Category Archives : TEST PREPARATION

MATH PRACTICE – TEK 5.7 and CCSS 5.MD.A.1: Measurement Conversions Super Bowl

Football season is in high gear, AND it’s time to teach measurement in fourth and fifth grades!

Product Cover:  Giant Football on Football Field Background

One buyer said, “Converting isn’t really all that fun and this made converting fun! Some of us (me) learned about goal lines and end zones!!”

Full of engaging, entertaining Super Bowl and NFL trivia, “TEK 5.7 and CCSS 5.MD.A.1: Measurement Conversions Super Bowl” includes ideas for differentiation, a lesson song and “dance,” teaching strategies, 2 versions of 24 task cards (multiple choice and open-ended), 2 answer keys, a football field diagram, and a Roman Numeral chart.  (Gotta know what all those X’s and I’s mean, right?!)

TEK 5.7 and CCSS 5.MD.A.1 expect children to apply mathematical process standards to select appropriate units, strategies, and tools to solve problems involving measurement. The student learns to solve problems by calculating conversions within a measurement system–customary or metric. Though this product is written specifically to fifth grade, it is suitable for advanced fourth grade mathematicians as well.

One buyer said, “Converting isn’t really all that fun and this made converting fun! Some of us (me) learned about goal lines and end zones!!

Follow me at, and you’ll be the first to know when this product is available in digital, no prep, no grade format!

Happy teaching,
Teaching’s a Joy

FREE Math Test Review Printable


Looking for a different way to review math problems? 

The Rock ‘n’ Roll strategy encourages students to explore the different aspects of the problem-solving process when reviewing math problems. This is a great strategy for reviewing test questions or reviews that have multiple choice answers. This strategy works best for
reviewing a few problems, maybe the most missed ones from an assessment or review, but it’s very effective.
Click here or on the image above to grab a free copy of my “Rock ‘n’ Roll Math” printables. You can read more about how to use the “Rock ‘n’ Roll Math” strategy here.
Want to know more? 

Head on over to The Routty Math Teacher website and read my latest post, “Six Tips for a Successful Math Review” where I share tips for a great review and some of my favorite review strategies. Read the post here or by clicking on the image below.



Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 9/13/17

Every week I put together a list of 5 great products from members of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative (TBOTEMC) with the requirement that each product must be less than $5.  With a variety of subjects and a wide range of grades, there just might be something that you can use, so continue to read below and see!

In addition, if you’re a seller on Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) that would like to join the Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 team, click here to get more information about joining TBOTEMC.  Feel free to e-mail me with any questions, as I’d be happy to help in any way possible.

By A Teacher’s Teacher 

ELA/Writing; Grades 7-10

This three-passage text set is accompanied by an informational prompt regarding the topic of skydiving. It’s a perfect assignment to engage typically apathetic students, as well as those students who are typically successful in your classroom, while still relying on the skills of using the information in the text set.  Modeled after AIR Testing, which is used in numerous states across the country, it would also fit well into a PARCC simulation. The text set, itself, is 5 pages long.


By Learning Harbor Resources for Teachers

Math; Grade 3

Are you looking for PowerPoint interactive activities to use with 1 to 1 computer time, blended lessons, and more? Do you need a fun and engaging way for your students to practice multiplication? This Scarecrow themed Interactive Self-Correcting PowerPoint Slide Show with sound may be just what you need. This interactive PowerPoint activity addresses CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.OA.B.5 Multiply and divide within 100.  See more details on the product’s page to learn about this great affordable item!

By 2livNlearn

Classroom Management; All Grades

Group your students quickly and easily with these cards! There are a myriad of cards to choose from which can be used in multiple ways. Group in pairs or up to eight students at a time. Included are: Groups of two 21 pairs, Opposites groups of two 18 pairs, Groups of two 10 pairs, Groups of two 14 pairs, Groups of three 6 sets, Groups of four 4 sets and Groups of eight 40 sets.  That makes a total of 320 different cards!  Never have to worry about “randomly” grouping again!

Reading/Social Studies; Grades 3-5

Have students learn about September 11th with this informational text passage while also practicing their reading comprehension skills.  Included in this product are the following: An Informational Text Passage entitled “The Attacks of September 11th,” A reading comprehension Assessment, Student Answer Sheet, Foldable for recording short response, Teacher Answer Key. and Foldable Directions (easy as could be! … no-prep required).  See the full description on the item’s page for a sample video about this terrific product!

By El Jaguar

Spanish; Not Grade Specific

This wonderful “El Grito “Cultural unit is the perfect way to celebrate Sept 16. Mexican Independence Day in your classroom.  The unit addresses the history of the Father Hidalgo in Dolores and his legendary “Grito de Dolores” that started the Mexican Revolution. The unit also describes in detail the reenactment ceremonies done on Sept 15 every year in the Zocalo of Mexico by the President of Mexico. It is a fun unit with wonderful Word Searches both in Spanish and English to reinforce the reading and cognates. Finally a fun coloring activity can be used for Elementary students. You can do it as a class reading and then little ones can just have fun coloring the Sugar Skull on a bed of Roses and doing the English Word Search.  See the item’s page for a full description of what is included for a great price!

As always, I encourage comments below and any ideas or suggestions by tweeting me @ATeachersTeach or contacting me via e-mail.

A Teacher’s Teacher

My TpT Store

Test Prep Tournaments & Centers For Any Grade & Any Subject


Students have fun AND stay focused while they are reviewing for their state’s standardized tests, district tests, and classroom tests. 

The 15 tournaments and 8 centers come with step-by-step directions, game boards, and game pieces in 119 pages. 

The tournaments may be used for any grade and any subject, but you need to supply the questions you want your students to study. You may use your state’s released questions of past standardized tests, test prep booklets, previous district tests, or questions from your classroom textbooks. Go to and purchase task cards on a specific subject or standard you want to reinforce.

These tournaments work! In California, students are deemed Advanced, Proficient, Basic, Below Basic, or Far Below Basic on the state’s standardized tests. Last year, when comparing my students’ 2009 California Standards Test scores with me and how they had done the year before, one student went up three levels from Far Below Basic in second grade to Below Basic to Basic to Proficient with me in third grade. Three of my students went up two levels. Nine of my students went up one level. Three students stayed in their same level from second to third grade (one student was Proficient and stayed Proficient & two students were Advanced and stayed Advanced.) The final student in my class last year did not have a second grade score, but scored Advanced in my class. I receive similar test scores each year.

These tournaments are timeless! Even if your state changes the format of the standardized test, you can still use these tournaments to review the standards. Even if you change to a new grade or have to teach a different subject, you can adapt the tournaments to your new class.

The possibilities are endless! Change the rules of the game to meet the needs of your specific class. Make a copy of the “Race Car Game” and have two students play against each other with a set of questions in a learning center. Choose the particular tournament according to what you want to focus on. I use the “Math Field Day – Slow Version” Tournament when I want to give my students a longer time to solve math word problems in their teams. I use the “Math Field Day – Fast Version” Tournament when I want my students to work quickly and accurately on math computation problems.

Elementary students can review and practice their times tables, sight words, vocabulary definitions, and spelling words. Middle School and High School students can memorize important events in social studies or balance equations in chemistry.

I received the Excellence in Teaching Award from the Los Angeles Unified School District and the Los Angeles Educational Partnership. I am a National Board Certified Teacher and attained a scaled score of 386 points (Teachers needed a scaled score of 275 points to become certified.) 

I prepare my students for their state standardized tests in a very strategic way. You may want your school to purchase a LIFETIME school site license, so that all of the teachers at your school…and any new teachers…may use these tournaments and centers. “Test Prep Tournaments & Centers For Any Grade & Any Subject-SCHOOL SITE LICENSE” may be purchased at

Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Wishing you the very best,

Victoria Leon

May Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern


It’s May, only a short time till you can kick back and take a break. To help get you there, we have have so many things to share with you in this edition of May Teacher Talk. There are posts about engaging your classes till the end of the year, end of the year memories, summer stem activities, number writing instruction, reading comprehension ideas, iPad Apps for learning, advice for teacherpreneurs and so much more.  So sit back, relax and take a look at our posts.

If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog linky, sign up here….The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, be sure to mention one of our names. 


A Portfolio to Remember

By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning

Ways to pull together a show-stopping portfolio collection for every student at the end of the year.

Tips for Engaging Your Students Through the End of the Year

The end of the school year is just around the corner. You’re looking forward to summer vacation and so are your students, but you still have at least 6 or more weeks left, so what do you do to keep those children tuned in to learning.


Flash Freebie, TpT Milestone Celebration!

By Thia Triggs of Print Path

This Number Writing product is one of my best sellers. It is yours free, for a limited time!


 Are You Getting Overwhelmed the last few months of School?

By Mary Moore of Moore Resources

Don’t Stress the Last Few Months of School! It is so hard NOT to get overwhelmed, especially the last month or so of school! Read below on some tips and resources I always try to remember….at


Can You Make 200 of Them?

By Susan Berkowitz of Susan Berkowitz

It takes 200 opportunities per day for an augmentative communication user to learn how to use the AAC system. We need to provide those opportunities within the context of daily activities & routines. Here are some suggestions on how to do that.


Summer STEM Olympics

By Kerry Tracy of Kerry Tracy

Teachers, does the end of the year find you struggling to provide meaningful, enjoyable lessons? Never fear, Summer STEM Challenge Olympics are here! (Includes modifications for grade 2 – 8.)


Wacky days in May and activities to go with them!

By Lisa Robles of LisaTeachR’s Classroom

Get some stress out from testing! Do some fun activities with special days in May and some wacky ones!


Comprehension is as Easy as ABC

By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching Tools

A tried and true teaching tool to ensure student engagement and comprehension while reading!


iPad Apps for Kids- a 6-Part Blog Series

By Shametria Routty of the Routty Math Teacher

iPad and tablet use in the classroom has gained much popularity over the last few years and they’re being used nationwide as engaging learning tools for students. “iPad Apps for Kids” is a 6-part blog series featuring cool math iPad apps that can be used for intervention, tutoring, and summer practice tools for all students, inside or outside of the classroom setting. While all of the apps are free, you may have to make a purchase for a nominal fee to take full advantage of the app’s features; however, the free aspects are very useful and engaging just the same. 


What I Have Learned on TPT-Part 2

By Marcy Howe of It’s a Teacher Thing

Read some of my top discoveries on my teacher-author journey.


Pythagorean Theorem

Do your students need more practice or to learn all about Pythagorean Theorem?


Get numerous educational teacher created resources to save time and reach your learners!


Pythagorean Theorem

Perfect for teaching & reviewing Pythagorean Theorem.

Games • Challenges • Test Prep • Foldables • Guided Notes • Quizzes/Assesments • Posters/Anchor Charts • Worksheets!  Get them all by visiting my Pythagorean Theorem Category!  These resources are wonderful to teach your students and reach your learners.  Visuals, tips, and more are included to assist you in reaching your learners!


Click Here or the picture above to Visit my Pythagorean Theorem Category to Learn More about all of my current Resources on Pythagorean Theorem.


Best Wishes,
M Moore

Certified K-6, 6-9 math, and 6-9 science

MMoore Educational Resources

TpT Store: Moore-Resources

TpT Store



©2015 M Moore, M Moore Educational Resources,

You may share, pin, like, & repin.


Middle School – Let’s Play 24 Exponential Challenge

Let’s Play 24 Exponential Challenge!

A great way to engage students in learning and reviewing Exponents!

Let's Play 24 Exponential Challenge


Include something new on Exponents this year….

A Challenging Game with 120 Tasks on Exponents with 48 Test Prep Tasks Included.

★ Included ★

5 sets of TASK CARDS

Set 1 – Basic Exponent problems to Solve, 24 Task Cards & Answer Key
• Set 2 – Product Laws of Exponents, 24 Task Cards & Answer Key
• Set 3 – Quotient Laws of Exponents, 24 Task Cards & Answer Key
• Set 4 – Test Prep 1 – Basics of Exponents, 24 Task Cards & Answer Key
• Set 5 – Test Prep 2 – Product & Quotient Laws of Exponents, 24 Task Cards & Answer Key
• 1 Page – End page of Important Information.


A great bundle to teach, review, or reteach operations with Exponents.

For 5th & 6th Grade several items may be used for Teaching the basics of Exponents and

used for GATE so students are more prepared to deal with the operations of Exponents

in 8th Grade and High School.


NOTE: The task cards do not include the Fractional Laws of Exponents.

That is covered in the exponents worksheets product in my store.

Also: If you are an international client, the exponent products are a great resource.

There is a blank recording sheet in the ‘Let’s Play 24 Challenge Game’ you may write in Orders or Indices.  Also, you may ‘white out’ any exponent terminology and write in orders & indices to utilize the products.

5.NBT.A.2 • 6.EE.A.1 • 8.EE.A.1 • HSN.RN.A.1 • HSN.RN.A.2


Click Here to get the ‘Let’s Play 24 Exponential Challenge’! 


Check out all of my Exponent Products by Clicking Here! 


More Numbers, Expressions, & Equation products along with other products I’m currently working on will be added throughout the year in my TpT store!



Best Wishes, M Moore

Certified K-6, 6-9 math, and 6-9 science

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©2015 M Moore, Moore Resources, You may share, pin, like, share, & repin, just not copy


Print and Go Math Bundle

Do you need help providing math MAP test prep? This bundle provides students with a daily dose of Operations & Algebraic Thinking,  Real & Complex Number Systems, Geometry, and Statistics & Probability problems for the 211 – 220 RIT Band. Visit Dr Crystal Brown TpT Store to preview and order your bundle. Bundles for other RIT Bands are available. Each bundle includes 40 weeks of practice problems.

Print and Go Math Bundle


Do you need help providing math practice specific to students’ needs according to the Learning Continuum? This bundle provides students with a daily dose of Operations & Algebraic Thinking,  Real & Complex Number Systems, Geometry, and Statistics & Probability problems for the 211 – 220 RIT Band. Visit Dr Crystal Brown TpT Store to preview and order your bundle. Bundles for other RIT Bands are available. Each bundle includes 40 weeks of practice problems.

Creative Math Warm-Ups

Sharing is Caring Elite Teacher Blogging Cooperative

sharing is caring

Creative Warm-Up Activities for Math Class

Are you looking for creative ways to get your class ready for math class?

 You’ve come to the right place. Check out these great ideas that educators are using in their classrooms.




Warm Up With a Math Song!

By Jennifer Kramer of Jenny’s Class and Edutunes

Are you looking for a great way to “warm up” for a math lesson? Songs are a great way to introduce concepts, to review concepts,and to pave the way for any lesson. Follow the link to hear 5 song samples, and discover ways they can be used to introduce important concepts!


Math Warm-ups

By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning

My students and I have never liked jumping into math class feet first without a chance to dip our toes in the water and get used to the idea first. Math warmups, short whole group activities based on the math you’ll be studying during the lesson, are a perfect way to dip your toes.


Creative Math Warm-Ups

By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

 There are so many creative math warm-ups to help get your class excited about math class. Here are some that I’ve used.


Warming Up for Math!

By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching Tools

Math warm ups get your students thinking about math! Quick ways to get your kids thinking! Low prep!

Prime Factorization Task Cards – Freebie

These task cards are great to help support students with Prime Factorization. My students always need a ton of extra practice with this skill.  Here are free task cards that I made to use this fall.





You can find these cards for free HERE!


I place task cards around my classroom, give my kids the response sheet that is provided, then they walk around the room answering the questions.  They will love it.  One thing that I’ve found is that task cards really help differentiate between high and low levels of learning.  The high students will get to answer all of the cards.  The lower students, you can take time and walk with them helping them.


Thanks for viewing!


Sara Oberheide


I’m Having a SALE!

Gifted and Talented Materials by Joyce Lansky is having a sale now through June 4th. I have 267 products on sale for 10% off

Your best savings will come from my many literary guides or book units.

But I also have a lot of math lessons and logic. I have it all!

Please stop by my store to take advantage of savings of 10% off these next few days.

Motivating Students on STAAR

Welcome to Standardized Test Season!  I believe is important to keep students motivated when it comes to standardized testing.  One way to keep students motivated throughout this stressful time can be found in the following product: Slide1 This packet includes PDF and Editable PowerPoint Documents that will help you during test taking administrations:

  • Treat and Goodie Bag Cards
  • Testing Signs for Classroom Doors
  • STAAR Teacher/Student Name Signs
  • Student Motivation/Incentive Tickets
  • Test Taking Strategy Posters
  • Test Taking Strategy Bookmarks
  • Super STAAR Pendant Banner

Slide2 Here are a sample of some of the items:


Tags to use with student treats. Attach to a bag of cookies.


Testing sign to post outside of the testing room door.


Tickets to use with students during test review sessions. Tickets are given to them for earning a certain number of points on review sheets. Use tickets to cash in or in drawings for prizes or treats.


These slips can be given out during test review used to cash in for prizes or treats.


Example of Test Taking Strategy Signs



Test Taking Strategies Bookmark

The items in this packet help to keep students motivated and upbeat during test time.  I hope you find them as useful as I have.   Click here to get the Super STAAR Classroom Incentives and Motivation Packet. Slide1   Check out the other STAAR materials in my store: Slide1

Beginning and end of year math review 


Beginning & End Of Year Math Review would be a great packet for reviewing math skills at the beginning and end of the year .

This resource includes:

**Write the number words in each box.
**Counting by 10.
**Counting by 5.
**Flip Flop Addition and Subtraction.
**Roll 2 dice ,Add them up and color the picture.
**Double-digit Addition.(without regrouping)
**Double-digit Subtraction.(without regrouping)
**Roll 3 dice, add them up and color.
**Solve each word problem using number-line.(2 pages)
**Draw the hands on each clock.
**Compare the numbers.
**Make ten.
**Place value. 
**Write the missing number in the sequence
**Make a number bond.
**Geometry.(2 pages)

My TpT store

Thank you,


How to Destress Students on Test Day

Stress Chalk1

Stress’s impact on other life functions is one of the most researched psychological issues. It has been shown by researchers  by psychologists Robert M. Yerkes and John Dillingham Dodson as early as 1908 that too much stress can negatively impact performance in many ways including on tests. Many many studies have gone on to support their research. So, finding ways to keep kids calm(er) on test days is extremely important.

My son’s school started SBAC testing last week. He’s a struggling 4th grade perfectionist. His stress level has been very high, and we have 1 week to go. His teachers have given him 2 weeks off of homework, and bubble gum during the test taking time. When I asked my son how he felt about the test he put his thumb out to the side, thought about it for a second, and quickly turned it downward.

This got me to thinking about the strategies I have used over the years to destress students for test days. I have used several different strategies which I will share with you, and no one alone seems to do the trick. Every child is different, so what calms them is different too. It is important to try using multiple strategies for students to get the most impact from the effort. <<Read On>>




This is one of my favorite months – for one thing it is a festive season marked by the advent of Easter – and then, it’s National Poetry Month where an appreciation for all things poetic is fostered.

Now, we all know that in order for our students to write creative poems, they must have a sound knowledge of the poetic devices that play an instrumental role in impressing the reader, so with this in mind, I designed 120 QR Codes (40 color, 40 blackline, 40 answer codes) to make conceptual knowledge more concrete. Instead of me lecturing about the elements of poetry, students can find out for themselves by scanning the QR code on each card, writing their responses, and then checking the answers. Now isn’t that learning by Inquiry in itself?


Wish you a Happy Easter and creative National Poetry Month 🙂

Laurane Rae@TeachToTell




ALL students need to warm up!

We all know that stronger students tend to have more background knowledge. More reading in the home, a broader range of experiences, and less television often result in a student who simply knows more content. Put 25 of those advanced learners in a room, and we can skip some of those instructional hooks we use with weaker students . . . or can we?


We may not need to frontload as much with these students, but they still need to warm up. Even a car that has just had a tune up needs to run a bit before hitting the road in February. At the secondary level when students are changing classes, a lot happens in those five minutes between rooms. One social interaction, text, or bad grade in the previous class will cloud that student’s perception of what happens in your room. In order to access prior knowledge and even skills, get that brain warmed up with a rigorous exercise.


Here’s a bundle of twenty bell ringer exercises for advanced high school students. Take a look and decide if they are right for your students. Enjoy 25% off the list price.

AP English Language & Composition Mini Practice BUNDLE[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative – Categories

Hi everyone,

Thanks for stopping by our Word Press blog, The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative.  Click on the categories posted on the right hand column to find particular lessons. Below is a list of the categories.

Have fun exploring TBOTEMC,









FREE LESSONS & PRICED LESSONS – The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs


  • PreKindergarten
  • Kindergarten
  • 1st Grade
  • 2nd Grade
  • 3rd Grade
  • 4th Grade
  • 5th Grade
  • 6th Grade
  • 7th Grade
  • 8th Grade
  • 9th Grade
  • 10th Grade
  • 11th Grade
  • 12th Grade
  • College


  • 100th Day
  • 4th of July
  • Christmas
  • Easter
  • End of the Year
  • Father’s Day
  • Flag Day
  • Halloween
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Memorial Day
  • Mother’s Day
  • New Year’s Day
  • Presidents’ Day
  • St. Patrick’s Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Veteran’s Day