Monthly Archives: May 2022

Parts of Speech Grammar Circles (Superhero Themed)


Superhero themed Parts of speech Grammar Circle Unit

One of the biggest challenges I had in my English classes was how to fit grammar in with everything else I had to teach. I would give students grammar pages, and then we would correct them together. It was tedious, and it took forever! What’s more is that students were not learning the way I wanted them to. They wouldn’t apply what they had learned from the grammar pages and activities.

I found a solution!

Grammar Circles. Grammar Circles are very similar to literature circles in the sense that students are teaching one another grammar. It is a fun and functional way to teach and Learn grammar. Although this may be done individually, it can also be completed as a group where students, through a specific process outlined in the package, teach one another grammar. They also correct the work together, so the teacher has very little to do other than to facilitate and supervise.

Once these circles have been implemented and students know who their group members are and what they are supposed to do, it is a great prep to leave a supply teacher.

The package includes:

1) A Student Packet – which contains the Literature Circle directions, the notes, and activities, and a “Mark Calculation” page to keep track of their marks. (27 pages)

Activities included focus on:







❒putting it all together

❒correct use of pronouns

❒who and whom

❒that and which

❒who’s and whose

❒that and who

❒pronoun case

❒pronoun agreement

❒active and passive voice

❒verb tenses (present, past, future)

❒verb uses (consistency in verb tenses)

2) A teacher Guide with easy to follow instructions on how to organize the Grammar Circles.

3) The Answer Key – devised to allow students to correct their work and learn from one another.

Also included are free Superhero Themed Parts of Speech Posters to decorate your class.

For those who are from Ontario, Canada – this unit adheres to the Grade 9 English Curriculum (academic). The unit can be taught in any grade to learn parts of speech.

(51 pages total for this unit)

You may also be interested in the following products:

The Grammar Cheat Sheet

Inference Cheat Sheet

How to Write a Paragraph

Sentences Grammar Circles For Easy & Effective Grammar

Spelling Flip Book

Thesis Writing Activity

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
51 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free End of the Year Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs MC – 2022”

by Victoria Leon
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

End the school year with these “Free End of the Year Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative – 2022.”

  • Beginning Sounds Worksheets Spring Literacy Mystery Pictures No Prep
  • Feelings and Emotions Cards – FREEBIE
  • Kids at the Beach Subtraction Math Center (Minuends to 10)
  • Decomposing Numbers 11-20
  • I Have Who Has? CVC A,E,O, Practice Game Review
  • Short Vowels Alternative Spelling Activities and Handwriting Practice FREE
  • Differentiated Sample Packet SAMPLE
  • 3rd Grade Math Summer Review FREE Sample | Digital and Printable
  • FREEBIE End of the School Year Meme Calendar
  • Summer on the Brain – Reading Passage & ELA Writing Extensions – FREE
  • FREE Math Geometric Puzzles – Learning About Plane Geometry Using Number Tiles
  • FREEBIE Math End of the Year Review Whole Numbers and Decimals
  • HOTS Higher Order Thinking Skills Summer Break Classification Exercise
  • End of the Year Award Freebie
  • FREE ESL Curriculum Map – Year-Long ELL Pacing Guide – English Language Learner
  • Free Lesson Ice Breaker Storytelling Using Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces
  • Free Back to School Lessons
  • Free Winter Holiday Lessons
  • Free Valentine’s Day Lessons
  • Free End of the Year Lessons
  • 100+ Free Lessons & Teaching Ideas
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Blogs
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative WordPress Blog
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Facebook
  • The Best of TpT Pinterest Boards

Need more free end of the year lessons? Go to…

IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO OPEN THE FILE or you have any questions, feel free to email Victoria Leon at [email protected].

Wishing you the very best during your summer break,

Vicky and

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative

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Opinion Piece Bundle


How to write an effective Opinion Piece Bundle includes:

❒ notes for students (What is an opinion piece? How do we write an opinion piece?…)

❒work process sheets to help students organize their ideas

❒ work process sheets to help students organize their ideastool for teaching)

❒ a student self-evaluation and teacher evaluation

You may also be interested in the following products:

ELA Literature Study Unit

English Grammar Cheat Sheet

How to Write a Paragraph

Opinion Letter with the Novel Holes

Sentences Grammar Circles For Easy & Effective Grammar

Spelling Flip Book

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
6 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Last Day of School Activity FREEBIE | Editable Google Slides™ Digital Resource”

by Kids are the Future
3rd – 8th Grade

Engage your students with this fun activity! Get your class to participate using an interactive editable Google Slides™ to share memories from the school year. You can add your own Bitmoji to customize this! When students have finished their own memory slide, each child can take turns sharing and discussing their end of the year ideas.

✨Prompts Include:✨

  • Favourite memory from our class
  • Tell us something you are looking forward to
  • Add a photo here
  • What is the first thing you remember from the first time we met?
  • One lesson you learned

Enjoy! Please leave a review if you download this freebie, I really appreciate it and it motivates me to create more for you! Follow me for future products, freebies, updates, and sales!


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© Kids are the Future

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Introduction to Creative Writing PowerPoint


The Introduction to Creative Writing PowerPoint is an easy way to introduce both a creative writing unit or a creative writing class. The PowerPoint includes thought-provoking questions and includes an overview of what writing should and shouldn’t be.

The PowerPoint includes 13 slides with the following titles:

❒ Activity on students’ expectations of the class

❒ All about being a writer

❒ Course overview (ex. Characterization, story structure, etc.)

❒ Stephen King on Writing

❒ Inspirational quotes from famous writers about writing

❒ The writing process

❒ General and realistic goals in writing

❒ Students’ personal goal about writing

❒ Ice-breaking activity (So… What’s your story?)

❒ Grammar and spelling in writing

❒ Formatting

❒ Homework activity

Please see the preview for more details.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Building Suspense in Creative Writing

Creating Characters in Creative Writing

Creative Writing Activity

Creative Writing Bundle

Exploring the Elements of Fiction in Creative Writing

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
13 slides
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
1 hour

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free End-of-Year Reward Bookmarks”

by Versatile Teacher Toolkit ESL and ELA Resources
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Use these free end-of-year bookmarks to reward your students at the end of the school year. These bookmarks are inexpensive student gifts your learners will surely appreciate. You simply need to print them on thick paper, laminate them for durability (optional), and cut them out.

These bookmarks may nicely complement these matching award certificates:

⭐FILE DETAILS: Paper size: 8.5″ x 11″ (Standard US Letter). Documents are not editable unless otherwise stated. Resources are available either in a PDF or PPT file.

❤️SATISFACTION: Before downloading a product, read the product description and check out the preview document to determine if the resource is appropriate for your students. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

⭐HOW CAN YOU EARN TPT CREDITS? When you rate a product, you earn TpT credits that you can use on your future purchases. Simply go to your My purchases page and click on the Provide feedback button to rate a resource and leave a short constructive comment. Your feedback is important to me as it helps me to create better resources.

©️TERMS OF USE: Copyrights reserved to K. Cana (Versatile Teacher Toolkit – ESL and ELA Resources). For personal or educational use. You may make copies for your personal or your own classroom use. Sharing, posting, redistributing, selling this resource or any part of it on the Internet are prohibited. Not respecting these terms of use is a violation of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. You can read my full TOU here: Terms of Use

✨LET’S CONNECT: Follow my store and social media pages to be among the first to know about new resources, updates, sales, and freebies.

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Related Products

Elementary ESL Resources MEGA Bundle

The ESL Teacher’s MEGA Bundle for The Entire School Year

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Opinion Letter with the Novel Holes


The Opinion Letter with the Novel Holes

Appropriate for grades 7 to 9, students learn how to recognize and write a supported opinion using Louis Sachar’s novel “Holes.”

The bundle includes:

❒ An activity sheet on “What is a Supported Opinion?” (with answer key)

❒ Instructions on how to write an effective opinion letter

❒ The evaluation which contains the instruction sheet and list of topics (that were selected for students of different needs. Students who are high achieving might select one of the more complex topics, while a student who struggles can choose a more obvious one.)

❒ An evaluation grid is included along with evaluation expectations

❒ All writing process directions and sheets are included (Pre-Writing or Brainstorming sheet and a Paragraph Organizer)

❒ Also included is an example of the writing process from beginning to end to help students fully understand what the task entails. (Pre-Writing sheet, Paragraph Organizer and the final draft, which includes format expectations.)

Print it and go!

Ten pages in PDF format are included.

You may also be interested in the following products:

English Grammar Cheat Sheet

How to Write a Paragraph

Opinion Piece Bundle

Poster: Developing Themes in Literature

Superhero Themed Parts of Speech Posters

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
10 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
4 days

FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREEBIE The Story of Jonah”

by Sherry Clements
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

This 6 page freebie about “The Story of Jonah” requires students to read the Bible passage from Jonah 1:1-17. After reading the passage, students will answer the questions on each page. There is a graphic at the top of each page and then one or two questions/directions at the bottom with a line(s) for students to write the answer. Students may also color the picture.

I hope your students/children enjoy reading and learning from this story in the Bible.

Be sure to FOLLOW ME to be notified of new resources and FREEBIES!

Also, be sure to leave feedback on all of your previous purchases to receive credit toward future purchases. Simply go to your MY PURCHASES page and click on the green “Provide Feedback” links! Quick and Easy!

You may also like:

⭐ Jesus Calms the Storm FREEBIE

⭐ Elijah and the Widow Woman FREEBIE

⭐ Christmas Color by Code FREEBIE

⭐ Sight Word Readers BUNDLE List 1

⭐ The Road to Emmaus FREEBIE

Please visit me at:




Thanks for stopping by!

Sherry Clements

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Rubrics: Self Evaluation and teacher assessment rubrics


Self-evaluation grids are a great way to guide students in their evaluations. Students will know exactly what is expected of them and will be made responsible for their own success. This package can also easily be changed to be used as peer evaluations.

Included within this document are over 20 different self-evaluation grids.

These self-evaluation grids are also very helpful to teachers:

Helps the teacher justify the final mark;

❒ Helps the teacher create meaningful evaluation grids;

❒ Helps to identify students’ weaknesses and strengths;

❒ Helps parents and students better understand the task required;

❒ Helps teachers create rubrics for the final evaluation.

This package was created in a Word document in order to be easily modified and changed according to the individual teacher’s needs.

This self-evaluation package contains self-evaluation grids for:

❒ Newspaper article

❒ Short story writing (intermediate and senior)

❒ Essay writing (various different types)

❒ Essay evaluation rubrics (for teacher –with and without sources)

❒ Independent study unit

❒ Research paper

❒ Skits

❒ Board game

❒ Group work

❒ Opinion piece

❒ Editorial

❒ Friendly letter

❒ Debate

❒ Movie review

❒ Journals

❒ Scrapbook

❒ Seminar

❒ Speech

❒ Riddle writing

You may also be interested in the following products:

Comment Bank

ELA Report Card Comments

Group Work Assessment Tool

Opinion Letter with the Novel Holes

Opinion Piece Bundle

Poster: Developing Themes in Literature

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
27 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Father’s Day Writing Frames”

by Wise Owl Factory
1st – 2nd Grade

Father’s Day writing frames pages for children to color and write messages to fathers, uncles, and grandfathers. A teacher may print from one of the pages to all eight so children have a selection of pages from which to select. This is a printable PDF and an Easel activity, for classroom use.

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Comment Bank


Do you run out of meaningful criticism for your students’ high school papers and work?

I created this comment bank because I had the same problem. After a little while, you don’t know what to write on a student’s test.

The Comment Bank has been constructed to save the Language Arts teacher time when offering constructive and helpful comments on students’ evaluations. Marking papers in any Language Arts class is always a lengthy process. Increasingly, teachers are being asked to write more detailed comments to highlight students’ strengths and weaknesses, and sometimes we run out of ideas. Being the vigilant teachers we are, and wanting to help our students achieve their potential is and will always be one of our priorities. To this end, when marking students’ papers, writing down everything we want to say to them about their papers would be a very lengthy process. I have decided to share my personal comment bank with you.

The bank comments on the following areas:



❒The next step





The package contains 7 pages of comments, which are divided by levels of accomplishment A, B, C and D. (levels 100 to 50)

Included in this package are over 120 comments for students. You can get inspiration from these pages to handwrite your comments, or you can do what I do and copy/paste your comments into a word document, print, and staple the comment to the students’ evaluations. This is a real time saver. Parents, students, and school administration LOVE this method of feedback. And, this way, it takes much less time to be much more efficient. I hope you enjoy it!

You may also be interested in the following products:

ELA Report Card Comments

Group Work Assessment Tool

Rubrics: Self-Evaluation Bundle

Creating a Board Game Assessment Tool

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
7 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “{FREE!} Library Worksheets for the End of the School Year”

by So Blessed to Be a Teacher
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This FREE product includes three simple activities that are fun for the end of the school year in the school library or media center.

“My Favorite Book” asks students to write the title of the read aloud book they liked best this year and explain why it’s their favorite. Students then draw a picture of one of the events from that book.

“My Summer Reading Shopping List” allows students to walk around the library and jot down a list of books that they’d like to search for at the public library this summer.

“Summer Vacation ABC Order” asks students to alphabetize eight summer-themed words.

Thanks a million for visiting my store! Please follow me to stay informed about freebies, new products, and sales! May God bless you and your students! ☺

If you download this free product and find it useful, please consider leaving feedback!

Need more library resources? Please feel free to take a look at these awesome resources for your media center!

Library Skills Bundle for K & 1

Library Skills Seasonal Activities Mega Bundle

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Figurative Language and Poetic Devices Jeopardy Game


Are you looking for a new way of introducing poetic devices in your class? This PowerPoint document is a great way to review poetic terms or to help students learn them.

I play this game from grade 9 to grade 12 and all of the students love them.

Directions on how to play the game are also included.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Creating a Board Game Assessment Tool

I Have, Who Has? Game for Teaching Figurative Language & Poetry

Parts of Speech Grammar Circles

Superhero Themed Parts of Speech Posters

Spelling Flip Book

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
28 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Award Ribbons Clip Art FREEBIE”

by CrunchyMom
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

This set is a sample of what you will find in the Award Ribbons set, which includes 5 styles of award ribbons in a full rainbow of colors to choose from.

All pieces are high resolution 300 dpi PNG images on transparent backgrounds and can easily be layered into your projects and lesson materials. They can be used with a variety of different programs including Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Photoshop.


Other products you may enjoy:Valentine GameBoard Clip Art ♦ BUNDLE

Clipart ♦ Heart Borders and Frames

Cupcakes Clip Art ♦ Basic Colors


Terms of Use: ● Commercial use: This clip art may be used in commercial products, but MUST be flattened and secured if you use the images in products you sell (distribute). Clip art must not be the main element in your product, ex. coloring pages, and may not be used to create other clipart or digital paper.

● Personal classroom use: This clipart may be used in lessons, activities, SMART board or PowerPoint lessons/activities that are not distributed or sold.

● Blog/Website Usage: Images may not be displayed in blog posts, websites, or anywhere on the Internet in their original form. This would allow anyone to easily download and use the clipart. They may be used if flattened and secured with other design elements.

● Commercial credit is required: A link to the TpT store is required in both commercial products and freebies. A CM Logo image is included in the download file. The CM Logo with a link to my store must be visibly displayed if clipart is used on a blog or website.

A link to the Terms of Use is included in the download file and can be found HERE


THANK YOU for stopping by my store!

Keywords: February, valentine clipart, teddy bear clip, valentine’s day clip art, hearts, pink

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The Yellow Wallpaper Mini-Unit (Digital resource)


NEW – This resource now includes a digital version on Google Docs to facilitate online and distance learning.

The Yellow Wallpaper Mini-Unit” is perfect for teaching students to analyze literature in a meaningful way. All of the prep work and thinking has been done for you. This truly is a print-and-go resource. The mini-unit includes 5 lesson plans, an interactive PowerPoint presentation to introduce the story’s historical context, student activities, as well as a detailed answer key. The mini-unit also includes a creative writing piece that allows students to play around with voice and situate themselves within the context of the times.

This lesson is suitable for grades 9 to 12.

60 pages and 19 slides total in this unit.

See below for further details.

The PowerPoint is an interactive presentation with information about the author, the context of the time, notes on feminist literature and its history, information about Weir Mitchell and the rest cure, experts form François Poullain de la Barre’s “The Woman as Good as the Man, and an excerpt from Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s “Émile, or On Education” to help students understand women’s frustrations and the want for change.

The Lesson Plans contain 5 comprehensive lessons, which fully explore this work’s mastery and teaches students to think critically by annotating the work. The lesson plans include journal topics, class discussions, and exit tickets, as well as learning goals for each lesson for students to fully grasp the importance of this work.

The student Activities include an activity on symbolism, activity on the theme, a tutorial on how to develop themes in paragraph form (this is an important skill for ELA students), an example of a developed theme, and a paragraph organizer.

Two copies of the short story are included – a copy of the short story with space for students to annotate the work and an annotated copy for the teacher or for differentiated learning as the case may be. (Provided in Word as well as PDF format to allow you to add your own annotations.)

Two evaluations are also included: (All evaluations are available Word and PDF format to suit students’ needs.)

❒One evaluation is a creative writing assignment where students assume the voice of a man during the 1890’s responding to Mary Wollstonecraft’s views on women’s rights.

❒Also included is an analysis evaluation where students must develop one of the themes from the work. (A sample answer is provided with rubric)

A comprehensive answer key is provided for all work.

Please see the preview for a more visual explanation.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Brave New World Student Notebook
Death of a Salesman No Prep Unit

Frankenstein Bundle

Hamlet Bundle

Lord of the Flies No Prep Unit

Poetry No Prep Unit

Wuthering Heights Student Workbook

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
60 pages and 19 slides
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
1 Week

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Alphabet Writing Video – Bb – Free!!”

by A Turn to Learn
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Teach your students the right way to write their uppercase and lowercase letters with these engaging videos! These 5 minute long videos will have your students “reading” along with a catchy poem that will help them remember the way to properly write their letters!

Just open it up and press play for your students! No prep needed!

The video introduces students to the poems by having students echo read them. Then, the video also traces the letters (with a visual) while repeating the poem in order to provide students with a visual of how to write the letter. I always use this as the opportunity to have students “air write” the letter.

It also includes the famous, “Some letters are tall, some letters are small, some letters fall.” and challenges students to figure out if the lowercase letter is small, tall, or if it falls! It then reviews the two poems for students.

Use any (or all) of these files:
• Alphabet Writing Practice for the Smartboard: After showing the video, I do some group practice on the smartboard using this file, having students take turns coming up and writing their letters while practicing the alphabet formation poem.
• Handwriting Book (with the poems!): Have students practice their letter formation with the poems right in front of them!
• Alphabet Writing/Formation Signs: I post our current poems on the board for the day, then place them in a binder afterwards for students to reference.

The links to the other videos in this series are:
• Letter Aa – FREE!
• Letter Bb – FREE!
• Letter Cc
• Letter Dd
• Letter Ee
• Letter Ff
• Letter Gg
• Letter Hh
• Letter Ii
• Letter Jj
• Letter Kk
• Letter Ll
• Letter Mm
• Letter Nn
• Letter Oo
• Letter Pp
• Letter Qq
• Letter Rr
• Letter Ss
• Letter Tt
• Letter Uu
• Letter Vv
• Letter Ww
• Letter Xx
• Letter Yy
• Letter Zz

The video also informally introduces consonants and vowels – the backgrounds of vowels are in red, while the backgrounds of consonants are in blue.

-Ms. Jessica
A Turn to Learn

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May 2022 Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern 


Welcome to our MayTeacher Talk.  All of us from the Teacher Talk collaborative would like to wish you a happy and prosperous summer. We have so many fab tips this month from fun activities, ELA and reading ideas, to high interest learning. You don’t want to miss reading these blog posts from some awesome educators.

If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog linky, sign up here…The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, “Feel free to email me at [email protected] for any questions you might have.”
Rejoice! It’s the End of the School Year

Rejoice, it’s the end of the school year. We’re so eager for summer that we sometimes forget about all the things we have to do for the last few weeks of school.  Hopefully, you’ll be celebrating a successful year with our students.  For those of you who didn’t have a great year, it’s time to cheer, you never have to see this group of kids again, at least not in your classroom. 

Welcoming the Summer Slide
It’s an exhilarating time of the year! Testing should be over by now (Pleeeease tell me that’s true for you!), classrooms are getting packed up and summerized, and we’re celebrating all the learning that has happened for our students in this important piece of their childhood.
Patriotic Karaoke

If your classes need a pick-me-up before the school year ends, consider patriotic karaoke for some rousing fun with educational value.

Create a Focused Learning Environment using Feng Shui for the Classroom
Do you feel like your classroom needs an uplift, but you don’t have the time or money to achieve your goal? Consider making a few Feng Shui adjustments. Your classroom will go from stuffy to energized with only a few changes because the “chi” or the energy of the room, is happy to circulate.
How to Correct Mixed Metaphor and Malapropisms


The use of mixed metaphors and malapropisms can be quite comical. Learn how to avoid them.
Classroom Organization Ideas: What to Do Now to Reduce Your Workload Later

Check out these 7 great tips to learn what you can do now in your classroom to reduce your workload later.


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Frames”

by Nikole T
Pre-Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Free Frames – umbrella – Clip Art – Personal or Commercial Use
This is a set of 10 files.
This beautiful clip art set will be delivered to you in transparent PNG file format via a .zip file. Each element has been saved as a high quality .PNG file.
The zip file contains:
– 5 frames
– 2 colorful umbrellas
– 1 black & white umbrella
– 4 animated pictures- .gif files
And remember to check my store for more creations
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Check out some of my other science powerpoint
EUROPE 1- PowerPoint presentation (59 Slides)
 North America- South America- 5PowerPoint presentation
 AFRICA- EUROPE- 3 PowerPoint presentation (200 Slides) A>
-Solar System / 3 in 1 /
-THE SUN- Solar eclipse
 North America- South America- 5PowerPoint presentation
-Structure of the Earth. Geosphere
– Seven Wonders of the World
– Deserts- Sahara, Gobi, Great Victoria, Patagonian, Great Basin
– Africa- North Africa, Western Africa PowerPoint
– Africa- Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Southern Africa
 World of Waterfalls- PowerPoint Presentation
 Great Explorers- slide show- Magellan, Copernicus, Bruno, Galilei, Kepler
 EUROPE- Most beautiful cities in Europe- Slide show
-The Moon- Lunar phase, Apollo 11
 Landforms of the Earth- Interactive PowerPoint- quiz

Check out some of my products !
* GEOMETRIC SHAPES – slide show
 Addition and Subtraction III- slide show
 Shapes – Identify circles, squares, triangles and rectangles
 Positions- Inside and outside, left and right…..
 Color By Addition and Subtraction
 Multiplication and Division- 8- PowerPoint presentation
 Logic Problems- Numerical, Visual-Spatial Logic- PowerPoint presentation
 Math and Literacy Fun- PowerPoint presentation
 fun numbers – slide show
 Addition and Subtraction 1- slide show
 Subtraction- 41 slides – interactive slide showl
 Shapes- numbers- labels-Clip Art; Personal or Commercial Use
 Multiplication and Division- 6- PowerPoint presentation
 Math and Literacy Fun 1- SPRING- butterflies- slide show
 Numbers with autumn leaves- Clip Art
 40 flashcards-numbers and pictures-Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Flashcards- Spring- butterflies- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Multiplication and division- 7- PowerPoint presentation
 3 PowerPoint Presentation- Multiplication and division- 6, 7, 8
 Math- 4 PowerPoint- SHAPES, Addition and Subtraction, Math and Literacy Fun
 Fun math- Spring- Interactive slide show


– SEASONS- 4- slide show
 Easter eggs- Spring- puzzle- Clip Art
 Spring Flowers – Writing paper- Frames
– Flowers and butterflies
– Flowers and butterflies 2
– POLAR ANIMALS – slide show
 Butterflies- Drawing lessons- slide show; Clip Art
 SPRING- Labels- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Spring- 5 PowerPoint slide design- Personal or commercial use
 Spring flowers 1- frames/borders
 Flowers- frames- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Ladybugs and dragonflies- Clip Art; Personal or Commercial Use
 Birds-Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 7different frames- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Flowers- Spring- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Spring- the sun, cloud- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Butterflies- Spring- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Seasons- Months- Days of the week- Program- Clip art
 Spring- Birds- Ribbons- Hearts- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 SPRING FLOWERS- 21 slide PowerPoint presentation
 Free Animated Pictures- Spring- Clip Art

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Chinese Brag Tag / Affirmation”

by Master Xuan
Kindergarten – 12th Grade

12 Chinese Brag Tag or Affirmation to give to students. Print them out on cardstock or plain paper, laminate them (if you wish), and cut them out!

I have prepared 30 words of affirmation but not sure would it be useful or is there a market for it. Hence, I decided to give 12 basic brag tag for free to test the water.

Do leave feedback and let me know:

– Do you think it is useful

– Would you be willing to buy something similar

– Dimension of brag tag

– Would you prefer it without a line for name or a line to write the name

– Specific words of affirmation

Do follow me!

You may be interested in the following freebies:

Christmas Bingo In Chinese

Chinese New Year Word Search

You may be interested in the following Chinese products:

Chinese Game Pack

Chinese and English Food Flashcards and Games

Differentiate the Initials Chinese Board Games


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Earn TpT Credits for purchases on TpT. You get one TpT Credit for every $ you spend on TpT. Thing is, you only get the Credits after you Provide Feedback — both a fair rating and a fair comment — on the items that you purchase. We will round up for you, too! If you provide fair feedback on a $4.75 item, you will earn 5 credits. Every 100 Credits is worth $5 that you can apply towards future TpT purchases, but there is no need to wait until you have 100 to redeem them. 50 credits is worth $2.50, for example.

How to Redeem TpT Credits
When you check out, you will be given the option of applying your TpT Credits to your purchase, thereby discounting your purchase price accordingly.

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FREE MATH LESSON – “FREE Counting Ducks 1-10 Digital Activity for Kindergarten | Distance Learning”

by Polliwog Place
Pre-Kindergarten – Kindergarten

This Counting Ducks 1-10 Digital Math Activity is designed for the digital interactive classroom. Students practice a counting numbers 1-10 using digital slides.

This is a free sample. Find the Spring Digital Activities BUNDLE here.

How it Works: Students view a slide and respond using the included recording sheets, a regular piece of paper, or even a white board. They get instant feedback to check their answers after each slide. Students move at their own pace, advancing to the next slide when they are ready.


Distance Learning: Will these activities work for distance learning? YES! I created them with flexibility in mind. I understand that students and families are using a variety of technology to access distance learning. These activities will work on any device that can open PowerPoint, Adobe PDF files, or Google Slides.

Continue to build fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination through writing. Students respond to these digital activities by writing their answers. They can write on the included recording sheet or on a regular piece of paper.

Thank you! — Polliwog Place


Related Resources

More Digital Activities

More Learning Games


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “PREGO Capitolo 11 Spesa e Spese TOMBOLA”

by Urbino12
8th – 12th Grade

Here is a fun low/high tech game your Italian students will enjoy playing to review vocabulary! May be played digitally via distance learning or printed out on paper.

Game contains vocabulary from the Prego textbook Capitolo 11 Spesa e Spese


Students write words from the word bank in each box.

Teacher reads oral clues from teacher script.

Twelve oral clues are included for you to begin your game.

Students mark off the word if they have it on their grid use pens, pencils, crayons, plastic bingo chips or pennies if you have them.

The same board may be used for three or four games.

First win: regular bingo 5 across, down etc.

Second Win: each of the four corners,

Third Win: the big H, I or L.

Final WIN: full board.

Directions are included with your purchase.

I prefer a non candy prize so I give out bookmarks or free homework passes to winners. Available through this link:

Italian Free Homework Pass

I hope this product is useful to you and your students. Please view my other products and Terms of Use located at this link:

Urbino12 Store

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Teaching Theme Printables – Anchor Charts, Mentor Texts, Practice Pages”

by Kristine Nannini
3rd – 6th Grade

FREE Theme Printables (Anchor Charts, Mentor Texts, Practice Pages)

Determining theme is a higher-order thinking skill that many students may struggle to grasp at first. The reason for this struggle is that theme is inferred (unless your students are reading fables with explicitly stated morals).

The goal of this free resource is to help your students understand the concept of theme and provide them with multiple opportunities to practice, and eventually master, this concept.

Included in this free resource:

-Three Printable Determining Theme Anchor Charts

-Determining Theme Mentor Text Recommendations

-Printable Practice Pages (The Invisible Boy and a blank generic version)

-Clickable link to my Theme: Differentiated Reading Passages and Questions

These resources compliment my informative blog post at Young Teacher Love Blog.

ClickHERE to read my blog post on Teaching Theme in the Upper-Elementary Classroom

Thank you, and enjoy!

Copyright© 2017 Kristine Nannini

All rights reserved by author.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only. Not for public display.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Student Conferencing Goal Tracker”

by The Bespoke Bulletin Board
Kindergarten – 8th Grade

This organizational tool allows you to keep a digital record of targeted skills goals you work on with individual students as you conference with them. 

Anecdotal note-taking can be quite a feat for educators who are already doing so much to collect data that informs further instruction, so use this handy tracker to save you time and keep you organized!

Teacher Tips: use with a group or individual students. Copy and keep a different document titled with the students’ names, and store them into a folder for easy navigation and organization.

If you enjoyed this lesson, please leave us feedback on Teachers Pay Teachers.  Your feedback is essential to us because it helps us decide what type of content to create in the future.  Follow our store to learn when similar products are posted at a discount or when we are having sales on products like these.  Thank you!


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Art Supply Labels”

by Love from the Art Room
Pre-Kindergarten – 5th Grade

These colorful photographic labels will brighten up your classroom while clearly labeling supplies. The images illustrate the words which make it easier for English Language Learners along with young readers to find supplies.

I have included the following labels in this packet; Art Supplies, Acrylic Paint, Clay Tools, Color Paper, Crayons, Fibers, Folders, Glue, Highlighters, Magazines, Markers, Newspaper, Notebooks, Oil Paint, Oil Pastels, Paint, Paper, Pencils, Pens, Post its, Rulers, Scrap Paper, Sharpies, Shop Tools, Spray Paint, Stapler, and Watercolor.

Labels are jpeg images listed in a Google Document for easy resizing and printing. All images that I used are royalty free with added design by me.

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by Ruth S.
3rd – 9th Grade

Sequence Activity

These are great activities to reinforce sequence using clue and transition words. Kids have to identify the clue words in the sentences, then draw one line under the event that happened first, and two lines under the event that happened second.
PLEASE NOTE: This packet of sequence activities has been modified and pages have been added. Please upload the new activities that include more activities and teaching suggestions.

More sequence activities.

Sequence Packet

Feedback and FollowersIf you’d like to see more of my resources, please follow me by clicking on the star near my name. You’ll receive FREE updates for any of my resources you purchase. I’ll send you a note in your Teachers Pay Teachers inbox to let you know that I’ve updated a resource so you can download it again FREE of charge. For that reason, always check your Teachers Pay Teachers inbox.You’ll receive updates FREE, FOREVER!If teammates, coworkers or a school or a school district would like to use my resources, there is a multiple user license that is available at a reduced price.Rate my resource and tell me how you use this resource or the grade level you teach. I LOVE comments! Comments earn YOU TpT credits!MY READY TO PRINT RESOURCES SAVE YOU TIME!

Read my Teachers Pay Teachers profile if you’d like to learn more about me.

Have a question? Contact me by clicking on the Ask a Question tab. 🙂

I’m a teacher/author and offer Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, American History, Novel Packets, Grammar, Back to School, Holidays, Writing, Poetry, Spelling, Teacher forms products and more!

All rights reserved by author. Ruth S.
This resource has a single user license and is to be used only by the purchaser. Permission to copy, for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
Not for public display on school websites, blogs or other websites. Not to be shared at teacher workshops or conventions
Copyright © Ruth S.

Permission to copy, for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
Not for public display on school websites, blogs or other websites.

Take a stroll over to my blog, Teacher Park, where you’ll find more teaching ideas resources, products and freebies. You can follow me on Teacher Park and on TeachersPayTeachers

Teacher Park

The following are just some of the resources I offer on Teachers Pay Teachers. To find more, look for CUSTOM CATEGORIES on my store pages and select a subject.


The following resources can be used with any book or story! Student friendly rubrics are included!

Common Core ELA Informational Text PostersCommon Core Figurative LanguageCommon Core Reading ThemesCommon Core Reading Standards Main IdeaCommon Core Setting ComparisonsCommon Core Foundational Skills Task Cards Great informal assessment to determine who needs review or who has achieved mastery. Use year to year
Common Core Character ComparisonsCommon Core Problems and SolutionsCommon Core Reading Standards Cause and Effect


Close Reading Informational Text Polar Bears
This is the perfect informational text, no prep resource, to connect English Language arts with social studies and science! The article about polar bears’ lives in the arctic regions of Earth and how they survive, will inspire your students to research these beautiful animals on their own. Creative activities! Questions and answers are included.

Nonfiction Bingo A great way for students to become very familiar with nonfiction features.

Nonfiction Detective Task Cards Pre- reading, reading and post reading cards!

Nonfiction Find It and Check It This packet helps to reinforce nonfiction text.

Common Core Informational Text Article (Cheetah) FREE!


Novel Response Cards Use with any book or story. Perfect for small groups, independent work, literature circles, guided reading and centers. This is one of my most popular resources! Use year to year with your students!

Number the Stars 19 Page Packet This is now a 70 page packet! There is an informational article about World War II for pre reading activities, with questions and answers. Also included are maps of Europe and Denmark with questions and answers. This provides students with a historical perspective of World War II. Covers all reading strategies and more!

Similes Metaphors and More Use with any book or story! Examples and definitions are given on each page.

Nonfiction Bingo A great way for students to become very familiar with nonfiction features

Figurative Language Chart and Student Worksheets A very handy reference chart with examples of figurative language as well as other activities. Students use their copies of the chart as they work on written assignments in class. . A VERY popular resource all teachers must have!

Movie Review for Students Keep your students focused as they watch videos in class. Add these sheets to your sub folder!

Fantasy Essential Elements Literature Unit


Book Report Trifold Use With Any Novel Use the pages year to year with any fiction book or story. Students will be motivated to work for the extra bonus points that are offered! A note to parents is also included with all the instructions about the report and a slip to send back to you. Complete instructions are included.

Design a Game Book Report An amazing book report. Students create games based on stories they’ve read. All time favorite activity loved by students, their parents, teachers and administrators! Encourages students to read different genre. Have a Game Day!

Bloom Ball Reports Inspires students to “think out of the box” to create reports for any subject, book, or story. Use with any fiction, nonfiction or subject. Based on the latest Bloom Taxonomy verbiage. These reports encourage higher-level thinking and make colorful year round classroom displays! Students, teachers, parents and administrators love the reports! For 5th grade and up. Middle and high school teachers tell me they’re using them too!


Parts of Speech Animal Theme Posters Laminate for future use!

Subject and Predicate ActivitiesIrregular Past and Participle Forms of Verbs

Adjective Adverb Game Common Core SupplementAdjective Adverb Task CardsCommon and Proper Nouns Practice for the Common CoreCommon Proper Nouns Game

Spelling Activities To Use with Any Spelling List
How to Spell Plural Nouns FREE!


Scoot Fun! Adjectives
Scoot Fun! Nouns
Scoot Fun! Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
Scoot Fun! Prepositions
Scoot Fun! Subjects Predicates
Scoot Fun! Verbs


Al Capone Does My Shirts
A Wrinkle in Time Literary Activities
A Wrinkle in Time Whole Book Assessment and Extension Activities
Bridge to Terabithia Student Worksheets
Brians Winter Student Worksheets Gary Paulsen’s survival books keep students on the edges of their seats!
Chasing Vermeer 65 Comprehension Activities Task cards
Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith
Dogsong by Gary Paulsen
Fairy Tales Worksheet PacketFun! Imagine Cinderella’s glass slipper is a sneaker and she arrives to the ball in a limo. Students love these activities!
Fantasy Essential Elements Literature Unit
Frindle Literature Guide 87 pages. Includes an informational article about the Bill of Rights and Freedom of Speech with questions and answers. Is freedom of speech different in the classroom than what is says in the Constitution?
From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Activities
Hatchet Student Worksheets
Holes by Louis Sachar Student Worksheets
Hoot Student Worksheets
Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell
Lord of the FliesLove that Dog,Test
Maniac Magee 32 Page Packet
Maniac Magee Task Cards
Maniac Magee Bullying
Maniac Magee Vocabulary
Maniac Magee Fortunate and Unfortunate Events If you purchased my Maniac Magee packet, please do no purchase this. It is in the packet.
Moby Dick
Number the Stars 19 Page Packet This is now a 70 page packet!
The Kite Runner
The Tiger Rising Activities
Where the Red Fern Grows Activities
Woodsong Packet


Who doesn’t love a contest? You’ll notice that even your most reluctant readers will join in this weekly fun! See the links for more details.
Vocabulary Detectives Task Cards 4 Pronouns, Proper Nouns, Conjunctions
Vocabulary Detectives Task Cards 5 Similes, Metaphors, Personification
Vocabulary Detective Task Cards 6 Common Proper Nouns and ContractionsHOLIDAYS AND SEASONAL PRODUCTS

St.Patricks Day Legend of Irish Leprechauns WorksheetsIreland Mini Report for St. Patricks Day FREE!

Thanksgiving Activity Five Kernels of Corn A true story about the Pilgrims starving time when they had only five kernels of corn to eat each day.
Thanksgiving Word Art Poster FREE!

New Year Resolutions Mine My Town My Country The World School is included in this packet. Students think “out of the box” to write the resolutions.

Autumn and Fall Writing Papers Creatively designed writing paper for final drafts of poems and stories.!

Autumn ELA Student Worksheets

Halloween Task Cards and Writing Activities Fun creative task cards students love!

Christmas and Holiday Language Art Activities

North Pole Headline News Students have fun writing news articles about the North Pole. Examples of headlines are: Santa Loses His Cell Phone, Santa Buys an iPad, Rudolph’s Nose Turns Blue and many more! Fun!

North Pole Prepositions FREE! Fun!! You’ll love your students’ illustrations of the sentences with prepositions!

Veterans Day An inspiring project that’s loved by students, parents and teachers!

Langston Hughes Dreams FREE! A fantastic resource to encourage your students to follow their dreams. Use during Black History Month, to celebrate Martin Luther King’s birthday or add it to your poetry unit!


These activities can be hands on cut and paste activities or students can write their answers on the snowballs.
Snowball Antonyms
Snowball Synonyms
Snowball Math Addition Subtraction
Snowball Math Multiplication and Division


Behavior Forms for Teachers Forms all teachers need!

Behavior Reinforcing Student Responsibility

Thanks for stopping by!


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Garden In A Glove | Plant Needs Activity”

by Rita Mitchell
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

It doesn’t get more hands-on than actually planting! Students will learn about seeds, the needs of plants, and germination. Enjoy this FREEBIE as an encouragement to collect the few items you need to make this project happen.


Planting Tips

Observation Recording options

Happy Gardening,


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Creative Writing Bundle


This Creative Writing bundle has been created to teach students the basic elements of writing. It begins with a PowerPoint to introduce how students should approach creative writing and includes activities to help students create believable and interesting characters, how to build suspense, and basics of the elements of fiction and plot.

Check out the individual resources for more information.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Free Thesis Writing Activity

Paragraph Writing Activity (Frankenstein)

Parts of Speech Grammar Circles

Poster: Developing Themes in Literature

Superhero Themed Parts of Speech Posters

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
13 pages and 11 slides
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE MATH LESSON – “Place Value Bookmarks”

by Talented in Third
2nd – 4th Grade

These Place Value Bookmarks are a great way to have your students practice what they are learning about place value in the form of a personalized bookmark. Your students will love these two-sided bookmarks, while you will love the knowledge they are practicing every time they look at it.

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Frankenstein Unit (Digital resources)


FRANKENSTEIN UNIT – Complete with no prep for you.

***NEW – This unit is now distance learning ready.

-Students may complete the work in a Google Docs.

-Students make complete the work on PDF forms, save it, and send it to you.

-Students may also complete the work using Google Slides.

This unit is created using the 1831 edition of the novel.

This unit has been created with the teacher in mind. The material is geared toward senior students with a focus on the construction of arguments. It also teaches the importance of historical context as well as literary allusions in the development of themes.

I am a strong believer that when students work with a specific purpose in mind, they become better learners. That’s why my units contain only quality and worth-while activities. You will find no busy work here. Every lesson focuses on teaching students analytical and essay writing skills.

All of the thinking and planning is done for you. The lesson plans are detailed and comprehensive. The student guide is visually appealing, and so the teacher puts effort where it needs to be. The answer key is complete and detailed. All you need to do is to purchase this unit and photocopy it.

Take a look at the preview for more information.

The unit includes:

1) The Teacher Package

❒ contains 23 detailed lessons (60-90 minute lessons)

❒ leading discussion questions and skill-building activities (with detailed instructions for the teacher)

❒ important chapter notes on analysis

❒ the teacher package helps the teacher stay on task and stay organized because the planning has been done for you.

2) The Student Package (19 pages)

❒ pre-reading activity

❒ study guide questions (*improved with more thinking questions for students)

❒ a fact sheet regarding the Prometheus myth

❒ activity on the use of nature in romantic literature

❒ an activity based on the symbols in the novel

❒ several activities that teach argument development

❒ activity on theme development

❒ an activity on characterization to bring about themes

Available in PDF forms, on Google Slides

Available as a booklet and as individual activities to make sharing with students easier.

3) A comprehensive answer key (32 pages)

❒ detailed answers to ALL student activities and work

❒ an annotated copy of the poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and activity answer key.

4) Also included:

❒ a PowerPoint introducing the novel’s historical context and the author

❒ a copy of “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.”


❒ Test on letters 1-4 and chapters 1-10 (choice between multiple choice OR development questions)

❒ Test on chapters 11-18 (choice between multiple choice OR development questions)

❒ Unit evaluation (Choice between an essay (several different versions), a debate, a unit test – all the work process is included)


*As a bonus, I have included two automatic comment generators for Word documents (with drop-down boxes.)

Documents are downloaded as PDF files (except for evaluations)

You may also be interested in the following products:

Thematic Poetry Unit: Editable

Much Ado About Nothing Complete Unit

Poetry Unit for Senior Students

Lord of the Flies Unit – No Prep Required

Hamlet Complete No Prep Unit

Romeo and Juliet – No Prep Unit

Death of a Salesman – No Prep Unit

Wuthering Heights Student Workbook

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
125 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
1 month

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Monsters Day of the Week”

by Faith Siegrist
Pre-Kindergarten – 6th Grade

Your favorite monsters with the days of the week. You can add your schedule or special. I also include blank ones that you can add what you need. These make fun posters and journal covers.

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