Tag Archives : End of year

A post to pass on to parents: Reading and writing through play!

Reading and writing through play!


Do you have a child who loves animals, may wish to be a veterinarian or doctor, and could use a little practice or writing his or her name? (Not that you would ever mention it…)

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How about one who does not see the point in learning to read or write, but has a fantastic imagination?

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A sociable child with boundless energy, an interest in the law, perhaps, and exploring roles?

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Maybe you have a child that likes to pretend to be grown-up sometimes, and receive the praise self-esteem boost that goes with it. I admit to feeling very important as a ‘waitress’ at summer BBQs growing up. (My brothers preferred to be ‘bartenders’). It was always more official and fun with a notepad in hand.


















And once the drinks are handed out, someone is bound to start telling stories. Perhaps your child is a fan of pirates, or a natural storyteller?


















The child in this post could be any child.

Children learn without even realizing it through play, and read and write for real purposes .

We learned this way when we were kids. We played. We helped out. We didn’t have the electronic distractions of today.

The templates above (and a few more) have been designed for today’s more discerning audience in a product called Summer Fun: Reading and writing through play. It is included in a bundle with another Writing for Real Purposes product: Fun Summer Lists, which I wrote about here. I have included the links below, and the original post that launched this line of products.

Kids love to imagine, create and role play. Thank you to those of you who do purchase these products. I hope anyone reading this post is inspired to play with their kids and discreetly slip in teachable moments where possible. The key is to have fun and let go of expectations.

It is summer time after all.

Best wishes to all of you!


That Fun Reading Teacher 

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Thank you for being my Reading Buddy!

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SPANISH FATHER’S DAY-Students Make a Father’s Day Trophy Card- Dia del Padre

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Make a beautiful Trophy Card for Father’s Day with your students



This exciting lesson has a beautiful cover page of a trophy in Spanish .

1. Print the cover page in white cardboard.
2. Go over the 15 Why I love you dad sentences. “Porque te quiero papa…”

3. Have students write on the back of the card the phrases they selected. They need to select at least eight of the sentences. They have to copy them to the back of the card in Spanish. Great adjective review.

4. They will be able to take it home and give it to their dad. If you have a small class you might even laminate them to take them home. Encourage them to memorize some sentences. It will be cool for them to say something to their dads in Spanish. Great way for you to show parents some of the vocabulary words learned and speaking competencies.

5. Complete 20 words Spanish Word Search- Split students into small teams. Have teams compete to find the meaning of the words for a classroom pass. Have them compete to find the words and provide another homework pass. Great way to review adjectives cognates and have a wonderful day celebrating Father’s Day in your class.



Enjoy your cards!





URL: http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/El-Jaguar




SPANISH END OF YEAR- MI VERANO- Verbs Power Point/Poster Project with Rubric

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This interactive End of Year Lesson will allow you to have a fun project with your class. The lesson was to introduce AR/ER/IR verbs and combine it with a list of summer activities that your students will be engaging on during summer break. It is a great review of verbs and daily activities. It also can be used to increase conversational skills as students can introduce each other in five minute presentations that can be read straight of their posters or Power Points.

It contains
– Summer Vacation activities including the translation keys
– Writing prompt in conjugated in the first person to create poster
– AR/ER/IR Word Search
-AR/ER/IR  Cross Word Assessment

1- Allow students to create a presentation in Spanish describing their
Summer plans
2- Develop Speaking proficiency as students read their presentations to the class
3- Develop Listening skills as the students hear other students’ presentations and take notes

1- Go over activities vocabulary page with students. Let them work on translating themselves using dictionary /notes.
2- Ask students to complete the Writing prompt for all the statements. Explain to students that names of shows, artist, place and people do not require translation.
3- Ask students to pick 10 activities and to create a Power point slide for each activity. If they wish they can also do a poster using drawings, magazines cutout or clip art to represent activities.
4- Each student will share their Power Point for 5 minutes with the class. They can either show the Power Pointpresentation or show the poster. Grade the poster.
5- The class takes notes and students take turns to translate each presentation. Notes can be in English.
6- Collect projects and grade.
7- Students can compete for Word Search. Divide in small groups and first group to finish gets homework pass.
8- Criss Cross Puzzle- You can use it as a Quiz

Feliz Verano!



This FUN 20 word  Word Search is the perfect Morning Work Search for June 5. National Doughnut Day is on the first Friday of June to commemorate the “doughnut lassies” who served fresh doughnuts to American soldiers  during World War I.






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Keeping Students Learning All Summer

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Preventing the summer slide is such a big issue  for teachers and schools. Personally I hate sitting down with parents at beginning of the year conferences and informing them that their child has a lower reading level at the start of the year than they had at the end of the previous school year.

When I was first asked about how teachers can keep kids learning all summer, I thought… adopt? After all, children spend their summers away from us, and out of our control unless they are our own. Thinking about it a bit more though, honestly the answer is to adopt, but not the children, adopt the parents. Adopting the parents means cultivating an excellent relationship with the parents of your students, and making yourself available to them at any time. How far you go with this depends on your personal comfort level. At the start of every school year I create a private blog for parents and I to communicate on, hand out my school email, and personal cell phone number to parents. I send postcard though the mail, make regular phone calls, and even do home visits. When the school year ends I still have parents checking in on our class blog, sending me texts from vacation, and email asking for how to help their child over the summer.

It is not too late though, to increase parent communication and prevent the summer slide. Check out my top 10 tips below which will all be on my classroom blog, but can be sent one in a newsletter at the end of the year. Read on

School Memories Grades (Grades 3-6) FREEBIE

By Deann Marin at The Best of Teachers Entrepreneurs

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Offering for Educators, Comprehensive Teaching Aides. If you’d like to see what else I have to offer please visit my store

This is an end of the year FREEBIE for grades 4-6 called,”School Memories.” Children are to add a photo of themselves or draw one, and answer some questions about their school year. There is also a page for autographs. It will be so nice for the kids to look back at this and remember their wonderful school experiences. I truly hope that both you and your class enjoy using this FREEBIE. 

School Memories 8X8 Cover

School Memories 1

School Memories



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