Tag Archives : common core

Complete Tone and Mood in Literature Bundle + Connotation and Denotation

Teach BeTween the Lines

Grades 9-12+

Teach your students how to understand the complex topic of tone and mood in literature!
1. Lesson on Tone and Mood
2. Lesson on Connotation/Denotation
3. Tone and Mood Exploration through music, video games, film, art, literature, photography, and memes!
4. Tone and Mood Mini-Lesson
5. Tone and Mood Notes
6. Tone and Mood Project- over 8 choices for summative assessments!
7. Bell Ringer Activities- for each day of the unit!

Lesson on Tone and Mood: Students learn more about tone and mood through literature, film trailers, art, and advertisements. Class discussions are built into the PowerPoint and Google Slides Presentation.

Lesson on Connotation/Denotation: Students learn the impact of word choice on the author’s tone. Lesson includes a collaborative and engaging student activity to practice and apply skills! My students rave about it!

Tone and Mood Exploration: Students explore tone and mood through music, video games, film, art, literature, photography, and memes! This collaborative (or independent) activity is student driven. Differentiated worksheets support students of all levels! Students practice and apply their knowledge of tone to varying subjects and mediums. It is perfect to show students that similar subjects can take on a vary different tone given the context.

Tone and Mood Mini-Lesson: Offer struggling students extra support with this small group mini-lesson and note taking guide. Google Slides/Doc and PowerPoint/Word options provided!

Tone and Mood Summative Assessment: Offer students voice and choice with 9 different engaging and interesting summative assessment options for demonstrating knowledge of the standard. All rigorous assessment options ask students to think critically and synthesize knowledge gleaned throughout the unit.

I have recently opened my teaching style to include a personalized learning platform of teaching and learning. I have started offering more voice and choice in learning options, as well as assessment options. I have included both a standard set of lesson plans, as well as a personalized learning plan and 9 day outline of teaching, coaching, and assessing options for both models of instruction.

If your students are new to the personalized learning model, I have included a Google Slides/PowerPoint Presentation to introduce and support your learners as you shift in your teaching style.

Google Slides and Google Document links provided as well as Word, PowerPoint, and PDF Documents included.

CCSS Standards:

I am happy to support you throughout this unit, offer advice, suggestions, or feedback as you work to personalize learning. Email me at [email protected]

I also have a blog series dedicated to supporting teachers as they personalize learning- feel free to check this out for more detailed implementation ideas: So, You Have Been Asked To Personalize Learning- What Now?

Follow my store by clicking on the link at the top of the page for updates, announcements, and fun freebies! You can also find me on PinterestFacebook, and My Blog!

Other top selling lessons to consider (since your shopping anyway!):
In-Text Citation Lesson, Practice, and Assessment
Analyzing Arguments with Dr. King’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail
Analyze an Author’s Argument with Atticus Finch’s Closing Arguments-
Ethos, Pathos, Logos- The Three Pillars of Persuasion
Rhetorical Analysis Unit Bundle
Rhetoric- Ethos/Pathos/Logos Bell Ringer Activities!
Allusions in Literature Unit Bundle- Allusion Lessons
Logical Fallacies made Easy!
Literary Analysis Made Easy

Math Lesson – “Common Core Assessments – All 3rd Grade Math Standards!”

By: Thirdgradetriumph

Grades: 3rd (could enrich 2nd graders or be used as progress monitoring RTI for 4th graders).


Check it out in my store by clicking the picture above!


Are you tired of searching all over the internet to find quality math assessments that are not only aligned to the Common Core, but can also be used as a progress monitoring tool or an enrichment tool? Well then search no more, because this is the set of assessments for you! These assessments are aligned for the 3rd grade common core, but can also be used to review 4th grade math concepts and to enrich 2nd graders. These are quality assessments that will help you determine if your students have achieved mastery of a particular standard and these assessments will help you differentiate your math instruction too! The progress monitoring graphs included will allow you to keep data on your students progress and you can even manage tier 1 interventions if you use the RTI (response to intervention) model. Answer keys are provided in this product along with two quality assessments for each math standard in third grade.


Check out my TPT store!

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Teach Your Students This Gerund “Trick”!

Gerunds, infinitives, and participles, OH MY! Yeah. . .they are not the most titillating thing in the world to teach. In fact, when I had to teach the unit, I had to relearn all the terminology all over again (honestly, I don’t even recall any of my teachers specifically teaching the “gerund.” Hmmmm). Thus, why I think the most confusing aspect of the Verbals is the gerund: firstly, it’s hard to pronounce, and, secondly, what the HECK is its function?! (Even though I pronounced it correctly several times a day, half the students still insisted on calling it a “Grrrr-uh-nd.” Um. Nope, but as long as you know what it does, you could call it “Sally” for all I care! 🙂 )

Anywho, I came up with a “trick” that works almost every time when trying to detect a gerund in a sentence. I call it the “IT” rule. “IT” definitely helped my students become much more clear on if the -ing word was a gerund or just a participle. So here is my simple  “IT” trick:

Because a gerund functions as a noun, I taught my students to replace the -ing word with a noun in the sentence: “IT.” If the sentence still makes sense, it’s probably (stress the probably) a gerund. For example:

Example 1: She loves dancing.

Change to: She loves IT.

YEP! We have a gerund!

Example 2: She is dancing in the rain.

Change to: She is IT in the rain.

Hmmm, NOPE. Not a gerund.

You may not like this trick or it may work really well for you. Either way, I am just glad I can share!

Happy gerund-ing!


Two products to help you teach this unit:

VerbalsJPGCloze Test












Your Best Draft Banner

FREE LESSON: Using Book Trailers in the Classroom

By:  The Owl Teacher

Grades 2-5




I love to get students hooked on reading and with all the technology in their faces, I thought I’d take advantage of that.  I decided it was time to hook them on book trailers.

Book Trailers are just like movie trailers, where they show you clipits of the book.  It’s usually just enough to get you excited and want to read the book.  You can find many book trailers on the internet to interest your students.

Since we have so many standards to tackle, this project was amazing at meeting many of them – including technology, writing, and reading.

You can read all about it here at my blog- along with receiving a free download of the expectations and a grading rubric.  While you are there, consider following my blog or signing up for my newsletter where you can get freebies once a month!

Happy Teaching!


Be sure to follow me so you are up-to-date on all my products, freebies, tips, and much more!
Copyright of The Owl Teacher.  All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.  I love it when you share my products with your colleagues but please do so legally!  Thank you!

FREE LESSON: Reading Ladder of Complexity

By:  The Owl Teacher

Grades 2-5

With the new common core, we now have to make sure our students are reading at their highest able level and that their text is more complex than before.  It’s in the standards, whether anyone likes it or not.

During a reading workshop that I attended, I heard about this idea that helps release students gradually into the world of more complex texts.  It’s called using the ladder of complexity.


Here students start reading a book that they would normally choose and then work their way up to a more complex text.  They also explain why they believe the book is more complex.  Of course, you can always make sure you instruct students on what makes a text more complex.  There is more detailed information on my blog where you can download this free organizer.  Just click here.

Happy Teaching!


Be sure to follow me so you are up-to-date on all my products, freebies, tips, and much more!
Copyright of The Owl Teacher.  All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.  I love it when you share my products with your colleagues but please do so legally!  Thank you!

FREE LESSON – Speaking and Listening Task Cards

By:  The Owl Teacher

Grades 2- 5

Common Core is now focusing on more than just simple reading skills and strategies!  It’s also making sure that your students are able to communicate and listen well.  (Of course, my district was implementing something similar prior but it was not emphasized as much as now.)

I struggled in the beginning trying to figure out just how I was going to teach my third graders to listen.  Imagine – if there was ever a teacher that could actually 100% teach students to listen… he or she would be sensation!  A millionaire…

Ah, but I’m not here to dream or to convince you that I have the fool proof secret.  But I am here to give you a FREE tool that I use in the classroom to help my students work on this important life skill!


First head over to my blog by clicking here and download these really neat task cards!  Then print them in the colors you desire, cut them out, and laminate them back to back.  Cut a small slit along the bottom of the laminated card to insert a craft stick with a dab of hot glue.  Viola!  You have handy task cards!  (Of course, you can eliminate the stick!)


Here is a picture of both sides so you can see the thinking stems for both the speaker and the listener:

Speaking and Listening Cards

I hope these cards are useful for implementing those common core standards of speaking and listening… and hey, if you do manage to figure out the mysterious way to get *any* kid to truly 100% listen, be sure to let me know!  🙂

Happy Teaching,


Be sure to follow me so you are up-to-date on all my products, freebies, tips, and much more!

Copyright of The Owl Teacher.  All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.  I love it when you share my products with your colleagues but please do so legally!  Thank you!


MATH LESSON – Place Value and Rounding Unit

By:  The Owl Teacher

3rd Grade

I love Math Workshop!

Ever since the implementation of reading workshop and writing workshop, I have been hooked!

I love the structure of it and how engaging it is for kids.  Plus, with all these students struggling to focus for long periods of time- it’s perfect for them!

Since most people are relatively new to math workshop, I have created detailed and engaging lesson plans to help teachers implement it in their classroom, without the fear of losing important instructional time while learning all the many other new practices!


My Place Value and Rounding Unit (Titled Number Sense) is a great unit to start off Math Workshop with!  In this unit, there are 15 days of detailed, scripted lesson plans!  Of course, you are not obligated to utilize the script, it is only there to assist you in becoming familiar with the workshop language.

This unit contains a pretest to help you target the specific needs of your students along with a post test to see how well it went!  Additionally it contains the all important common core vocabulary on cards for your word wall or anytime you need them.

Each lesson contains a warm up activity, a mini-lesson, guided practice, independent practice, and a closing!  Of course there are also practice sheets, answer keys, and games to assist your students in learning!

Of course, it’s a hands-on unit, so you can expect lots of concrete activities with manipulatives to help all learners grasp the important common core standards.  Finally, to ensure I meet the various needs in your classroom, each lesson contains intervention suggestions and enrichment options!

This Workshop Unit is DEFINITELY worth it!

Read some of the reviews received so far:

Beth says:  “This product is AMAZING! Not only have you have thought of every single detail, but you have laid it out in a beautiful way that is easy for kids to use and keeps them engaged. Thank you for including visuals like anchor charts for each lesson and vocabulary cards. This will really help the students understand the concepts more clearly. I especially love that you even included scripted lesson plans. They will be really helpful when I have tutors or others pull kids for intensive intervention because it will guide them on exactly what to say! I also appreciate that you included standards for grades 2-4 so that these lessons can both remediate and enrich depending on the needs of the students. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Will you be making more sets for other math standards? (I hope so!)”

Mary says:  “Wow! You have put a lot of time and thought into this unit. It will be wonderful to have something to help me with guided math workshop for my students with special needs. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with 3 groups, but this will help me teach everyone the basic concept and then differentiate to meet their needs!”

You can check out this unit for yourself by clicking here to head on over to my Teachers Pay Teachers store!

For UPDATES and FREEBIES in future, look for the GREEN STAR near my store name and CLICK it to become a FOLLOWER.

Happy Teaching!


Be sure to follow me so you are up-to-date on all my products, freebies, tips, and much more!

Copyright of The Owl Teacher.  All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.  I love it when you share my products with your colleagues but please do so legally!  Thank you!


MATH – “Math Workshop Can Work For YOU!”

By:  The Owl Teacher

Grades 3-5

There are so many workshops out there- Reading Workshop, Writing Workshop, and even Math Workshop!  Just when you get one down, the another comes around!  The nice thing is, they are very much alike!  Even if you are feeling a bit overwhelmed or exhausted, I can make it easy for you!

Math Workshop Guided Math

Head on over to my blog where I have posted lots of information regarding math workshop and how to make it work in your classroom – without being overwhelmed and exhausted!

I love math workshop and you can too!  Click here to read my post on making math workshop work in your classroom!

Click here to read my Math Workshop – Guided Math Series!

Follow my Blog to be up-to-date on all my new math workshop posts (and much more like freebies, tips, and other useful information!)

Follow The Owl Teacher’s Blog 

Follow The Owl Teacher’s Facebook Page

Follow The Owl Teacher’s Pinterest

Follow The Owl Teacher’s Teachers Pay Teachers Store



Copyright of The Owl Teacher.  All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.  I love it when you share my products with your colleagues but please do so legally!  Thank you!

FREE MATH LESSON – “Multiplication Strategies Mobile and More!”

The Owl Teacher – 3rd grade Math

The common core standard in third grade, 3.OA.1 states that we have to teach our students the various multiplication strategies such as equal grouping, repeated addition, using a number line, and forming arrays!  So, I created this fun and engaging lesson for you to choose from on which way you wanted students to demonstrate their understanding and use of these strategies!  It’s all found here in my Multiplication and Division Math Workshop Sampler!

Multiplication and Division Sampler Workshop

This exciting sampler comes with one complete scripted lesson from my Multiplication and Division Math Workshop Unit.  The lesson is in the math workshop format – with an opening, a mini-lesson, guided practice, independent practice, and a closing activity!

You can choose to have students represent their understanding of the multiplication strategies by the adorable 4 door foldable or the star mobile!  (My blog contains information about how to create it as a Hot Air Balloon too!  Click here to see that post!)


To download this exciting FREEBIE just click on the picture above of the cover  (or click here)where it will take you to my Teachers Pay Teachers Store to download it!  While you are there, follow my store so you can be up-to-date on all newly posted math workshop products!

Multiplication strategies foldable and mobileOther related products you may enjoy:

Multiplication and Division Complete Workshop Unit

Multiplication and Division Fact Fluency Program

Don’t forget to follow my blog and social media sites forgreat freebies, tips, and ideas!

The Owl Teacher’s Blog

The Owl Teacher’s Facebook Page

The Owl Teacher’s Pinterest Page




Copyright The Owl Teacher.  All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.  I love it when you share my products with your colleagues but please do so legally!  Thank you!


MATH: Complete Math Workshop Lesson Plan Unit for Time

The Owl Teacher

Grade 3 Math

What’s the newest and hottest trend in math right now?  That’s right! Math Workshop!  Would you like to implement math workshop but don’t know how?  Are you new to math workshop and are still trying to figure it out?  Why not let me do that work for you!

Time Math Workshop Lesson PlansI’ve created some complete math workshop units just for you!  My newest unit on Time is complete with the following:

*15 days of complete lesson plans

*A unit overview

*Vocabulary and Word Wall Word Cards

*Time Pretest

*Scripted Lesson Plans to assist with the language of math workshop (Perfect for substitutes!)

*Warm Up Activities for each lesson

*Anchor Charts

*Mini-lesson materials

*Guided practice and independent practice activities


*Review practice sheets

*Interventions for each lesson for remediation

*Extensions for each lesson for enrichment

*Closings such as ticket out the door or mini-assessments

*Post Test

*Answer Keys

You can check it out here in my store (click on the link):

The Owl Teacher’s Math Workshop Units

I’m constantly creating new products – including more units in math workshop!  Follow my store to get updates on the newest materials!


The Owl Teacher’s TpT Store

Don’t forget to follow my blog and social media for lots of tips, ideas, and freebies!

The Owl Teacher’s Facebook

The Owl Teacher’s Blog

The Owl Teacher’s Pinterest

The Owl Teacher on Twitter


Copyright The Owl Teacher.  All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.  I love it when you share my products with your colleagues but please do so legally!  Thank you!

Math Lesson – “Engaging Math Centers 3rd Grade Standards”

By: Thirdgradetriumph

Grades: 2nd, 3rd, and 4th






Let’s play a math game! This huge pack of over 80+ pages of card games, board games, and assessment activities to practice 3rd grade math CCSS. This is a perfect way to jazz up your math centers and instruction with this fun and engaging pack! Be sure to check out the preview!

What’s included:
Math Go Round (practice essential math skills in this fun activity around the room. Get’s students up and out of their seats) – Assess a majority of 3rd grade math CCSS

Division Bingo (fun and engaging way to review division concepts) – 3.OA.7

Divide-O! (fun card game designed to review and practice division) – 3.OA.7 and 3.OA.5

Fractiontastic (fun and engaging activity to complete around the room. Also, a great way to review fractions!) – 3.NF.1, 3.NF.2, 3.NF.3

Expanded Form Headbandz (practice standard and expanded form with digits up to the hundred thousands with the classic game headbandz. You don’t need the actual game to play this one, you can make your own headbandz out of sentence strips and paperclips!) – 3.NBT.1

Don’t get it Twisted (practice multiplication facts with TWISTER. You don’t need the actual game of twister to play this. You can, like I did, make my own twister game mat by using white butcher paper and printing out the appropriate colors as the circle spots, then laminating for durability.) – 3.OA.7


This pack is sure to engage your students and have them coming back for more! It’s a perfect way to break away from the ordinary and have your students practice math concepts in an engaging and fun way. They will have so much fun that they will forget they are learning/reviewing. My kids always beg for more!


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Check out my store!

Math Lesson – “Common Core Assessments – All 3rd Grade Math Standards!”

By: Thirdgradetriumph

Grades: 3rd (could enrich 2nd graders or be used as progress monitoring RTI for 4th graders).


Check it out in my store by clicking the picture above!

Are you tired of searching all over the internet to find quality math assessments that are not only aligned to the Common Core, but can also be used as a progress monitoring tool or an enrichment tool? Well then search no more, because this is the set of assessments for you! These assessments are aligned for the 3rd grade common core, but can also be used to review 4th grade math concepts and to enrich 2nd graders. These are quality assessments that will help you determine if your students have achieved mastery of a particular standard and these assessments will help you differentiate your math instruction too! The progress monitoring graphs included will allow you to keep data on your students progress and you can even manage tier 1 interventions if you use the RTI (response to intervention) model. Answer keys are provided in this product along with two quality assessments for each math standard in third grade.

Check out my TPT store!

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Do your students need more practice or to learn all Exponent Laws?

These worksheets are perfect to teach, review, or reinforce Exponent skills! These worksheets cover all 9 laws of Exponents and may be used to glue in interactive notebooks, used as classwork, homework, quizzes, etc. Tips, Instructions, & More are included.


Perfect for teaching & reviewing the laws and operations of Exponents.


For 5th Grade & Middle School some of the sheets may be used for GATE.  Covers CCSS Standards:  5.NBT.A.2 • 6.EE.A.1 • 8.EE.A.1 • HSN.RN.A.1 • HSN.RN.A.2.  Perfect for Interactive Notebooks!


Learn more about these worksheets and other great teaching resources here…..

Laws of Exponents Worksheets.


 Best Wishes,
M Moore

Certified K-6, 6-9 math, and 6-9 science

MMoore Educational Resources

TpT Store: Moore-Resources

TpT Store






©2015 M Moore, M Moore Educational Resources,

You may share, pin, like, & repin.


Math Lesson – “Engaging Math Centers 3rd Grade Standards”

By: Thirdgradetriumph

Grades: 2nd, 3rd, and 4th






Let’s play a math game! This huge pack of over 80+ pages of card games, board games, and assessment activities to practice 3rd grade math CCSS. This is a perfect way to jazz up your math centers and instruction with this fun and engaging pack! Be sure to check out the preview!

What’s included:
Math Go Round (practice essential math skills in this fun activity around the room. Get’s students up and out of their seats) – Assess a majority of 3rd grade math CCSS

Division Bingo (fun and engaging way to review division concepts) – 3.OA.7

Divide-O! (fun card game designed to review and practice division) – 3.OA.7 and 3.OA.5

Fractiontastic (fun and engaging activity to complete around the room. Also, a great way to review fractions!) – 3.NF.1, 3.NF.2, 3.NF.3

Expanded Form Headbandz (practice standard and expanded form with digits up to the hundred thousands with the classic game headbandz. You don’t need the actual game to play this one, you can make your own headbandz out of sentence strips and paperclips!) – 3.NBT.1

Don’t get it Twisted (practice multiplication facts with TWISTER. You don’t need the actual game of twister to play this. You can, like I did, make my own twister game mat by using white butcher paper and printing out the appropriate colors as the circle spots, then laminating for durability.) – 3.OA.7


This pack is sure to engage your students and have them coming back for more! It’s a perfect way to break away from the ordinary and have your students practice math concepts in an engaging and fun way. They will have so much fun that they will forget they are learning/reviewing. My kids always beg for more!


Pin it!

Check out my store!

Middle School – Let’s Play 24 Exponential Challenge

Let’s Play 24 Exponential Challenge!

A great way to engage students in learning and reviewing Exponents!

Let's Play 24 Exponential Challenge


Include something new on Exponents this year….

A Challenging Game with 120 Tasks on Exponents with 48 Test Prep Tasks Included.

★ Included ★

5 sets of TASK CARDS

Set 1 – Basic Exponent problems to Solve, 24 Task Cards & Answer Key
• Set 2 – Product Laws of Exponents, 24 Task Cards & Answer Key
• Set 3 – Quotient Laws of Exponents, 24 Task Cards & Answer Key
• Set 4 – Test Prep 1 – Basics of Exponents, 24 Task Cards & Answer Key
• Set 5 – Test Prep 2 – Product & Quotient Laws of Exponents, 24 Task Cards & Answer Key
• 1 Page – End page of Important Information.


A great bundle to teach, review, or reteach operations with Exponents.

For 5th & 6th Grade several items may be used for Teaching the basics of Exponents and

used for GATE so students are more prepared to deal with the operations of Exponents

in 8th Grade and High School.


NOTE: The task cards do not include the Fractional Laws of Exponents.

That is covered in the exponents worksheets product in my store.

Also: If you are an international client, the exponent products are a great resource.

There is a blank recording sheet in the ‘Let’s Play 24 Challenge Game’ you may write in Orders or Indices.  Also, you may ‘white out’ any exponent terminology and write in orders & indices to utilize the products.

5.NBT.A.2 • 6.EE.A.1 • 8.EE.A.1 • HSN.RN.A.1 • HSN.RN.A.2


Click Here to get the ‘Let’s Play 24 Exponential Challenge’! 


Check out all of my Exponent Products by Clicking Here! 


More Numbers, Expressions, & Equation products along with other products I’m currently working on will be added throughout the year in my TpT store!



Best Wishes, M Moore

Certified K-6, 6-9 math, and 6-9 science

TpT Store ~ https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Moore-Resources

Pinterest ~ https://www.pinterest.com/mooreeducresour/

Facebook ~ https://www.facebook.com/mooreeducationalresources

©2015 M Moore, Moore Resources, You may share, pin, like, share, & repin, just not copy


Math Bundle of Engaging Activities to Start your Units



250+ Pages of My Collection of Math Activities

Graphic Organizers ~ Activities ~ Assessments ~ Projects ~ Cooperative Learning ~

GREAT for Any Pre-Algebra Class or Reteaching/Review in 9th Grade!

Additional {Editable} Lesson Plans and more now included!!!

 Engage your students with excellent visual tasks and stations!  A Great way to start your math units this year in 8th Grade with the ULTIMATE Math Pack of Activities!!!  Perfect for Interactive Notebooks, Stations, and More.


• Pythagorean Theorem Bundle with Real World Word Problems
• Pythagorean Theorem Poster
• Pythagorean Theorem PowerPoint
• Pythagorean Theorem Lesson Plans
• Real Number System Bundle of Activities
• Real Number System Poster
• Real Number System Lesson Plans
• Geometry Vocabulary Activities
• Geometry Lesson Plans
• Time to Get Ready Statistics and Probability Lesson
• Read, Write, Debate, Math Lesson (meets 11 ELA standards with math vocabulary)

Skill Builders and Additional Files Included
• Properties of Addition & Multiplication Tasks
• Properties of Addition & Multiplication Lesson Plans
• Fraction, Decimal, Percent Challenge
• Multiplication Dice Game
• Rules of Decimal Graphic Organizer
• Fun Testing Signs for test days
• The ULTIMATE sub binder.


Click to Get the 8th Grade Math Bundle or

visit my TpT Store for more Engaging Products!!




Best Wishes, M Moore 

Certified K-6, 6-9 math, and 6-9 science

TpT Store ~ https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Moore-Resources

Pinterest ~ https://www.pinterest.com/mooreeducresour/

Blog ~ http://mooreeducresources.blogspot.com/

Facebook ~ https://www.facebook.com/mooreeducationalresources


©2015 M Moore, Moore Resources.  You may share, like and repin!


Print and Go – 5 U.S. Regions Scavenger Hunt Bundle

Combine literacy and social studies while letting your students have fun! Your students will love these 5 scavenger hunts about the U.S. Regions.  This is a bundle of the 5 regions into one, so you can click print and have a great supplemental activity for your class. Each region contains 25 task cards for a total of 120 task cards and 120 questions for the bundle.  Your students will learn at least one fact for state and also national monuments, famous buildings, national parks and tourist attractions.


Slide1You can use these cards in anyway you want for your classroom, but this is how I use them in my class.


1.  Print the region that you are currently working on in class.

2.  Cut the task cards apart and print the student questions for students.

3.  Tape the cards around your classroom or hallway.

4.  Let the students hunt for the cards and answer the questions on their sheets.

5.  Answer keys are included for quick grading.


My students beg me to keep working on this activity and I really truly believe that the movement of walking around the classroom searching for cards helps them remember more facts.

You can find this resource HERE!

US Regions Scavenger Hunt – BUNDLE

Here is an example of the task cards and questions from the Northeast Region.











Thank you for viewing this post.  I hope this helps you in your classroom!

Sara Oberheide




MyMath Chapter 2 for 5th Grade – Supplemental Resources

Chapter 2 is FINISHED!!



I’m working my way through each chapter of MyMath for 5th grade, putting together extra resources for teachers and students.


I’m finally finished with Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 will start very quickly. So,  here it is!  Included are 3 sets of task cards, worksheets with a spiral curriculum, posters, I Can statements and more!  60 total pages of great support!


You can find it here


3 sets of task cards for students to practice their math skills in a fun way.



Your kids will love this resource.  My 5th graders do!  Thanks for viewing!

Sara Oberheide



This vocabulary worksheet is a great resource to introduce students from grades 3-8 and Spanish I in High School to a basic family vocabulary list. It will help them to understand proper gender/noun combinations. Great beginning for them to write a little paragraph about their families combining possessive pronouns , verb “to be” an vocabulary words. For example.. Mi madre es…Enjoy…


Please check the “Family Project” lesson in my store to do an in depth project on family members combining personality traits, favorite activities and physical descriptions. Students will enjoy to create a Power point of their family members and present it in Spanish

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Reptiles Scavenger Hunt!


Slide1I started making these scavenger hunts to support science in my classroom. However, what I found was that these hunts are a great way to also support reading.  Students read to find information about reptiles and then answer questions.  It works great a supplement to your science curriculum.


Reptile Scavenger Hunt


Here is a picture of the task cards. There are 20 total task cards.  Hang them up around the room and it lets kids get moving while they answering questions. Trust me they will love this activity, my students beg for them.



Here is a picture of what the question pages look like.  One thing that I will be doing next year to extend my higher kids, is to have them write their own questions.  The lower learners can still participate with the already made questions.



This is my first science scavenger hunt, but I’m working on more this summer.  If you have a topic you would like a scavenger hunt for leave a comment for this post with your email and topic.


Sara Oberheide

TPT store


Cendrillon: A Caribbean Cinderella No Prep Unit

by Elizabeth Chapin-Pinotti

Grades 2, 3, 4

Cendrillon: A Caribbean Cinderella No Prep Unit

Chapin-Pinotti Cendrillon Cover

This is a no prep unit for “Cendrillon” by Robert D. San Souci. These engaging activities are turn-key…read the story to your class or have them read it as part of literature circles, go over the Cinderella story elements and engage them with these lessons!

Activities are naturally differentiated and aligned with the Common Core State Standards. Engaging interactive notebook pages included.


Table of Contents

Cinderella Elements
#1: Cendrillon Problem Solution Interactive Notebook Page
#2: Cendrillon Character Traits RL.3

#3: Godmother Character Traits RL.3
#4: Critical Thinking Literature Questions Interactive Notebook Page
#5: Ask and Answer Questions from the Story RL.1
#6: Inferring RL.6
#7: Cendrillon – What do you think? RL.1 and 3
#8: Problem/Solution Interactive Notebook Page RL.5
#9: Critical Thinking Questions
#10: About Cendrillon RL 1 and 2
#11: Recounting Cendrillon
#12: Character Motivation and Evidence RL.5
#13: Non-Fiction Quick Write: French Creole
#14 Cendrillon: Character Conflicts RL.1 and 3
#15 Sentence Sorting RL.2 Answers: 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 7, 6
#16 From Sentence Sorting to Essay Writing RL1 and 2
#17: Quick Write: Compare and Contrast RL.9
#18: Text-to-Text RL.9
#19: I Can Answer Questions About the Text RL.1

#20: Theme
#21: Moral RL.2
#22: Inferring RL.6
#23 Retell the Story through your Favorite Drawings RL.7
#24: Cause and Effect
#25: Cendrillon Report Card
#26; Cendrillon Book Review
Rubric for Constructed Response

Don’t for get to look at my other Cinderella Units!!

If you have any questions…please email me at [email protected]

Thanks for looking and have a great day!

Chapin-Pinotti: Cendrillon Sentence StripsChapin-Pinotti Cendrillon Interactive Notebook PageCendrillon Problem Solution

Frankenstein: Teacher’s Guide and Lesson Activity Unit Common Core Aligned

by Elizabeth Chapin-Pinotti

Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Link to Unit

Cover of Frankenstein

Cover of Frankenstein

This is a Common Core State Standards – Higher Order Thinking Unit for Mary Shelley’s classic novel “Frankenstein”.

Revised — new graphic organizers and activities for differentiated instruction included!!

Activity templates, vocabulary, chapter descriptions, teacher note pages, critical thinking comprehension questions by chapter, fluency and chapter-by-chapter close reading assignments are perfect for all level classrooms with some differentiation to span from intervention to AP settings. This unit also includes Socratic seminar/discussion plans as well as lessons around the gothic novel, theme and so much more.

The comprehension activities included herein are designed to spark learning and thinking, while partner activities will inspire critical thinking in both challenged and Advanced Placement learners. Dozens of reproducible student lessons are included as well as notes on chapter content, theme, genre and much more.

This interactive teacher’s guide will help you help your students gain a better understanding and appreciation of Mary Shelley and one of the greatest literary works of all time…Frankenstein.

The entire packet is available for previewing so please look to know exactly what you are getting.

Great video lesson clip to enhance this packet: Clipped Classic Video Lesson of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Common Core

Screen Shot 2015-04-19 at 7.23.24 AM Screen Shot 2015-04-19 at 7.23.54 AM Screen Shot 2015-04-19 at 7.24.04 AM Screen Shot 2015-04-19 at 7.24.14 AM

Language Arts: CinderHazel No Prep Unit: Common Core Aligned

3rd, 4th and 5th Grades

by Elizabeth Chapin-Pinotti 

CinderHazel Unit Cover

CinderHazel Unit Cover

Chapin-Pinotti CinderHazel Unit Activity from LessonThis is a no prep unit for Deborah Nourse Lattimore’s story “CinderHazel”. These engaging activities are turn-key…read the story to your class or have them read it as part of literature circles, go over the Cinderella story elements and engage them with these lessons!

Activities are naturally differentiated and aligned with the Common Core State Standards.

CinderHazel Book Unit Includes:

Table of Contents

Cinderella Elements
#1 CinderHazel Draw A Title Page
#2 Questions Along the Way
#3 CinderHazel Constructed Response Questions
#4 Story Connections for CinderHazel
#5 CinderHazel Characters
#6 CinderHazel Math Connections
#7 CinderHazel My Own Word Problems
#8 CinderHazel Comprehension
#9 CinderHazel Character Conflicts
#10 Sentence Sorting: CinderHazel
#11 Quick Write Compare and Contrast
#12 About the Author
#13 Story Summary
#14 Character Changes
#15 Text to Text – Connecting Texts
#16 My Thoughts While Reading CinderHazel
#17 Inferring Character Feelings
#18 Cause and Effect
#19 Compare and Contrast CinderHazel and Cinderella
#20 Cinderella Sentence Sorting
#21 From Sentence Sorting to Essay Writing

If you have any questions…please email me at [email protected]

Thanks for looking and have a great day!


CinderHazel Unit Activity

CinderHazel Unit Activity

CinderHazel Activity Chapin-Pinotti

Freebie! Exponents Matching


If your students are like mine, they need extra practice with exponents.  Why not let them practice in a fun way with QR codes.   This is one of my free products that was featured in the Teachers Pay Teachers Weekly Newsletter.

You can grab it for free by clicking here!




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Students scan the QR code for the answer and then match the exponent card.  It’s so much fun, your kids will love it!  To scan the QR code you will need to download a QR Reader on your device. There are many many free ones out there in the app store.

Sara Oberheide

Freebie – Multiplication Crossword Puzzles


This is a great way for your kids to get extra practice with double digit multiplication.  The best part is that it’s free! Included are 3 crossword puzzles to practice 2×1 digit, 3×1 digit, and 2×2 digit multiplication.


These crossword puzzles are great for extra practice, extension, homework, math centers, and much more.  You can find them at the link below!


Thank You,

Sara Oberheide

FREE – Money Bingo with Online Bingo Caller – Math Centers Pack

Free Money Bingo Pic

Get a Math Centers Pack

Designed for third and fourth grade math centers, Money Bingo features an online bingo caller that will work on most personal computers with internet access. It can also be played on an an interactive whiteboard. Use the online bingo caller to draw random question cards and to display called answers while students play along with their own printed bingo cards.

This download features 4 player cards that can be printed either in black and white or in color. I prefer to print in black and white, as the students need to make calculations and write on their bingo cards.

The game is common core aligned for Third and Fourth Grades as follows:

Third Grade:
CCSS Math Content 3.NBT.A.2
Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
-Making change for purchases made with five and ten dollar bills
-Adding / subtracting to determine difference between the amount of money available and the listed price (i.e. The listed price is $3.50. You have 90 cents. How much more money do you need?

Fourth Grade:
CCSS Math.Content.4.MD.A.2
Use the four operations to solve word problems involving distances, intervals of time, liquid volumes, masses of objects, and money, including problems involving simple fractions or decimals, and problems that require expressing measurements given in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit.
-Making change for purchases made with five and ten dollar bills
-Adding / subtracting to determine difference between the amount of money available and the listed price (i.e. The listed price is $3.50. You have 90 cents. How much more money do you need?
-Simple multiplication / division to determine money equivalents ( i.e. How many dimes are in a five dollar bill?)

Be sure to visit my website and try the bingo caller.

Click on the photo in this post to download a set of 4 player cards.
 [contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form] FREE Money Bingo with Online Caller – Third and Fourth Gradeshttp://teachersclassmate.com/freemoneybingoUSA.htm