Daily Archives: April 11, 2015

Telling Time to Five Mintues – Task Cards and Engaging Review Activity

Telling Time 5s 1

This 15 Telling Time to Five Minutes Task Card resource covers is geared towards grade 1-3 students (or higher grade students experiencing difficulty) who are learning about or reviewing telling time with analog clocks with five minute increments. It can be utilized in a clue gathering, puzzle solving, highly active and engaging activity for those just learning how to tell time on an analog clock or as an alternative to worksheet review for older students. What I love to do is have the kids go through the activity for the first half or two thirds of our review period then spend the remainder of the time reviewing the questions as a class on the overhead projector. Do you use Math Workshops in your class? These would be perfect! All answers are included and the game is really easy to understand.


Click here or copy and paste the link below to preview.





FREE MATH LESSON – “Can I Buy It? Money Word Problems”

by Robin’s Resources

2nd – 3rd Grade

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These two sets of money word problems require students to solve problems with smaller amounts of money (mostly bills, but some bills and coins) and larger amounts of money (just bills). The first set relates to buying snacks with smaller amounts of money, and the other to buying items in a toy store with larger amounts of money.

Students are given the amount of money they have and the price of the item. Some problems have two steps – students must determine if they have enough money to buy more than one of the item. These problems can be used in a small group or as a math center for individual students.



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