Daily Archives: May 5, 2022

Essay Writing Flip Book


The Essay Writing Flip Book is a resource that I created for my students for essay writing. Even when they have learned the basics of the essay, they soon forget important details. This guide is an ‘at a glance’ resource where students can quickly find the information they need so that they can concentrate on the bulk of their arguments.

The Flip Book contains:

❒ Pre-writing: finding a topic, understanding it, writing a thesis statement

❒ Introduction writing: tips for writing and starting an intro, and proper format

❒ The body of the essay – paragraph format, how to build arguments, and other tips

❒ Quotations (2 pages) – how to use quotes in an essay, how to incorporate quotes, in-text- citation using MLA format, etc.

❒ Transitions – how and why to use them, a list of commonly used transitional words and expressions

❒ MLA format

❒ Revision Checklist

8 pages of information in all!

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Total Pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration


by MrsTech
9th – 12th Grade

This activity walks students through step by step instructions on how to set up a paper in MLA format. The paper itself it set up as an MLA paper, so the students can see how one should look once they have all elements set up correctly.

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