check out the full pack as these are great independent activities for early finishers, enrichment or math centers!
Solve and Sort Addition Strategies Pack
Solve and Sort Subtraction Strategies Pack
Solve and Sort Addition vs. Subtraction Strategies Pack
Save Money and Purchase the FULL pack of Addition and Subtraction Solve & Sort Activities
Full Pack~Solve and Sort Addition and Subtraction Strategies Pack
Check out my store!
Thank YOU! Sue Lynch @ TpT







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Teaching The Three Paragraph Essay

three para essay


The Three Paragraph Essay is a resource that is best used for novice essay writers. It is a great way to introduce the expository essay. The 2 page pdf document includes simple step-by-step instructions to teach students how to write an effective three paragraph essay.

I recommend using this document with students who are in grades 7-9. It is an effective and simple way of learning how to write a proper introduction, a one paragraph development, and a conclusion that serves a purpose.

It’s teaching made easy!

LANGUAGE ARTS – “A Mega Bundle Packet of Reading Syllable Type Word Lists and Games/Activities”

Mega Reading & Game Cover

Grades K-3

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

The mega bundle packet includes 400+ words lists and 70+ games and activities!!!

There are 6 syllable types in reading. The basic overall purpose of learning syllable type reading is to give students 6 reading strategies to aid them in chunking longer words into short, readable parts. Learning to read by identifying the type of syllable is the most consistent method to teach reading to your students, and the easiest way for your students to learn to read. All of the words lists incorporate patterns using all the vowels. The closed syllable and V-C-e syllable target words using common phonograms.

This packet of activities and games give students a fun way to learn the syllable types. The activities/games can be placed in language stations, or they can be played during small groups. So enjoy as your students learn another way to break the code to reading!

If you would like to preview what is in the packet, just click on my individual bundle packets for each syllable type to preview the materials included in this mega bundle.

The Closed Syllable Packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Bubble Bath Mats
2. Bubble Yum Mats
3. Scrambled Eggs
4. Bag the Odd Word
5. Morph the Word
6. Flower Power
7. My Closed Syllable Word Book
8. Closed Syllable Sorting Mats
9. Roll a Word
10. Spin a Word
11. Puzzle Words
12. Hangin’ Out the Laundry
13. Map Out the Treasure
14. Connect 4
15. Beat the Clock

The V-C-e Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Move the Spider to His Web
2. Syllable Type Organizers
3. Connect 4
4. Color the Snail’s Shell
5. Graph Your Total
6. Dominoes
7. It’s Raining V-C-e Words
8. Burst a Balloon
9. Flower Power
10. V-C-e Booklets
11. Flip-Flop Match-Up
12. A Walk Around the Block
13. Skunk
14. Building Words
15. Snakes & Ladders

The r-Controlled Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Climb a Tree
2. Grow a Centipede
3. Football Frenzy
4. Play Uno
5. Clear the Board
6, Snail Shell
7. Wild Animal Race
8. Checkers
9. Circle Out
10. Dominoes

The Open Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Bubble Yum Relay
2. Flower Power
3. Open Syllable Word Count, Sort & Write
4. Open Syllable Cut, Sort & Glue
5. Open Syllable Count & Divide
6. First or Last Syllable Open?
7. Fill Up the Jar
8. I Spy
9. ‘y’ says ‘i’ or ‘e’
10. First or Last Syllable Open Picture Sort
11. Hear, Write & Draw
12. Open Syllable Booklets
13. Dominoes
14. Try Spelling/Draw & Spell
15. Move the Cow to the Barn

The Vowel Digraph & Diphthong Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Color the Rainbow
2. Ghost OUT
3. Move the Mouse to the Cheese
4. Guess the Word
5. Shark
6. Go Fish
7. PIG
8. Old Maid, Old Man
9. Skunk
10. Thirteen Digraph/Diphthong Booklets

The Final Stable (-le) Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Syllable Match-Up
2. Which Final Stable Syllable Sound?
3. Final Stable Syllable Booklets
4. Syllable Divide
5. Riddle Fiddles
6. Syllable Picture Sorts
7. Daub the Final Stable Syllable
8. WAR
9. Got It!
10. Sweet Shop Hop

Free Frankenstein Activity

frankenstein activity


Who is the real monster in Frankenstein?

This activity has been designed to help students to understand the creature’s character. Is he a friend, or is he an enemy? Is he solely responsible for his misery?

This activity helps to develop students’ argumentation skills in a fun and meaningful way.

I hope you enjoy it.

It’s teaching made easy!

E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

Easter phrasing, fluency and fun (and a freebie for everyone!)

Easter Rhythm and Rhyme

It was almost Easter, and I found myself fighting off the urge to nod off while my students were reading some of the most entertaining leveled books schools can buy. My primary readers were in a slump. I heard it their robotic, monotone reading. Things needed shaking up with phrasing and pacing with a number of my early readers. I ran the risk of my head falling to my chest and a potential neck injury.

It was time for another Phrasing and Fluency Blitz!

When I taught Reading Recovery, there were times that a student would plateau at a a level for more than a week. We would be advised to take two or three lessons for a phrasing and fluency blitz – rereading some familiar, easier books to rebuild confidence, model and practice phrasing and pick up the pace! Many of our students’ favorites were readers that rhymed, had a lively rhythm and made us both laugh!

I used the freebie The Bunny Hop Easter Song and Movement Activity in Kindergarten poetry books as a music and movement activity. It works particularly well if modeled and echoed first before showing earliest readers the text:

This freebie also has a black and white version included with it – ideal for poetry folders!

It’s all about the Eggs is an Easter Fun Fluency Reader  modeled after I’m All About the Bass (performed by Meghan Trainor, co-written by Meghan Trainor and Kevin Kadish). I’m All About the Bass had been on the radio so much last year that my students knew the tune instantly. I modeled the first read to them, and we practiced a few phrases in isolation before we all enjoyed singing it fluently from beginning to end (over, and over and over again.)



There is a twist on a familiar Fairy Tale in this book that the kids find hilarious (but humor and laughter are topics for other days…).


Limitation of liability: It’s all about the Eggs is not recommended for those who are prone to getting songs stuck in their head or with one last nerve.

Happy Easter everyone!
That Fun Reading Teacher 
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