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Ready to Talk About Your Summer Vacation?

One book I love to use at back to school time is “How I Spent My Summer Vacation,” by Mark Teague.  It is a fun book to use as a lead-in to students writing about their own vacations.  Its exaggerations are humorous, and can be fun as a modern-day tall tale.

The hero of the story is a boy who has a wild imagination.  His parents hope that sending him out West to his Aunt Fern’s for the summer will give his overactive imagination a rest.  But when he returns, the story he tells his classmates is full of kidnapping by cowboys, Wild West outfits, cowhand tricks, and charging bulls.
There are a number of problems within the story that can each be used separately to talk about the story elements, problem-feelings—solution triangles, and sequences.  You can use the old Somebody- Wanted – But – So frame to retell the story or each of its episodes.  Or you can use any other story element or sequence structure.  The book is able to be distilled down into a 3 or 4 picture sequence if that’s what your students need, or all 12 elements of the book can be sequenced out.
And, for working on emergent literacy skills – it’s told in rhyme!  When I use it I capitalize on the rhymes in the story to focus on some phonological awareness activities.  I have rhyming words cards (catch them below) that we use to play a “Memory” type game, as well as some sound substitutions fun, where you swap out a letter/sound in one word to make another.  Since “cow” comes up a lot in this book, that one’s easy to find word family members for.  “Train” is another.  I haven’t figured out how to use “matador” yet.
lang fun_how I spent summer vacation.009 copy lang fun_how I spent summer vacation.010 copy
Mark Teague is a master humorous story-teller, as evidenced by all of his books.  I haven’t used any of the others yet, but I know I’m going to have to try them.  I have used this particular book with kids with autism, kids with language disorders, and kids with learning disabilities, so it’s got lots of possibilities for any group.i  If you want to see what I’ve done with it, check out my Teachers Pay Teachers store for the materials here.
lang fun_how I spent summer vacation.001 copy
Keep on talking!

Ok, I may be a little late creating this, but I am so excited to offer these Star Wars inspired back to school forms, favors, slide presentation and more! I will be kicking off the year in style!

and the mega rescource pack here

This massive 85 page back to school resource includes the following:



Back to School Printables

The first week of school can be stressful and unpredictable.  I always like to have a number of simple activities prepared for my students to help break the ice and ease them into instruction.  This year I decided to plan ahead and prepare a number of activities that I knew my students would enjoy. This “First weeks of School” printable pack will provide a wide range of print & go activities that are sure to please!


I am also offering a FREE Back 2 School Personal narrative pack, so come and check it out!


I hope you enjoy it, happy teaching!

Watermark Color

Creative Math Warm-Ups

Sharing is Caring Elite Teacher Blogging Cooperative

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Creative Warm-Up Activities for Math Class

Are you looking for creative ways to get your class ready for math class?

 You’ve come to the right place. Check out these great ideas that educators are using in their classrooms.




Warm Up With a Math Song!

By Jennifer Kramer of Jenny’s Class and Edutunes

Are you looking for a great way to “warm up” for a math lesson? Songs are a great way to introduce concepts, to review concepts,and to pave the way for any lesson. Follow the link to hear 5 song samples, and discover ways they can be used to introduce important concepts!


Math Warm-ups

By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning

My students and I have never liked jumping into math class feet first without a chance to dip our toes in the water and get used to the idea first. Math warmups, short whole group activities based on the math you’ll be studying during the lesson, are a perfect way to dip your toes.


Creative Math Warm-Ups

By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

 There are so many creative math warm-ups to help get your class excited about math class. Here are some that I’ve used.


Warming Up for Math!

By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching Tools

Math warm ups get your students thinking about math! Quick ways to get your kids thinking! Low prep!

Creative Warm-Ups for Math Class

By Deann Marin at The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs


Socrates LanternHeader Graphic small

Offering for Educators, Comprehensive Teaching Aides. If you’d like to see what else I have to offer please visit my store



Math Warm Ups 2There are so many creative math warm-ups to help get your class excited about math class. Here are some that I’ve used. At least once a week, we had a math bee using flash cards for addition, subtraction, multiplication and/or division. I would hold up a card and each child would have a chance to answer. If the answer was correct, they would keep the card..  We would do this for at least 30 minutes and the student with the most cards would win.  The winner would act as the teacher and hold up the cards for the next game.

The math bee could also be done as a collaborative group activity. One child would be the leader/teacher of the group and hold up the card, and each child in the group would have their chance to answer. The winner would be the leader the next time we did the activity. Collaborative groups worked so well because each child had a turn more often. Of course they all wanted to win because they liked being the leader/teacher of the group or the class.


This next warm-up lasts about 5-10 minutes and you can do it at the beginning of each math class. Write 5-10 math problems on the board, have them work on them at their seats. Then call on students to come to the board and write their answer. I would ask questions such as, what operation or operations did you use to get your answer, or is this answer correct, why or why not. If we were working on math facts, I would sometimes put the problem on the board with the incorrect answer and ask them to fix it and  then have them explain why the answer was wrong. In addition to this, you could write down a problem with the correct answer and ask why it is correct. At other times, I would put a  problem on the board with the correct answer, but without a mathematical sign. They would have to tell me whether the example was addition, multiplication, addition, subtraction or a combination .

Multiplication & Division Word Problems  8x8 Cover


Math Warm Ups 1

Visit Socrates Lantern’s Tpt Store to view entire product


My partner used an awesome activity called mental math. He would come up with a math example, or word problem that the children would do in their heads, they couldn’t use paper. The first child to answer correctly would come up with a math example for the other students,/teacher and/or both to figure out. He also had them make up mental math problems for a homework assignment. They enjoyed it so much that often times I would hear them doing mental math with their friends while walking down the hall or sitting in homeroom. They especially loved it when they could stump the teacher, which didn’t happen often, but when it did, you could hearthe class cheering.

Another great activity for the beginning of each math class is called Help Me Get There. I would put a number on the board such as 150 and the class would figure out all the combinations of numbers that are equal to it.

Here are some examples:

  • 75=75=150
  • 130+20=150
  • 160-10=150
  • 30 X 5=150
  • 450 ÷3=150

Another fun activity is Guess What Number is in My Head. This game is similar to 20 questions. Draw a big head on the board with a question mark. The class will ask questions to arrive at the correct answer.  The child who guesses the answer gets to think of the next number. This can also be done in collaborative groups. I actually prefer this method because the kids get more chances. As closure for this activity, each group gets to pick a number for the teacher and classmates to guess.

Questions you might ask are:

  • Is the number odd or even?
  • Does the number end with a 0?
  • Is the number smaller than 25?
  • Is the number divisible by 2?
  • Is the number an integer?

Use your imagination and I just know that you will come up with some great ideas.


Picture Credit:



Please visit Socrates Lantern’s Social Media Sites



sharing is caring


Are you looking for creative ways to get your class ready for math class?  You’ve come to the right place.

Check out these great ideas that educators are using in their classrooms.




Writing Behavior and Learning Goals Reflections

I Met My Goal!

I Met My Goal!

Do you ever need a quick and easy graphic organizer for behavior and / or learning goals?  It is important for students of all ages to be able to reflect upon the goals that they have met, the strategies they used and their plans for the future.    This set includes variations of graphic organizers which can be used to help learners reflect upon their goals met for the year, quarter, week, etc.  Includes space for a self-portrait or to color a picture of a girl or boy.   This was useful for Marzano; however can be adapted for other teacher evaluations.


June Words Book (sentence writing)


June Words Book (sentence writing)


You can find this resource HERE!


Integrating writing into every standard gives students writing practice which leads to success. This 27 page book is designed so that you can copy the book, cut it in half, staple, and then it is ready for use. Each page has a picture and two blank lines for students to create sentences for each picture.

There is a title page, and then the 26 pictures included in this book are beach ball, beach chair, umbrella, palm tree, fish, crab, dolphin, flip-flops, jellyfish, octopus, shovel, seahorse, shell, surfboard, t-shirt, sun, sunglasses, sunscreen, flower, watering can, sand pail, worms, scooter, sandbox, wagon, and roller skating. This is great for a mini lesson on what good writers do, homework, morning work, or literacy centers to work on writing. I hope your students enjoy creating their own sentences for the pictures.

Morning work
Literacy centers (work on writing)

You may also like:
Morning Work – June – Kindergarten
Beach Read and Write
Emergent Reader: Butterflies (variety of sight words)
Spring Read and Write
Subtraction Problems with Manipulatives (Creepy Crawlies)
Plant Read and Write
Insect Read and Write
Emergent Reader: Let’s Plant!

Please visit me at:

Thanks for stopping by!
Sherry Clements

Scrambled Sentences (June)

Scrambled Sentences (June)

Scrambled Sentences (June)

You can find this resource HERE!

This product is NOW AVAILABLE in a Scrambled Sentences Bundle. Purchasing the Bundle provides an 11% SAVINGS rather than purchasing each individual pack.

Great for morning work, homework, or center time. This June pack includes 54 pages. There are 27 June related pictures for students to unscramble the sentence at the bottom of each page by cutting the words out and gluing in the correct order to tell about the picture. There are 2 pages of each picture making the pack 54 pages. The first page with each picture has the “unscramble the sentence” activity and then students are to TRACE the sentence that matches the unscrambled sentence in the box. The second page with each picture has the “unscramble the sentence” activity, but then there is a blank box for students to WRITE the unscrambled sentence on their own (no tracing like the first page for each picture).

A black and white picture is included at the top of each page for students to color. This activity requires students to find the word with the capital letter to place first in the sentence and to find the last word by looking for the ending punctuation. Then students have to arrange the rest of the words in order to make sense and to match the picture at the top. A variety of sentence types and word choices are included to provide for differentiation.

Some pictures have extra space so that students can add details to the picture area.

Higher students could also turn to the back of their paper and add more sentences to create a story about the picture.

The 27 sentences included are:
The three fish can swim.
My sunglasses are blue.
I see the bright sun.
The sunscreen protects us.
We like the flowers.
We can water the flowers.
Go get the pail!
The ball is big!
We play under the umbrella.
Run to the tree!
Look at the big fish!
Will the crab pinch me?
The dolphin can jump high.
My flip-flops are little.
He saw a little jellyfish.
The octopus will go down.
Here is my shovel.
The shell is in the water.
Did you see the seahorse?
They have a surfboard.
That is his red t-shirt.
Will he find more worms?
Who wants to jump?
Please swing with me!
Come play in the sandbox.
Where will we skate?
Who will ride next?

I hope your students have fun with these scrambled sentences!

You may also like:
Addition Word Problems (June)
Morning Work – June – Kindergarten
Insects and Spiders (Literacy and Math Unit)
Opinion Writing: Insects
Opinion Writing: Ocean Animals
Zoo Animal Math and Literacy Unit
Farm Read and Write

Please visit me at:

Sherry Clements

Summer Bugs – Reading Comprehension: Who? What? Where?

Summer Bugs: Reading Comprehension – Who? What? Where?

Summer Bugs - Reading Comprehension: Who? What? Where?

You can find this resource HERE!

NOTE**** This reading comprehension pack is included in the following 2 products. If you have purchased either of these, you do not need to purchase this product.

Insects and Spiders (Literacy and Math Unit)
Insects Bundle

This 10 page reading comprehension pack includes two short stories/sentences per page with matching black and white pictures with a total of 20 short stories/sentences. Each story and related questions are on a half page to help save paper. You can put it together as a book or use individual half sheets per lesson. Under each short story/sentence, there are three questions about the story/sentence. The three questions ask “Who? What? and Where? questions about the story.

The 20 stories are shown in the preview.

There are many uses for these stories/questions. The stories include a variety of reading levels. They can be used in a kindergarten class with the teacher reading the story and questions to the students and having the students use invented spelling to write their answers. They can also be used for independent reading practice in first or second grade by letting students read the short story, read the questions, and answer the questions even if they have to look back in the story to find the answer.

These short stories are great for guided reading groups, homework, a mini lesson, or literacy center activities.

I hope your students enjoy these stories and questions.

Sherry Clements
You may also like:

Reading Comprehension Bundle
Reading Comprehension: Who? What? How?
Reading Comprehension: Where? When? Why?
Reading Comprehension: How? How? asked Connie the Cow
Reading Comprehension Bundle

You may visit me at BLOG

Thanks for stopping by!
Sherry Clements

Language Arts Lessons: Monthly Writing Calendars

This past school year, I started using Monthly Writing Calendars with my second grade students!  They were perfect for writing homework or fast finishers, and the calendars were a hit with my co-workers, parents, and students alike!  Each monthly packet includes 20 different writing prompts (fiction, informational, seasonal, and even some opinion topics), tips for teacher use, seasonal writing paper, and an editing checklist for student use!  I’ve bundled all 12 calendars for a savings of $8.00!  These are fun, easy to use, and almost NO-prep for teachers!

Writing Calendar Pic 2


Writing Bundle Pic


Click HERE to Purchase the Writing Calendar BUNDLE!

Click HERE to buy Individual Writing Calendars!

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Confessions of a Middle Grades Math Student: What Every Elementary School Teacher Should Know

Student Title 2

Hello Routty Math Teacher Community,

Welcome to my new blog series– Confessions of a Middle Grades Math Student!

While we all look forward to summer as a time for some much needed rest and relaxation, we also spend considerable time preparing for the new school year. With that in mind, I will be providing purposeful professional development to support your summer learning as we prepare for the new school year. 

Over the course of the summer, I will be providing insight into the rules, tips, and strategies that students bring into the middle grades mathematics classroom from earlier grades that do not support the development of more advanced skills. 

I will introduce a new topic each week, drawing the majority of the topics from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) article titled, “13 Rules that Expire” by Karen S. Karp, Sarah B. Bush, and Barbara J. Dougherty (2014). You can download a copy of the article here. In this article, the authors describe rules that “expire” and are no longer valid at a certain point in a student’s mathematics career.

Through this blog series, I will explore these rules and offer suggestions on ways to better support our students’ growth and understanding of the mathematical content and skills underlying them. The information will be presented from the student’s perspective so that we might gain some insight on how our students internalize what we say. 

It is my hope to generate some discussion and get feedback on these ideas. Please feel free to comment on my blog The Routty Math Teacher Blog or on The Routty Math Teacher Facebook Page.

Happy Reading!




MISCELLANEOUS LESSON-SPANISH COLORS- Vocabulary & Word Search @ Colorea tu Helado Favorito

This Coloring Package is an amazing resource to practice spelling colors, and having fun doing the Coloring Activity. Great package for Elementary students and for fifth grades students who never had Spanish before. This lesson may be included in the “Moving Up” packages where fifth students can see how easy Spanish vocabulary can be, use a dictionary to complete the word bank, do the word search and complete the Ice Cream Coloring activity.

SPANISHCOLORSVocabularyWordSearchColoreatuHeladoFavorito (1)-page-003 (1)SPANISHCOLORSVocabularyWordSearchColoreatuHeladoFavorito (1)-page-001 (1)SPANISHCOLORSVocabularyWordSearchColoreatuHeladoFavorito (1)-page-002


It contains

1) 12 colors vocabulary/assessment worksheet with word bank

2) 12 Colors Word Search- Make it a game. Divide students in small groups and give stickers to winning groups or homework passes.
3) Ice Cream Coloring Activity -The top part of the ice cream is free so students can color their favorite ice cream and answer the question – What is your favorite Ice Cream?



To Pin this Lesson


Please stop by my store to take advantage of a 10% Sale 


Language Arts Lesson-OCEAN Animals Bingo- Pre K-2 – Writing Prompt

This Ocean Animals BINGO features 12 of the most beloved Ocean Animals . This package is very helpful to celebrate National Aquarium and Zoo month of June in your classroom.


The package includes:
– Lesson PlanOCEANAnimalsBingoPreKWritingPrompt-page-002

-BINGO Board- Students can color objects using a single color . Encourage creativity. For example a blue turtle, green shark.etc


– Once the bingo board is filled, ask students to complete the writing prompt. Each sentence should describe the animal’s color and size. For example: My shark is green and big.


-Play Bingo. Read different combinations and write them on the board. You can play for the whole board. All combinations should be written on the board. Ask students to verify their worksheets and correct them as they play. Winners can get homework passes.

-Word Search- Great conclusion for word recognition and review. Have students work in small groups and compete for a Homework pass.


You have enough material to work for a 1-2 days. You can use the vocabulary worksheet as a quiz at the end of the unit.






Reptiles Scavenger Hunt!


Slide1I started making these scavenger hunts to support science in my classroom. However, what I found was that these hunts are a great way to also support reading.  Students read to find information about reptiles and then answer questions.  It works great a supplement to your science curriculum.


Reptile Scavenger Hunt


Here is a picture of the task cards. There are 20 total task cards.  Hang them up around the room and it lets kids get moving while they answering questions. Trust me they will love this activity, my students beg for them.



Here is a picture of what the question pages look like.  One thing that I will be doing next year to extend my higher kids, is to have them write their own questions.  The lower learners can still participate with the already made questions.



This is my first science scavenger hunt, but I’m working on more this summer.  If you have a topic you would like a scavenger hunt for leave a comment for this post with your email and topic.


Sara Oberheide

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Congratulations to the Winners of the THREE $100 GIVEAWAYS of TpT Gift Certificates!

Congratulations to Rebecca for winning the FIRST $100 TpT Gift Certificate!

Congratulations to Paula McClendon for winning the SECOND $100 TpT Gift Certificate!

Congratulations to Gavin Middleton for winning the THIRD $100 TpT Gift Certificate!

Click the buttons on the left to subscribe to this blog or follow it by email so that you will know when The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative will be having other THREE $100 GIVEAWAYS of TpT Gift Certificates!



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MyMath 5th Grade Chapter 1 Resources

Calling all 5th grade math teachers!



Click here for this math product!

Below are all of the resources you can find in this bundle for common core math standard 5.NBT.  This is designed to help teachers who use MyMath as their curriculum, however, if you teach 5th grade math you can easily use these resources in your classroom.


-Task cards with QR codes to support place value
-Task cards to support expanded and standard form with decimals
-Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle
-Vocabulary Cards
-Essential Question Poster to display in your classroom
-“I can” posters to display in your classroom
-5 worksheets (with answer key) for additional practice with these skills.


This pack is well worth $5, just for the task cards alone!

Thank you for viewing my post!

Sara Oberheide

TPT Store


Back to School Bundle – Greetings and Class Rules in Spanish-Ice Breaker Prompt





This Back to School bundle will allow you to begin your Spanish class the right way. The first vocabulary set has all the rules and regulations for your class. Your students will recognize about 80% of the cognates included. It also has a contract where students can copy in Spanish the 13 expressions. Great tool to show them, they can easily write in Spanish and have a full document written using writing prompts. The second set has two pages of greetings and courtesy expressions conveniently written so students can copy the writing prompt and create their own dialogue. You can have within two weeks not only written samples from your students but dialogues written in full Spanish and presentations. Awesome way to display your wonderful teaching skills.

BacktoSchoolBundleGreetingsClassRulesinSpanishIceBreakerPrompt-page-002BacktoSchoolBundleGreetingsClassRulesinSpanishIceBreakerPrompt-page-003 BacktoSchoolBundleGreetingsClassRulesinSpanishIceBreakerPrompt-page-004
Enjoy!!! It satisfies Communication Standard 1.1,1.2 and 1.3


SPANISH END OF YEAR- MI VERANO- Verbs Power Point/Poster Project with Rubric

SPANISHENDOFYEARMIVERANOVerbsPowerPointPosterProjectwithRubric (1)-page-001 (1)SPANISHENDOFYEARMIVERANOVerbsPowerPointPosterProjectwithRubric (1)-page-001 (1)

This interactive End of Year Lesson will allow you to have a fun project with your class. The lesson was to introduce AR/ER/IR verbs and combine it with a list of summer activities that your students will be engaging on during summer break. It is a great review of verbs and daily activities. It also can be used to increase conversational skills as students can introduce each other in five minute presentations that can be read straight of their posters or Power Points.

It contains
– Summer Vacation activities including the translation keys
– Writing prompt in conjugated in the first person to create poster
– AR/ER/IR Word Search
-AR/ER/IR  Cross Word Assessment

1- Allow students to create a presentation in Spanish describing their
Summer plans
2- Develop Speaking proficiency as students read their presentations to the class
3- Develop Listening skills as the students hear other students’ presentations and take notes

1- Go over activities vocabulary page with students. Let them work on translating themselves using dictionary /notes.
2- Ask students to complete the Writing prompt for all the statements. Explain to students that names of shows, artist, place and people do not require translation.
3- Ask students to pick 10 activities and to create a Power point slide for each activity. If they wish they can also do a poster using drawings, magazines cutout or clip art to represent activities.
4- Each student will share their Power Point for 5 minutes with the class. They can either show the Power Pointpresentation or show the poster. Grade the poster.
5- The class takes notes and students take turns to translate each presentation. Notes can be in English.
6- Collect projects and grade.
7- Students can compete for Word Search. Divide in small groups and first group to finish gets homework pass.
8- Criss Cross Puzzle- You can use it as a Quiz

Feliz Verano!


This FUN 20 word  Word Search is the perfect Morning Work Search for June 5. National Doughnut Day is on the first Friday of June to commemorate the “doughnut lassies” who served fresh doughnuts to American soldiers  during World War I.





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Technology Across The Curriculum Blog Hop

Sharing is Caring


This week’s topic is all about utilizing technology with students. These awesome teachers have some pretty great ideas to share!

Technology Across the Curriculum

by Deann Marin

I can remember the first computer that I used in my classroom, it was the original Apple. We had no internet access, or power-point programs. You could play simple games like Pacman and make worksheets for the kids. I thought the computer was so cool, just to be able to type and erase, without the hassle of whiteout, was a huge improvement.



Technology + Special Education = Freedom and Independence

By Nikki Heiman

photo 4


Therapeutic use of an iPad for
 Occupational Therapy

By Thia Triggs

This is an AWESOME post about different apps to use for OT skills. Very informative and comprehensive list!


I hope you have enjoyed this week’s post about Technology in the classroom!



ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS TEACHERS – “Three freebies to Swing you Into Summer”

by – Connie Casserly

Grades 7-12


Are you still in school?  Is your brain showing a Needs Charged light?  Need a fresh idea or three to swing you into summer vacation?


If you answered, “YES!” to any of these questions, check out the following three FREEBIES that will act as energy bars for your students during the remainder of the year.


1. Comprehension & Writing Activity – “Taking a Break”

takingabreakactivity_Page_1This free activity is great for an end of the year recap to assess Middle and High School students’ comprehension, understanding, and analytic skills of the material that they read, or for any time during the year prior to a vacation.

For this activity, students are going on a dream vacation. To keep them company on this trip, they ask three characters from books that they have read for school assignments that year to go on the trip with them. Who will they take? Why them? Where will they go? How will these people help them have a perfect trip? They are to answer these questions as they relate vacation plans.

Download from




2. Comprehension and Writing Activity: Carry On!

CarryOnrev2014_Page_1Other than hairstyles, few physical adornments show more about people than the clothes they choose to wear and their accessories. This FREE Common Core and Bloom’s Taxonomy aligned activity not only focuses on the type of purse/attaché case/tote/ backpack, etc. that a character would choose, but also the items he/she would keep in it.

After brainstorming what type of accessory celebrities would choose, as well as what items they would put in it, Middle School and High School students will do the same for their teacher-assigned character.

Download from




3. Comprehension – It’s Good to be Me…It’s Good to be You
ComprehensionItsGoodtobeMeItsGoodtobeYou_Page_1Here are two activities when teachers need a few go to lessons for exploring the elements of literature, in this case-Character.

These engaging activities will hook Middle School and High School students into reading and writing about the text that they are studying.The two activities will check off two of your, “Need to Do” boxes.

Not only will they engage students in their character exploration of the people they meet in their reading, but they will also allow your charges to reveal their own personalities and thoughts.

Download from






Bonus:  Hand out  this FREEBIE – Summer Comprehension, Thinking & Writing Activities: A Summer Bucket List – to your students and their parents at the end of the year. Students will be so engaged in the activity (-ies) of their choice, that they won’t even realize that they are keeping their comprehension, computing, higher lever thinking and writing skills strong.







Make these final days, Teach It Now Days with these activities.

Have a restful and relaxing summer.




Fun Summer Lists – Writing for Real Purposes!

Fun Summer Lists cover.png - Copy

Many children today do not have much appreciation for the world of paper and pen. The electronic world is far more seductive and even the adults in their lives are likely spending time on laptops or smartphones. Guilty as charged over here.

While building writing skills may come easily to some children, it can be overwhelming and exhausting to others. What is in it for them? They simply must see a point to it for real-world purposes, and receive positive feedback.

Kids do see us make lists – even if we make them on our smartphones. And kids do what we do (not necessarily what we say!)

For our purposes today, writing will mean any communicating in print. We’re talking about Kindergarten to grade two or three students of varying abilities.

Our goal is to help them understand why they are learning to write, buy into it and know that they are contributing members of society, who are appreciated for the contribution they are making by doing so!

Think of the possibilities for planning a day trip, or vacation….

Packing Lists…

5 Stuff to pack blank - Copy 6 Stuff to pack lined - Copy

7 Food list blank 8 Food list lined - Copy.png

11 Things to pack for Water Fun 12 Things to pack for Water Fun - lined

The Social and Wish Lists…

1 Summer Bucket list blank.png - Copy 2 Summer Bucket List lined - Copy

4 Friends - boys.png - Copy 3 Friends - girls.png - Copy

9 Guest List blank - Copy 10 Guest list lined - Copy.png

Lists about stories and games…or anything really!

16 Fav Stories 18 Stories I want to read 17 Books I read this summer

13 Games I really like 14 Games I really want 15 Apps and Games that help me learn

Whether our child / student draws or pastes pictures, dictates to us while we scribe, prints in hieroglyphics, or phonetically spelled words, we need to make this real world connection and commend them for making the effort. Especially in the summer!

Fun  Summer Lists is included in a WRITING FOR REAL PURPOSES bundle called Summer Literacy Fun Pack, with Summer Fun: Reading and Writing through Play pictured below.

These products were inspired by a post I wrote last summer (also pictured below) and by the effectiveness of these types of activities with my own children and students. I hope you enjoy them. Think Summer! It’s just around the corner!

Best wishes to all of you as we head into the final month of school!


That Fun Reading Teacher 

Th TpT Store Prof pic circle

WRP Summer Bundle Long pin Summer Fun - Reading and Writing through play! cover.pngSumWrite





Th 1 Father's Day cover 300 Th Label the lifeguard - Colour

Celebrating one year of Fine Motor Gains!

Watch this Awesome Guy show us his amazing growth in hand skills in one year’s time.  

It all began here when he learned to isolate his index finger, but take a look at him now!

Also learn an Occupational therapist’s trick for teaching pencil grasp to a child with low muscle tone and poor hand strength!

Read More:

Capitals First Blog from Print Path

Print Path @ Teachers Pay Teachers

End of School Craziness

Perhaps you’ve seen the owls circulating Facebook.

I am totally the owl on the right; so to celebrate all of us losing our minds, I’ve created a logic problem about us at the end of the year. It’s called Tired Teachers, and it might give your third through fifth grade students a chuckle when they read about what exhausted teachers do in May.

You may purchase this little gem for just $1

Plus it comes complete with an answer key-a necessity because let’s face it,

We’re Tired!

If you like logic, please check out my store. I have 

plenty of problems to challenge bright kids.

End of School