Category Archives : End of the Year

Let’s Review the Alphabet Bundle

Letter Review Cover

This packet provides numerous opportunities to review all of the letters of the alphabet. It’s perfect for review at the beginning or end of the school year. It’s also a great tool to keep students practicing over summer.

All products in this bundle are aligned to the common core standards for kindergarten.

This bundle contains all of the following products:

Letters A-E Review Pack
Letters F-J Review Pack
Letters K-O Review Pack 
Letters P-T Review Pack
Letters U-Z Review Pack

Each Review Pack Contains:
**Letter Writing Practice (capital and lowercase)
**Letter Puzzles
**Letter and Picture Matching
**Capital and Lowercase Letter Sort
**Letters Books
**Beginning Sound Practice
**Match and Color
**Find and Graph the Letters (capital and lowercase versions)
**Dot the Beginning Sound
**Color by Letter
**Peek and Write Flip Flap
**Dot Marker Picture (capital and lowercase versions)




One Step Closer Teaching

Super Profession Certificates

A rare and unique set of 16 A4 certificates that recognizes students as young professionals and rewards them for their work within a specific subject. Great for inspiring students to continue with their hard work and efforts!


super-professionals-certificates-p4 super-professionals-certificates-p2









super-professionals-certificates-p1 super-professionals-certificates-p3







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MISCELLANEOUS LESSON-SPANISH COLORS- Vocabulary & Word Search @ Colorea tu Helado Favorito

This Coloring Package is an amazing resource to practice spelling colors, and having fun doing the Coloring Activity. Great package for Elementary students and for fifth grades students who never had Spanish before. This lesson may be included in the “Moving Up” packages where fifth students can see how easy Spanish vocabulary can be, use a dictionary to complete the word bank, do the word search and complete the Ice Cream Coloring activity.

SPANISHCOLORSVocabularyWordSearchColoreatuHeladoFavorito (1)-page-003 (1)SPANISHCOLORSVocabularyWordSearchColoreatuHeladoFavorito (1)-page-001 (1)SPANISHCOLORSVocabularyWordSearchColoreatuHeladoFavorito (1)-page-002


It contains

1) 12 colors vocabulary/assessment worksheet with word bank

2) 12 Colors Word Search- Make it a game. Divide students in small groups and give stickers to winning groups or homework passes.
3) Ice Cream Coloring Activity -The top part of the ice cream is free so students can color their favorite ice cream and answer the question – What is your favorite Ice Cream?



To Pin this Lesson


Please stop by my store to take advantage of a 10% Sale 


The Great Kapok Tree- The Rain Forest Animal Project

The Great Kapok Tree- This Amazonian Tale to your class. Your students will be delighted to hear all the Amazonian animals speaking to the young man. Inspire your students to create their own rain forest.
GREAT SUB PLAN FOR JUNE The Rain forest project was designed to allow your students to cut and color 14 animals creating their own Rain forest drawing. They can replicate the scene from the Great Kapok Tree and surround the young man with the animals of the Rain Forest.

Lesson Plan

1- Distribute drawings to students. Provide a piece of 12X14 construction paper. Students should cut and create a Rain Forest drawing and label each animal.
2- Students complete the color/noun simple sentences writing prompt. For example. The ant is red. They can also make compound sentences. The ant is red and big
3- Collect and provide feedback
4-Ask students to submit project and final prompt
5- Students can work in both word search and bookmark


Drawing: You can grade 14 animals and labels = 28 +2 for creativity & neatness = 30

Prompt The 10 sentences X 2= 20 points

Total scales will be 30+20= 50/50

This will be an easy way for them to succeed in the project. Project will require at least two days.


Have students work on Rain Forest with a sub. If they finish early have them work on bookmark and Word Search.


Back to School Bundle – Greetings and Class Rules in Spanish-Ice Breaker Prompt





This Back to School bundle will allow you to begin your Spanish class the right way. The first vocabulary set has all the rules and regulations for your class. Your students will recognize about 80% of the cognates included. It also has a contract where students can copy in Spanish the 13 expressions. Great tool to show them, they can easily write in Spanish and have a full document written using writing prompts. The second set has two pages of greetings and courtesy expressions conveniently written so students can copy the writing prompt and create their own dialogue. You can have within two weeks not only written samples from your students but dialogues written in full Spanish and presentations. Awesome way to display your wonderful teaching skills.

BacktoSchoolBundleGreetingsClassRulesinSpanishIceBreakerPrompt-page-002BacktoSchoolBundleGreetingsClassRulesinSpanishIceBreakerPrompt-page-003 BacktoSchoolBundleGreetingsClassRulesinSpanishIceBreakerPrompt-page-004
Enjoy!!! It satisfies Communication Standard 1.1,1.2 and 1.3


SPANISH END OF YEAR- MI VERANO- Verbs Power Point/Poster Project with Rubric

SPANISHENDOFYEARMIVERANOVerbsPowerPointPosterProjectwithRubric (1)-page-001 (1)SPANISHENDOFYEARMIVERANOVerbsPowerPointPosterProjectwithRubric (1)-page-001 (1)

This interactive End of Year Lesson will allow you to have a fun project with your class. The lesson was to introduce AR/ER/IR verbs and combine it with a list of summer activities that your students will be engaging on during summer break. It is a great review of verbs and daily activities. It also can be used to increase conversational skills as students can introduce each other in five minute presentations that can be read straight of their posters or Power Points.

It contains
– Summer Vacation activities including the translation keys
– Writing prompt in conjugated in the first person to create poster
– AR/ER/IR Word Search
-AR/ER/IR  Cross Word Assessment

1- Allow students to create a presentation in Spanish describing their
Summer plans
2- Develop Speaking proficiency as students read their presentations to the class
3- Develop Listening skills as the students hear other students’ presentations and take notes

1- Go over activities vocabulary page with students. Let them work on translating themselves using dictionary /notes.
2- Ask students to complete the Writing prompt for all the statements. Explain to students that names of shows, artist, place and people do not require translation.
3- Ask students to pick 10 activities and to create a Power point slide for each activity. If they wish they can also do a poster using drawings, magazines cutout or clip art to represent activities.
4- Each student will share their Power Point for 5 minutes with the class. They can either show the Power Pointpresentation or show the poster. Grade the poster.
5- The class takes notes and students take turns to translate each presentation. Notes can be in English.
6- Collect projects and grade.
7- Students can compete for Word Search. Divide in small groups and first group to finish gets homework pass.
8- Criss Cross Puzzle- You can use it as a Quiz

Feliz Verano!

I’m Having a SALE!

Gifted and Talented Materials by Joyce Lansky is having a sale now through June 4th. I have 267 products on sale for 10% off

Your best savings will come from my many literary guides or book units.

But I also have a lot of math lessons and logic. I have it all!

Please stop by my store to take advantage of savings of 10% off these next few days.

Fun Summer Lists – Writing for Real Purposes!

Fun Summer Lists cover.png - Copy

Many children today do not have much appreciation for the world of paper and pen. The electronic world is far more seductive and even the adults in their lives are likely spending time on laptops or smartphones. Guilty as charged over here.

While building writing skills may come easily to some children, it can be overwhelming and exhausting to others. What is in it for them? They simply must see a point to it for real-world purposes, and receive positive feedback.

Kids do see us make lists – even if we make them on our smartphones. And kids do what we do (not necessarily what we say!)

For our purposes today, writing will mean any communicating in print. We’re talking about Kindergarten to grade two or three students of varying abilities.

Our goal is to help them understand why they are learning to write, buy into it and know that they are contributing members of society, who are appreciated for the contribution they are making by doing so!

Think of the possibilities for planning a day trip, or vacation….

Packing Lists…

5 Stuff to pack blank - Copy 6 Stuff to pack lined - Copy

7 Food list blank 8 Food list lined - Copy.png

11 Things to pack for Water Fun 12 Things to pack for Water Fun - lined

The Social and Wish Lists…

1 Summer Bucket list blank.png - Copy 2 Summer Bucket List lined - Copy

4 Friends - boys.png - Copy 3 Friends - girls.png - Copy

9 Guest List blank - Copy 10 Guest list lined - Copy.png

Lists about stories and games…or anything really!

16 Fav Stories 18 Stories I want to read 17 Books I read this summer

13 Games I really like 14 Games I really want 15 Apps and Games that help me learn

Whether our child / student draws or pastes pictures, dictates to us while we scribe, prints in hieroglyphics, or phonetically spelled words, we need to make this real world connection and commend them for making the effort. Especially in the summer!

Fun  Summer Lists is included in a WRITING FOR REAL PURPOSES bundle called Summer Literacy Fun Pack, with Summer Fun: Reading and Writing through Play pictured below.

These products were inspired by a post I wrote last summer (also pictured below) and by the effectiveness of these types of activities with my own children and students. I hope you enjoy them. Think Summer! It’s just around the corner!

Best wishes to all of you as we head into the final month of school!


That Fun Reading Teacher 

Th TpT Store Prof pic circle

WRP Summer Bundle Long pin Summer Fun - Reading and Writing through play! cover.pngSumWrite





Th 1 Father's Day cover 300 Th Label the lifeguard - Colour


By Christina L

Grades 1-3

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Free Summer Reading Passages with Comprehension Questions

Cover all the important days, events and themes of each month with my monthly reading passages.
This is a small example of my monthly reading passages.
They can be used as a quick warm up, in reading centers or for homework.
It includes 4 reading passages with 3 comprehension questions each:
• Flag Day
• Buzzing Bees!
• Popsicles! (The Invention of the Popsicle)
• Great White Sharks
Also included is one worksheet for recalling 4 facts they have learned.

Check it out here.


Thanks for looking!

Christina L

My Store:

FREE MISC. Lesson – Kindergarten End of the Year

High school seniors are not the only ones that will be wearing caps and gowns this May and June!  Did you know that some kindergartners will be dressed as little graduates too?  They wear these for the closing ceremonies at the end of the school year.  But . . . technically, they have a few more years of school before they can get a high school DIPLOMA!

FREEBIE ALERT!  I made 4 printables with a few kindergarten skills in mind.  I know that you have worked on these types of skills all year long!  It’s a “Cap and Gown” theme.  There are two language arts review sheets and two math review sheets.

The printable in the photo shown below is a coloring activity.  The children read the color words and color each gown appropriately.

end of the year kindergarten gowns

Identifying Color Words

The next printable will review with the hard /c/ and hard /g/ sounds.  Children look at the picture and circle the letter that has the same beginning sound as in the word “cap” or as in the word “gown”.


Caps and Gowns

How many times did you practice counting this year?  Here’s a printable to practice that skill once again!  Children count the number of caps within each group and circle the appropriate numeral.


One to One Correspondence

The last sheet is a graphing activity.  Children create a horizontal bar graph to show more caps than gowns.  They answer a few basic questions about the graph they made.


Graphing Caps & Gowns


If you’re a kindergarten teacher, I hope your students will enjoy using these printables during one of their last days of school this year.  To get the freebie, click on the image shown below.  Then download and save it to your own computer or flash drive.

free-end-of-the-year-kindergartenPost created by Molly McMahon, Lessons by Molly

Lessons by Molly’s Teachers Pay Teachers Store

Lessons by Molly’s Blog



Download 32 free lessons to use in your classroom at the end of the year or have your students do during their summer vacation!

TBOTEMC WP End of the Year Free Lessons Pinterest Logo PNG

End of the Year Free Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative – 2015


End-of-the-Year Games and Reflection Activities

End of the Year Bulletin Board FREEBIE!

End of the Year Mystery Person (Freebie)

Graphing Your Way to Summer 

Popcorn and Movie Day!  Theme Days for End of School!

Printables: A Summer Bucket List 

Summer Homework

Summer Time Math Centers: 10 More 10 Less

You’re O-Fish-Ally a _____!  Student Gift Tags

End of the Year Baggie Toppers {Freebie!}

End of Year Reflections

End of School Memory Book

Free Graduation Clip Art from Charlotte’s Clips

My Year In…An End of Year Memory Book


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “End of the Year Free Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative – 2015”

by Victoria Leon

Pre-Kindergarten – 8th Grade

Download eighteen free lessons to use at the end of the school year or have your students do during their summer vacation. Enjoy these lessons by members of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative:

* Summer ABC 123 

* Ice Cream Sundae Summer 

* A Calendar filled with Fun & Motivating Speech-Language Activities 

* My Book of Numbers: 0-10 

* How to Draw Using Lines & Curves: Free Sample Tulip, from Print Path 

* School’s Out 

* Summer Bucket List Pennant Banner Worksheet 

* Free End of Year Who is Who in My Class and Autograph Booklet 

* Year End Balloons

* My Vacation Memory Book

* Summer Slide 

* End of the Year Scoot

* 1 – 2 Review 

* End of the Year Writing Activity Freebie

* School Memories Grades 3-6

* What Will Life Be Like in 5,000 Years? 

* Presidential Wall 


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and get THOUSANDS OF PAGE VIEWS for your TpT products!

Go to for even more free products!


Logic Problems to Last The Year

Logic problems are a fun way to keep kids engaged, especially at the end of the year. My store is packed with these that may be purchased for a dollar a piece or in bulk for a discounted price. Why not plan ahead and take care of all the holidays at once with one of my logic problems to last the year packets.

This original packet was made to challenge students in third through fifth grades, but some of these problems are tough and most likely would meet the needs of older students in the regular classroom. 

The booklet contains twelve logic problems from the first day of school until the Tired Teachers at the end. Along the way, students will tackle challenges centered around Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas (2), Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, April Fools Day, Easter, and Mother’s Day. Right now it’s set at a reduced price of $8.75, so please check it out.

If you teach younger kids, no worries, I have the materials for your kids, too, with Logic Problems to Last the Year (Book II) for grades 1 – 3. This mini version of the original book contains six logic problems surrounding the holidays of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and our American Independence Day. These matrix logic problems contain one grid to challenge our bright younger students, but once again, they could also challenge an older child in the regular classroom. Book II sells for the reduced price of only $3.95.

If you like logic or any activities to challenge bright students, please check out my store at:


Keeping Students Learning All Summer

 photo Summer slide_zpsv4rcg9nl.png

Preventing the summer slide is such a big issue  for teachers and schools. Personally I hate sitting down with parents at beginning of the year conferences and informing them that their child has a lower reading level at the start of the year than they had at the end of the previous school year.

When I was first asked about how teachers can keep kids learning all summer, I thought… adopt? After all, children spend their summers away from us, and out of our control unless they are our own. Thinking about it a bit more though, honestly the answer is to adopt, but not the children, adopt the parents. Adopting the parents means cultivating an excellent relationship with the parents of your students, and making yourself available to them at any time. How far you go with this depends on your personal comfort level. At the start of every school year I create a private blog for parents and I to communicate on, hand out my school email, and personal cell phone number to parents. I send postcard though the mail, make regular phone calls, and even do home visits. When the school year ends I still have parents checking in on our class blog, sending me texts from vacation, and email asking for how to help their child over the summer.

It is not too late though, to increase parent communication and prevent the summer slide. Check out my top 10 tips below which will all be on my classroom blog, but can be sent one in a newsletter at the end of the year. Read on

End of School Craziness

Perhaps you’ve seen the owls circulating Facebook.

I am totally the owl on the right; so to celebrate all of us losing our minds, I’ve created a logic problem about us at the end of the year. It’s called Tired Teachers, and it might give your third through fifth grade students a chuckle when they read about what exhausted teachers do in May.

You may purchase this little gem for just $1

Plus it comes complete with an answer key-a necessity because let’s face it,

We’re Tired!

If you like logic, please check out my store. I have 

plenty of problems to challenge bright kids.

End of School

FREE MISC. LESSON – End of the Year Alpha-Numeric Codes

“Have a safe summer”, “See you next year”, “Don’t forget to practice your multiplication tables!”  These along with many goodbye hugs are the send-off messages teachers and principals use on the last day of school.  By the time children are in the third grade, they can easily finish these farewell messages for you.

Students LOVE solving alpha-numeric codes!  My latest FREEBIE combines end-of-the-year expressions with alpha-numeric codes.  These can be used with grades first through third.

end of the school year expressions

End of the School Year Messages

Here’s how it works.  Students are given an alpha-numeric key.  The letters from the year-end message are included in the key.  A letter is used once in the key regardless of how many times it is used within the message.  Then, the letters are assigned numerals.  One numeral is positioned above each letter.

end of the school year activities

Read Lots of Books!

Blank lines are printed below the key.  There is one blank line for every letter within the message.  Blank lines are grouped together to spell one word.  Space is placed between groups of blank lines to separate words.

alphabet-numeral codes

Last Day of School Send-off Messages

Students use the alpha-numeric key to find and write the appropriate letters in the blanks.


An End-of-the-Year Message!

The finished work reveals the end of the year message which the children can then read!

We want our students’ activities to be rich and meaningful.  In order for alpha-numeric decoding activities to transcend to that level, we MUST provide students with the opportunity to CREATE their own codes!  Otherwise, it’s just a fun activity without causing higher order thinking to take place.  Included with this freebie is a page where students finish writing the numerals above the designated letters.  The numerals can be written in random order or a number pattern such as skip counting could be used.  Then, they write the numerals below the blanks to create the coded message.  They trade papers with a classmate and solve the message.

make your own code

Finish the Code and Plot the Message

Get your FREEBIE by clicking on the image shown below:

end-of-yearIf you have students that are ready for the challenge of creating a coded message with little on no support, you can also grab the page shown below.  It will provide students with detailed directions on how to create a coded message.  Due to the level of difficulty, this page is not included in the file above.  If you have advanced students that are gifted in this area, they will eat this up!


Make a Coded Message

Post created by Molly McMahon, Lessons by Molly

 Lessons by Molly’s Teachers Pay Teachers Shop

Lessons by Molly’s Blog

Spring into Grammar (Part 2) for Grades 4-6

By Deann Marin at the Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs

Socrates LanternHeader Graphic small

Offering for Educators, Comprehensive Teaching Aides. If you’d like to see what else I have to offer please visit my store.

Spring has sprung the grass has riz, I wonder where the birdies is? This is what was going through my mind as I made this item. It is a spring grammar bundle for grades 4-6. Included are  worksheets to help reinforce the 4 types of sentences (Interrogative, Declarative, Imperative  and Exclamatory), Contractions and  Possessives. 

Click on image to visit Socrates Lantern's Tpt Store

Click on image to visit Socrates Lantern’s Tpt Store




Pages    3–4             Teacher Instructions

Pages    5-7              Four Kinds of Sentences

Pages    8-10            Spring into Contractions

Pages    11-13          Spring into Possessives

Pages    14-19          Answers


  • Four Kinds of Sentences:
  1. If the sentence is Declarative put a D on the line, if the sentence is Imperative put an I on the line, if the sentence is  Interrogative put a ? on the line , if the  sentence is                Exclamatory put an E on the line.  Put the correct punctuation at the end of the sentence.  * Some sentences may be Imperative and Exclamatory, so put I, E .
  2. Write 2 sentences for each type:  Declarative, Imperative,  Declarative, Interrogative. Be sure to use  correct punctuation.
  • Spring into Contractions:
  1. Write the contraction for the words you see in the box.                                                                    
  2. Write the long form of the contraction.
  3. Choose 10 contractions and write sentences using them.
  • Spring into Possessives  
    1. Write the possessive for each sentence.  (his, our, mine, your, hers,  ours, their) One word is used twice.
    2. Put a line under the possessives that are written correctly.
    3. Choose 10 possessives and write a sentence for each one

      Click on image to visit Socrates Lantern’s Personal Blog


      Graphics by My Cute Graphics



      Copyright© 2014 Deann Marin (Socrates Lantern)
      All rights reserved by author.
      Permission for downloads to copy for single classroom use only. Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only. Not for public display.

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Book Review Banner and Report Activities

TPT book banner activities Final blog pic jpeg

Need a great activity to finish out the school year?

This unit includes three engaging activities that are perfect for any time of the year. They can be used with any book! The best part is that they make a super cute display in your classroom.  It’s a fun way for the students to look at the elements of a story. You may choose to have them all do the same book, but I love letting them pick out the book of their choice. It’s a great way to get them motivated about reading!

Activities included: Book Review Banner, Book Review Trifold(brochure), and book report(graphic organizer and final draft)

Visit my store for more great products! Click the follow me button and be notified when new products are added!

Happy Teaching!
Third Grade to the Core





School Memories Grades (Grades 3-6) FREEBIE

By Deann Marin at The Best of Teachers Entrepreneurs

Socrates LanternHeader Graphic small

Offering for Educators, Comprehensive Teaching Aides. If you’d like to see what else I have to offer please visit my store

This is an end of the year FREEBIE for grades 4-6 called,”School Memories.” Children are to add a photo of themselves or draw one, and answer some questions about their school year. There is also a page for autographs. It will be so nice for the kids to look back at this and remember their wonderful school experiences. I truly hope that both you and your class enjoy using this FREEBIE. 

School Memories 8X8 Cover

School Memories 1

School Memories



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Tpt Store


Graphics by My Cute Graphics


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End of the Year Arithmetic Game and Worksheet Bundle (Grades 2-4 & Sp.Ed.)

 By Deann Marin at the Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs
Socrates LanternHeader Graphic small

Offering for Educators, Comprehensive Teaching Aides. If you’d like to see what else I have to offer please visit my store.

Has it ever seemed like the school year will never end and you find yourself counting the days and hours until summer vacation. You are in desperate need of some fun learning and reinforcement activities for your class because they are already on vacation. I’ve been there and I know exactly how it feels, so, I have created an End of the Year Arithmetic Game and Worksheet Bundle that may just do the trick.
End of the Year addit,subt,mult,div board game for grades 2-4 8x8 Cover
This is an end of the year arithmetic fact review that can be used for grades 2-4 and Special Education it consists of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts from 1-12. All of the facts are on flash cards that may be used for the card game, “Spring into Summer War,” and the board game, “Spring Up, or Fall Down.” There are answer sheets for the class to use to make sure they have said the correct answer. When games are finished, there are worksheets that can be used as class work or homework. Just for fun, some pictures are at the end for coloring.
What’s Inside:
Pages 4-7         Instructions for Teacher
Page 8              Spring Up or Fall Down Game Board
Pages 10-12     Addition Tables Answer Sheets
Pages 13 52     Addition Cards
Pages 54-56     Subtraction Tables Answer Sheets
Pages 57-80     Subtraction Cards
Pages 82-84      Multiplication Tables Answer Sheets
Pages 85-122    Multiplication Cards
Pages 124-126  Division Tables Answer Sheets
Pages 127-166  Division Cards
Pages 168-183  Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication
                           & Division Worksheets
Pages 184-200 Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication
                     & Division Answer Sheets
Pages 201-202 Pages to Color

Graphics by
My Cute Graphics
Ta-Doodles Illustrations


Please visit Socrates Lantern’s Social Media Sites

Beginning and end of year math review 


Beginning & End Of Year Math Review would be a great packet for reviewing math skills at the beginning and end of the year .

This resource includes:

**Write the number words in each box.
**Counting by 10.
**Counting by 5.
**Flip Flop Addition and Subtraction.
**Roll 2 dice ,Add them up and color the picture.
**Double-digit Addition.(without regrouping)
**Double-digit Subtraction.(without regrouping)
**Roll 3 dice, add them up and color.
**Solve each word problem using number-line.(2 pages)
**Draw the hands on each clock.
**Compare the numbers.
**Make ten.
**Place value. 
**Write the missing number in the sequence
**Make a number bond.
**Geometry.(2 pages)

My TpT store

Thank you,


Time For Review!!

Lots of Bingo Games, Task Cards w/ QR Codes, and many other ways to review your year’s worth of lessons – just in time for end of year testing!!

Great Review Games!

Great Review Games!

Fun for the whole class!

Fun for the whole class!


Kids love Bingo – and in each of these games they will actively review the processes you’ve taught for counting money, telling time, finding perimeter, area, and volume, fractional parts, and identifying, adding, and subtracting decimals.  Tons of fun for students, and easy review activities for teachers!

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative – Categories

Hi everyone,

Thanks for stopping by our Word Press blog, The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative.  Click on the categories posted on the right hand column to find particular lessons. Below is a list of the categories.

Have fun exploring TBOTEMC,









FREE LESSONS & PRICED LESSONS – The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs


  • PreKindergarten
  • Kindergarten
  • 1st Grade
  • 2nd Grade
  • 3rd Grade
  • 4th Grade
  • 5th Grade
  • 6th Grade
  • 7th Grade
  • 8th Grade
  • 9th Grade
  • 10th Grade
  • 11th Grade
  • 12th Grade
  • College


  • 100th Day
  • 4th of July
  • Christmas
  • Easter
  • End of the Year
  • Father’s Day
  • Flag Day
  • Halloween
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Memorial Day
  • Mother’s Day
  • New Year’s Day
  • Presidents’ Day
  • St. Patrick’s Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Veteran’s Day