Category Archives : Uncategorized

A “LOVE” for Words! Valentine’s Day Crossword Puzzle

It’s that time of year when they all get the puppy love giggles (and hyper candy buzz)! That’s why it’s always a good idea to have a few fun Valentine’s Day games and activities on hand! This is a simple 15-word Valentine’s Day Crossword for grades 4th-8th: Valentine's crosswordSee more of the Crossword by downloading a free preview! Click on the image to link directly to my store or click the link below:


Please visit my store for other Valentine’s Day (and other holiday) activities! 🙂

Your Best Draft Banner


FREE MISC. LESSON – “Fun with Cookies!!!”

by Faith Siegrist

2nd – 5th Grade


fun w cookies


What a great way to have fun with cookies. Activities include measuring, rolling, stacking and even floating cookies!!! Use these as individual activities or as a larger unit and students rotate through the stations. Plan on a great time while learning!! F.Siegrist







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Color Me! Spelling Test Templates


Check out the spelling test templates I created that allow for students to color an adorable picture as they wait for the next word! My kiddos LOVE taking spelling tests now! They are a MUST in any classroom! I’ve also added different variations of spelling tests, too! (1-20 words, spelling sentences, dictated writing, and more)!



Jamie Paino


Coloring Page Spelling Tests

Birds’ Feet and Legs – Inspired by Montessori

By Sparking Children’s Thinkibility

Grades Kindergarten-5th Montessori, Biology, Problem solving

A  material that is often used in the Montessori classroom is animal classification cards. Children are asked to classify different animals into categories. Inspired by these cards I made some material where birds’ feet, mammals’ legs and feet, and animals’ tails are studied. These materials have cards that can be used to classify the animals and also some activities where children are encouraged to use their observations and really do something.

Build a machine, design a toy, or make up a dance.


This booklet contains

1. Introduction to biomimicry
2. Observation birds
3. Acrostic poem
4. Booby webbed feet
5. Make up a dance – invent a dancing robot or toy
6. Invent a toy or a swimming gear
7. Flamingos’ legs and feet – furniture challenge
8. Robot that can walk in mud
9. Design a playground with a carousel inspired by parrots
10. Owl observations
11. Design a flying toy that can pick up things.
12. Story writing – boy or girl who can turn his or her toes around at will.
13. What if you could run like an ostrich?
14. Random Inspiration game
15. Cards with different types of feet
16. How can you use biomimicry in the classroom
17. Links and book tips

Link to Biomimicry for Young Children – Birds’ Feet and Legs

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Language Arts – “Reading Syllable Types Bundle Packet”

by Amanda Trump
Grades K-3

This bundle contains six units that give specific word examples of each syllable word type. The six syllable types of reading are Closed, V-C-e, Open, r-Controlled, Vowel Digraph & Diphthong, and Final Stable. Each unit provides a plethora of word lists that target each syllable type. Teaching reading by syllable types provides students with a clear-cut understanding of the English language. The basic overall purpose of learning syllable type reading is to give students 6 reading strategies to aid them in chunking longer words into short, readable parts.

Reading Syllable Type Bundle Cover

Syllable Bundle DefinitionsReading Syllable Types Bundle-3

MATH LESSON – Place Value and Rounding Unit

By:  The Owl Teacher

3rd Grade

I love Math Workshop!

Ever since the implementation of reading workshop and writing workshop, I have been hooked!

I love the structure of it and how engaging it is for kids.  Plus, with all these students struggling to focus for long periods of time- it’s perfect for them!

Since most people are relatively new to math workshop, I have created detailed and engaging lesson plans to help teachers implement it in their classroom, without the fear of losing important instructional time while learning all the many other new practices!


My Place Value and Rounding Unit (Titled Number Sense) is a great unit to start off Math Workshop with!  In this unit, there are 15 days of detailed, scripted lesson plans!  Of course, you are not obligated to utilize the script, it is only there to assist you in becoming familiar with the workshop language.

This unit contains a pretest to help you target the specific needs of your students along with a post test to see how well it went!  Additionally it contains the all important common core vocabulary on cards for your word wall or anytime you need them.

Each lesson contains a warm up activity, a mini-lesson, guided practice, independent practice, and a closing!  Of course there are also practice sheets, answer keys, and games to assist your students in learning!

Of course, it’s a hands-on unit, so you can expect lots of concrete activities with manipulatives to help all learners grasp the important common core standards.  Finally, to ensure I meet the various needs in your classroom, each lesson contains intervention suggestions and enrichment options!

This Workshop Unit is DEFINITELY worth it!

Read some of the reviews received so far:

Beth says:  “This product is AMAZING! Not only have you have thought of every single detail, but you have laid it out in a beautiful way that is easy for kids to use and keeps them engaged. Thank you for including visuals like anchor charts for each lesson and vocabulary cards. This will really help the students understand the concepts more clearly. I especially love that you even included scripted lesson plans. They will be really helpful when I have tutors or others pull kids for intensive intervention because it will guide them on exactly what to say! I also appreciate that you included standards for grades 2-4 so that these lessons can both remediate and enrich depending on the needs of the students. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Will you be making more sets for other math standards? (I hope so!)”

Mary says:  “Wow! You have put a lot of time and thought into this unit. It will be wonderful to have something to help me with guided math workshop for my students with special needs. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with 3 groups, but this will help me teach everyone the basic concept and then differentiate to meet their needs!”

You can check out this unit for yourself by clicking here to head on over to my Teachers Pay Teachers store!

For UPDATES and FREEBIES in future, look for the GREEN STAR near my store name and CLICK it to become a FOLLOWER.

Happy Teaching!


Be sure to follow me so you are up-to-date on all my products, freebies, tips, and much more!

Copyright of The Owl Teacher.  All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.  I love it when you share my products with your colleagues but please do so legally!  Thank you!


SCIENCE LESSON – Physical and Chemical Changes

By:  The Owl Teacher

Grades 3-6

When I taught fifth grade, I just loved the physical and chemical changes unit!  It was so much fun and really engaged my students.  So I have put it together for you!

This unit was so engaging because it is just packed full of hands-on experiments where students really dig into the properties of matter and determine what makes a physical change and what makes a chemical change.

For instance, we melt styrofoam cups:

melting cups

We also created slime:


We explored the various properties of matter!  We looked closely at the three states – solid, liquid, and gas!

 We talked about a variety of scenerios where students had to determine if something was a physical or chemical change!

Included in this engaging resource are practice sheets and review sheets, answer keys, lesson plans, experimental labs, and much more!  You’ll even find some interactive notebook pieces such as this:

Chemical and physical changes

This valuable resource can be found at my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  Click here to go to this product and read more about it!

Happy Teaching!


For UPDATES and FREEBIES in future, look for the GREEN STAR

near my store name and CLICK it to become a FOLLOWER.

Be sure to follow me so you are up-to-date on all my products, freebies, tips, and much more!

Copyright of The Owl Teacher.  All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.  I love it when you share my products with your colleagues but please do so legally!  Thank you!


Congratulations to the Winners of the THREE $100 GIVEAWAYS of TpT Gift Certificates!


Congratulations to Kathy Illingworth for winning the FIRST $100 TpT Gift Certificate!

Congratulations to Greg Jusinski for winning the SECOND $100 TpT Gift Certificate!

Congratulations to Regina Davis for winning the THIRD $100 TpT Gift Certificate!

Click the buttons on the left to subscribe to this blog or follow it by email so that you will know when The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative will be having other THREE $100 GIVEAWAYS of TpT Gift Certificates!



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FREE MATH LESSON – “Number Boggle”

by Mrs Beattie’s Classroom

2nd – 8th Grade


number boggle


Number Boggle: Inspired by Katie at Rock & Teach, this is my version of a tracking sheet for my students as we play our weekly game! Instructions are not included, as this can be modified for any grade level! Click HERE to read one suggestion for play!
This game can easily be modified across many grade and skill levels.

More Great Math Resources:
Guided Math Centers for ALL Strands
Multiplication “I Have, Who Has?” Card Game
Multiplication “I Have, Who Has?” Card Game (10s, 11s, & 12s facts)
Be A Subtraction Star! Scoot Game
Be An Addition Star! Scoot Game
Metric Measurement Scoot Game
Metric Measurement Scoot Game – 2nd Edition
Telling Time BINGO: Time to the :15s
Telling Time “I Have, Who Has” Game: 24-Hour Notation
Find-A-Ship Coordinate Grid Game (Battleship for SMART Board)
Incredible Complete Year-Long Interactive Calendar Math SMART Board + EXTRAS
Multiplication Basic Facts Koosh Ball Game for SMART Board

Don’t Miss Out:

Feedback on this free product is greatly appreciated!
It gives me the information I need to continue creating high-quality products for your classroom!

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You will receive customized e-mail updates about my store!

Feel free to e-mail me with any questions about this product at:[email protected], and connect with me for classroom ideas & resources, freebies, and more product details at any or all of the links below!
Mrs. Beattie’s Classroom







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No-prep printables – Reading and Writing for Christmas!

2x Xmas Preview - Copy

Happy (almost) holidays, my friends. Have you noticed an excitement in the air? My students definitely have the Christmas Spirit, and are always thrilled to have some fun seasonal activities do to recognize it!

I run Early Literacy Intervention groups with students from grades 1-3. While we do guided reading and writing, and play skill-building games, once in a while I do like to have them do some worksheets that I can keep a copy of in their files. We are currently working through both of the packages shown in the picture above and they are enthusiastic with the variety of activities at their ‘just-right’ level, too.

Here is a close up of the North Pole Reading and Writing Fun preview:

North Pole Preview

…and one of the Nativity Reading and Writing Fun preview:


The kids are having a lot of fun with these, thanks to the wonderful clip art by They can’t wait to color the pictures!

Each of these packages come with the following tip sheet:


Best wishes to all of you and yours as we wrap up for the holidays. Take care of you, too!

2015 TpT Store Prof pic circle

[email protected]

Click the symbol above to access my TpT Store! 😉


Th1 Xmas bundle Th1 BigXmas

Th1 Nat R&W cover - Copy Th1 North Pole R & W JPG file

Follow That Fun Reading Teacher’s board Christmas Literacy Fun! on Pinterest.

LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Vowel Digraphs & Diphthongs Bundle Packet”

Grades K-4

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

This “Reading Vowel Digraph & Vowel Diphthong Syllables” unit provides 86 word lists vowel digraphs and vowel diphthongs syllable type words. Also, a master word list is included and can be used as a quick reference. A vowel digraph or vowel diphthong is one of the six types of syllables in reading. The lists in this unit include words spelled using vowel teams or vowel/consonant teams to create each vowel sound. These lists of words will help students recognize the vowel digraph or vowel diphthong patterns. Reading will become more manageable for students once they understand syllable types.

10 V & V Bundle Cover Pic

10 V & V Pic 110 V & V Pic 210 V & V Games Pic 3

The “10 Vowel Digraph & Diphthong Activities & Games” packet includes 10 activities and games give students a fun way to learn and sort vowel digraph and diphthong syllable words. A vowel digraph is two vowels that spell one of the vowel sounds in the team such as /ea/ spells the –e sound in ‘eat’.  The four diphthongs vowel teams are /ou/, /ow/, /oi/ /oy/. Together these four vowel teams create their own unique sounds. The words used in this packet target the common vowel combinations that create vowel digraphs and diphthongs. The activities/games can be placed in language stations, or they can be played during small groups.


The following activities and games are included in this packet:
1. Color the Rainbow
2. Ghost OUT
3. Move the Mouse to the Cheese
4. Guess the Word
5. Shark
6. Go Fish
7. PIG
8. Old Maid, Old Man
9. Skunk
10. Thirteen Digraph/Diphthong Booklets—These are booklets the students can cut apart, staple, color, and spell the words to match the pictures. The books target :
• digraph ai—rain, tail, snail, paint, mail, air, sailboat, rainbow
• digraph ay—hay, gray, pray, May, birthday, tray, say, pay
• digraph long ea—peace, peanut, eat, treat, tea, read, teacher, feast
• digraph short ea—bread, weather, sweater, breakfast
• digraph ee—bee, cheese, tree, three
• digraph igh—goodnight, light, bright, right
• digraph oa—coat, boat, toad, soap
• digraph ow—shadow, pillow, elbow, snow
• digraph long oo—balloon, broom, igloo, mushroom, pool, root, school, zoo
• digraph short oo—cookie, looking, book, football
• diphthong ou—cloud, mouse, out, groundhog
• diphthong ow—towel, clown, frown, shower
• diphthong oy—cowboy, ahoy, toys, joy


Counting by 2s, phrasing, fluency and quotation marks with REINDEER!

Counting by 2s post

Have you ever noticed how perfectly the Santa’s reindeer and Rudolph stories lend themselves to teaching kids about counting by twos? The reindeer are paired up in the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer song and in Santa’s famous line at the end of the classic story Twas the Night Before Christmas. The teachable moment is just sitting in front us begging to be used!

Perhaps that is why I, That Fun Math Reading Teacher, have started passing on this Phrasing and Fluency Reader to teachers as a math resource as well. (For anyone who may have purchased it more than a year ago, please go back to your purchases page and download an updated version.)

Last year I was using 10 at the Sled primarily for the phrasing, fluency and fun factor. That is, after all, the purpose for which it was written in the first place. It can be sung to the tune of Ten in the Bed, and even if students are not familiar with the song, they do catch on to the simple melody quickly and enjoy the repetition. They also hear how certain words fall together naturally to create phrases.


After several requests for a black and white student booklet last year, I created one over the summer, using speech bubbles where there are quotation marks used in the color edition:

Th2 10 at Sled 1 Th3 10 at Sled

I wanted to show students what quotation marks really mean, in a visual way, rather than only telling them. I am finding that with this year’s students, this concrete approach has made a huge difference. We compare my color copy with their black and white copy and discuss how quotation marks and speech bubbles really serve the same purpose. *Lightbulb moment*!

The tone, expression (and curiously deep voices) they use when reading the ‘spoken’ lines are hilarious! But clearly, meaningful to them!

Thank you to all of the teacher bloggers who provided feedback during the Christmas in July sale that led to these revisions.

Enjoy these last two weeks!

2015 TpT Store Prof pic circle

[email protected]

Click the symbol above to access my TpT Store! 😉

Th1 10 at Sled 1 Th1 BigXmas Th1 Xmas bundle

What are your favorite ways to bring various subject areas together? Here are some of mine:

CH 2pk cover 5 H Fr Th1 Halloween Count main cover - Copy

Follow That Fun Reading Teacher’s board Math and Literacy Fun on Pinterest.

LANGUAGE ARTS – “Vowel-Consonant-e Bundle Packet”

Grades K-3

by Reading on Strawberry Lane
V-C-e Bundle Cover-cp


V-C-e Bundle-2

This reading unit provides 55 pages of the V-C-e syllable type word lists. V-C-e is one of the six types of syllables in reading. The lists in this unit include words spelled using each vowel in conjunction with common phonograms. These lists of words will help students recognize the common patterns seen in V-C-e syllables.

The 71 page unit includes activities and games that can be placed in language stations, or they can be played during small groups. So enjoy as your students learn another way to break the code to reading! Here is a list of the activities and games included in this packet:

1, Move the Spider to His Web
2. Syllable Type Organizers
3. Connect 4
4. Color the Snail’s Shell
5. Graph Your Total
6. Dominoes
7. It’s Raining V-C-e Words
8. Burst a Balloon
9. Flower Power
10. V-C-e Booklets
11. Flip-Flop Match-Up
12. A Walk Around the Block
13. Skunk
14. Building Words
15. Snake & Ladders


LANGUAGE ARTS – “5 Sight Word Games – Differentiation”

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   Screen Shot 2015-05-19 at 9.04.35 PM

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This packet includes 5 fun but simple games that your kiddos will love to play! The purpose of the games are to give students exposure and experience to reading the Dolch sight words.  With each game board give each team a certain level of sight words such as, preprimer, primer, or first grade, ect.  Students are to form a deck of cards out the sight words included.  All the games boards are interchangeable with each level of sight words.  Differentiate and place the games in reading centers. The games included are: SWEET SHOP HOP,  PIG, BLOCKBUSTER, SHARK, CIRCLE IN & OUT.



Christmas Mosaic Craftivity



Do you need a cute Christmas holiday activity for your kids?  Check out this mosaic art project!  Students tear small pieces of construction paper apart and them down to the holiday picture.  When they are finished, the project looks like a mosaic.

You can find these mosaics here!

Here is an example from one of my 5th graders!  There are a total of 14 different pictures to choose from.

These lights would be cute strung along in the hallway to actually look like Christmas lights.

Third Grade Common Core Math Assessments – All Common Core Math Standards!

By: Thirdgradetriumph

Grades: 3rd (could enrich 2nd graders or be used as progress monitoring RTI for 4th graders).


Check it out in my store by clicking the picture above!

Are you tired of searching all over the internet to find quality math assessments that are not only aligned to the Common Core, but can also be used as a progress monitoring tool or an enrichment tool? Well then search no more, because this is the set of assessments for you! These assessments are aligned for the 3rd grade common core, but can also be used to review 4th grade math concepts and to enrich 2nd graders. These are quality assessments that will help you determine if your students have achieved mastery of a particular standard and these assessments will help you differentiate your math instruction too! The progress monitoring graphs included will allow you to keep data on your students progress and you can even manage tier 1 interventions if you use the RTI (response to intervention) model. Answer keys are provided in this product along with two quality assessments for each math standard in third grade.

Check out my TPT store!

Pin it!

Language Arts: Frankenstein Complete (NO PREP) Unit

Franky tumb

This unit has been created with the teacher in mind. The material is geared toward senior students with a focus on the construction of arguments. It also teaches the importance of historical context as well as literary allusions in the development of themes.

The thinking has all been done for you. The lesson plans are detailed and comprehensive. The student guide is visually appealing and facilitates the teacher’s job. In addition, the answer key is comprehensive and detailed. All the teacher needs to do is to purchase this unit and photocopy it.

Take a look at the preview for more information.

What the unit contains:

1) The Teacher Package (17 pages)

-contains 21 detailed lessons (60-90 minute lessons)
-leading discussion questions and skill building activities (with detailed instructions for the teacher)
-important chapter notes on analysis
-the teacher package helps the teacher stay on task and stay organized because the planning has been done for you.

2) The Student Package (11 pages)

-pre-reading activity
-study guide questions
-a fact sheet regarding the Prometheus myth
-an activity on the use of nature in romantic literature
-an activity based on the symbols in the novel
-several activities that teach argument development
-an activity on theme development

3) A comprehensive answer key (25 pages)

-detailed answers for ALL student activities and work
-an annotate copy of the poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and activity answer key.

4) Also included:

-a PowerPoint introducing the novel’s historical context and the author
-class posters with key elements in the novel
-a copy of “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”

– Test on letters 1-4 and chapters 1-10 (choice between multiple choice OR development questions)
-Test on chapters 11-18 (choice between multiple choice OR development questions)
-Unit evaluation (Choice between and essay, a debate, a unit test – all work process is included)

*As a bonus, I have included two automatic comment generators for Word documents (with drop down boxes.)


With the PARCC assessment coming up soon, prepare your students with a variety of question types aligned to every 3rd grade math Common Core Standard. This pack includes type 1, type 2, and type 3 questions to expose students to the question format and to get them thinking critically about math and how to solve problems. The best part is that there is absolutely no prep required to use these.

I use them in my classroom as a problem of the day or as a way to assess a particular standard we are working on. They are perfect to use as standards based assessments. Answers keys are provided.




Language Arts – Frankenstein Unit (Complete – No prep)

Franky tumb

This unit has been created with the teacher in mind. The material is geared toward senior students with a focus on the construction of arguments. It also teaches the importance of historical context as well as literary allusions in the development of themes.

The thinking has all been done for you. The lesson plans are detailed and comprehensive. The student guide is visually appealing and facilitates the teacher’s job. In addition, the answer key is comprehensive and detailed. All the teacher needs to do is to purchase this unit and photocopy it.

Take a look at the preview for more information.

What the unit contains:

1) The Teacher Package (17 pages)

-contains 21 detailed lessons (60-90 minute lessons)
-leading discussion questions and skill building activities (with detailed instructions for the teacher)
-important chapter notes on analysis
-the teacher package helps the teacher stay on task and stay organized because the planning has been done for you.

2) The Student Package (11 pages)

-pre-reading activity
-study guide questions
-a fact sheet regarding the Prometheus myth
-an activity on the use of nature in romantic literature
-an activity based on the symbols in the novel
-several activities that teach argument development
-an activity on theme development

3) A comprehensive answer key (25 pages)

-detailed answers for ALL student activities and work
-an annotate copy of the poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and activity answer key.

4) Also included:

-a PowerPoint introducing the novel’s historical context and the author
-class posters with key elements in the novel
-a copy of “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”

– Test on letters 1-4 and chapters 1-10 (choice between multiple choice OR development questions)
-Test on chapters 11-18 (choice between multiple choice OR development questions)
-Unit evaluation (Choice between and essay, a debate, a unit test – all work process is included)

*As a bonus, I have included two automatic comment generators for Word documents (with drop down boxes.)

Thanksgiving Math and Word Fun


Ends 11/17

cover 10 by 10 for blog

Looking for NO PREP math and word fun for your students?

54 pages covering Kindergarten and First Grade Standards.

Phonics-blends & CVC, Thanksgiving vocabulary, ABC order,

writing prompts, word search,  addition,subtraction,

place value, color by number, skip counting, tallying,

Click Here to enter on Facebook

Emily Ames

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Turkey Craft”

by Faith Siegrist

Kindergarten – 3rd Grade


turkey craft


Fun!! Footprints for the body….write what they are thankful for on the feathers!!







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ELA ON SALE! Five Minutes to Fluency Practice Level 2.1: Aligned to the Common Core Standards

Screen Shot 2015-10-13 at 7.15.05 PM Screen Shot 2015-10-13 at 7.15.39 PM Screen Shot 2015-10-13 at 7.15.45 PM Screen Shot 2015-10-13 at 7.15.58 PMFive Minutes to Fluency: Level 2.1 is a research-based program that is easy to fit into every busy school day. Five minutes, from start to finish, as students peer read one-minute, strategically worded, passages and stories, partner review and then provide instant feedback.

This is the ideal activity to move struggling readers to grade level fluency – complete with comprehension practice. Intended to bring second and third graders up to grade level proficiency, it is also appropriate for English Language Learners or older students who need fluency practice.

The instructions are easy to follow, the program is motivational for students and the activities quickly incorporate into any schedule.

Perfect for classroom use or easily incorporated into take-home, parent involvement activities. This program is effective in group settings, as a series of homework activities, or as one-on-one activities aides or older students can administrator.

The passages include grade-level phonics sounds, non-fiction and fiction material and are Common Core Standards aligned.

The quizzes are a combination of comprehension and higher order thinking questions

Five Minutes to Fluency: Level 2.1, is the second in a series of intervention handbooks designed around moving struggling readers to grade-level reading proficiency and beyond.

Again, Five Minutes to Fluency: Level 2.1 offers a quick, easy and inexpensive way to increase student fluency and comprehension.

This is intervention the entire class can benefit from! Quick and painless…easy to differentiate…and effortlessly adaptable into any classroom or Response to Intervention program.

Language Arts: No Prep Unit For The Egyptian Cinderella

This is a NO PREP booScreen Shot 2015-09-30 at 7.05.08 PMk unit for “Egyptian Cinderella” — a Cinderella book by Shirley Climo. This is an engaging differentiated unit that contains interactive notebook pages, writing assignments, quizzes, printables, cross-curricular activities, literary
elements and a whole lot more!

This Cinderella around the world unit is full of engaging common core aligned assignments that are perfect for the 21st Century Classroom.

Check out my other Cinderella Around the World Lessons at Elizabeth’s Lessons: Cinderella Around the World!


Table of Contents

Cinderella Elements
Table of Contents
Cinderella Elements
#1 Draw A Title Page
#2 Questions Along the Way
#3 In My Opinion
#4 Constructed Response Questions
#5 Story Connectors
#6 Character Analysis
#7 Correct the Grammar Errors
#8 Comprehension Quiz
#9 Character Conflicts
#10 Sentence Sorting
#11 Sentence Sorting – My Own Strips
#12 Sentence Sorting to Essay Writing Enrichment
#13 Dictionary Skills
#14 Compare and Contrast Rhodopis and other Egyptian Girls
#16 Compare and Contrast Rhodopis and Cinderella
#17 Read and Write Argumentative: Social Studies
#18 Story Summary
#19 Character Changes
#20 Text to Text – Cross Fiction Story Analysis
#21 My Thoughts While Reading…
#22 Inferring Character Feelings
#23 Cause and Effect
#24 Compare and Contrast – Story Elements
#25 Think, Question, Analyze
#26 The Egyptian Cinderella Report Card
#27 The Egyptian Cinderella Book Review
#28 Sentence Sorting Traditional Cinderella
#29 Lights, Camera, Action
Constructed Response Rubric Guide
Constructed Response Rubric
Samples of Interactive Notebook

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150 Daily Reading and Writing Warm-Ups for 4th and 5th Grade

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Link to Warm-Ups

These Daily Reading and Writing Warm-Ups are aligned to the Common Core State Standards and help to foster the 21st Century higher order thinking skills necessary in today’s world. Not your ordinary multiple-choice bell-ringers, but learning tasks designed to engage students and get them thinking.

They are easy to differentiate — and were previously sold separately, so look at the preview please.

Over 150 passages, these Daily Reading and Writing Warm-Ups are themed for an entire school year and are written at reading levels from 3rd through 5th grades.

Freebie – Fact Family Task Cards (x) and (÷)

Do your kids need extra practice with fact families?  I know my kids loved using these cards as an additional practice in the classroom.  Promote your students deeper understanding of how multiplication and division are related to one another.

These task cards are perfect for additional practice, special ed students with paras or even extension activity for the lower grades.

I hope you enjoy using these in your classroom. Please leave feedback or visit my store for more great task cards and products!

You can find this free product here!

Thanks for viewing!!

Book Units For Bright, Young Kids

At Gifted and Talented Materials by Joyce Lansky, I’ve written a lot of book units; but, have you seen my literary units for the primary kids? These were lots of fun to make and use. Plus, they aren’t as expensive as my longer units.

I made the Pirates Past Noon literary unit power point after I bought my Jenny Jones fonts and got better at making products cute. Check this out.

Young students also love Frog & Toad. I reduced its price just for you.

If you’d like plans to go with a fun, short book, check out this power point unit.

I have a lot of units to go along with novels. Please visit my store and see for yourself.

How to Get and Keep Parents on Your Side

By Deann Marin of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs


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Offering for Educators, Comprehensive Teaching Aides. If you’d like to see what else I have to offer please visit my store.




I have observed many colleagues who are uncomfortable letting their hair down, so to speak, causing them to seem aloof and unapproachable. They feel as if they are above their students and parents. It shows in the way they deal with them. They will never admit that they’ve made a mistake, and if a child points something out to them, they become defensive, angry. and mean.  When this occurs, the kids and parents feel alienated  and you will have an uphill battle for the rest of the year.

One of the main things that I realized, after years of teaching is that parents need you to care about their child, they want you to make their learning experience interesting, challenging and fun. The best way to do this is to make sure their little one knows that you are there to listen, and support them with positive reinforcement and encouragement. It’s also important that they realize you are human, you  make mistakes, and you can laugh at yourself. Once you’ve established a good rapport with the kids, and they like you, the parents will like you as well. They will do just about anything for you and you will be able to maintain the optimal environment for learning.

When you meet parents, greet them with a sincere smile and make small talk. Express how much you enjoy working with the children, it is important to be upbeat, even if you have something negative to say. Begin with a positive comment about Johnny, especially if he is having issues, tell the parent in a supportive manner, For instance, suppose Johnny is talkative, he shouts out answers, talks to friends when you’re teaching a lesson, and is constantly fooling around. You know the type. You should NEVER begin with the negatives. If you begin the discussion of Johnny’s behavior on a negative note, you will turn the parents off and you will lose their support and quite possibly turn Johnny off to learning. End by saying something complimentary.

For example: “Hi  Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Johnny is such a good kid, he’s respectful, finishes his work, he has loads of friends, a good sense of humor and I really enjoy teaching him. As you know, he is all boy and full of energy. He can be a bit talkative and sometimes disruptive because he shouts out answers without raising his hand. I’ve talked about this with him, but he is still a having a tough time. Perhaps you could speak with him when you get a chance. I know that he will improve in this area with a bit of help from all of us.”

Follow up by making yourself easily available with emails, phone calls, letters home to keep everyone informed of progress made or further difficulties. Remember that parents are sensitive where their child is concerned. So tread as lightly as you can. Be diplomatic and choose your words well.

Of course, as we all know, there are some students and parents who are an added challenge. We have to try harder and have almost limitless patience. Tact is the word here.  If Elizabeth’s mom is defensive and becomes confrontational, it is up to you to diffuse this anger. Speak calmly,  DON’T raise your voice, REMEMBER, you are a  professional.

I have had parents come in, very upset about a grade, or thinking that I was unfair, or that I hurt their child’s feelings. If something akin to this occurs, break the ice by saying something that lets them know you hear their complaint and are prepared to work with them in correcting it.

You could say:

“I am so sorry that Elizabeth believes I don’t like her, not my intention at all. As a matter of fact I like her a great deal, especially her jokes, she keeps me laughing. She received a low grade on her  test because”…Give your reasons for the negative grade. Make sure the parent understands your reasoning and reassure them that you are here for their child and want to see them succeed in this class.

The parent is satisfied, I’m feeling better about what has occurred and we’ve strengthened our relationship. As you can see, a bit of understanding, empathy and kindness goes a long way.2015-06-06

I’ve come up with a Growing Behavior Modification Bundle that has everything you need to help produce positive behavior and communicate effectively with parents.





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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Start the Year Kindergarten Freebies”

by Gretchen Ebright

Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Start Year PNG


This free download consists of two worksheets for beginning of the year in Kindergarten:
-one is for fine motor control of a glue bottle
-one is ‘I can write my name’ – worksheet – using pencil, highlighter and Rainbow Write.
These could also be used for advanced PreK or below level first grade.
These worksheets are a small sample of my packet ‘Start the Year’ in Kindergarten, which contains 43 pages of worksheets.
Check it out at
Gretchen Ebright




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